In a world consumed by an unexpected and devastating apocalypse, humanity awakens to a new reality where each individual possesses extraordinary superhuman abilities. As the initial confusion and chaos settle, people gradually come to terms with their newfound powers, discovering both the immense potential and grave responsibilities that accompany them. Amidst this post-apocalyptic landscape, alliances form, communities rebuild, and factions emerge – some seeking to use their powers for good and others driven by selfish motives. We witness the formation of a powerful group of individuals who come together to maintain order and provide aid to survivors, known as The Guardians the most power organization who took the role of the Major power being the government and the the birth of a certain individual Belle Lanes who was born many years after the Apocalypse, awakened with a lot power Belle wants nothing but to live a quiet life out from human problems and struggle, he don't care for the prophecy foreshadowing what they said will be the second human disaster, he just wants to be rich and give himself a good life while living a quiet life.