
Surviving the Apocalypse in the Multiverse

All of it started on the Earth. The most Isolated planet in the entire Multiverse. Saying it was tragic would be a big understatement for the beings, named humans, on this planet. Well, maybe it was except for one, who only cared for himself and the closest beings to him... We don't know how, or why, he became like he did, and accomplished what he did. All we know, all the Multiverse knows, is that he didn't care for anything and wouldn't help anyone unless there was something in it for him. That is unless he felt like helping you or caring about something... but that came at a cost. Some say that you had to sell your soul to him, others say you became his loyal servant through black magic. What is fact and what is fiction, many don't know... about him who goes by the name of Dark King by some and Ruthless Adventurer by others. That is unless you are me, who sees him as someone else and by another name... And that is... I see him as a kind person to those he takes in as friends and a ruthless monster to his enemies. He is known to me by the name his parents gave him... the name Abel. --------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, so pleeeease take it easy on me. I hope that you can give me positive feedback, like telling me what you would like to see more of in the novel and what you think I can change. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the book, and anything you gift me so that I can do this full-time would make me appreciate you a lot.

MooingNymph · 奇幻
30 Chs

Pulsing and Confusion?!

[Day 6… I hope the little roach is okay…]

Khepri's light green, near-transparent markings on her body started to glow and pulse.

Her shaking started to subside until it finally stopped, and she said in a tired voice, 'Everything is fine, Mashta; I just gained a portion of the zombie's soul that went to the other part of my skill, Consuming Darkness.'

Surprised by what Khepri said but also understanding that she might be tired, Abel said gently while picking her up and placing her in his blazer's chest pocket, "It's okay, you can explain everything after having a good nap."

'Mmm…' Khepri replied with a mumbled answer as she dozed off in her king's pocket.

Abel, Omi, and Kylie went in and searched the room, finding some water bottles and snacks that Kylie opened to eat as she still hadn't eaten even after finding some snacks in the other rooms. They were trying to finish the search for food for today as fast as possible, as none of them knew what new things had appeared in the past three days.

They continued searching all the offices until they got to the left turn they had come from.

When they got there and saw the cracked wall and charred tiles, they were reminded of their fight with the two zrendza, giving them a reminder and reason to be careful.

They turned the corner and continued past the stairs, where they could still hear the zombies that were groaning downstairs.

After walking past the stairs, they came to the second left turn and continued on without a hitch as they were still being very careful.

The group searched every office along the way up until the fat zombie's office, as Abel liked to call him, as the man was a jackass even while he was alive.

As they searched the office, they found a variety of junk food, from crisps to sweets and cookies.

All of it went into Abel's inventory, which was slowly running out of space.

Luckily, it hadn't yet, as it could stack goods with similar properties, such as water bottles, crisps, and so on.

Still, he was running out of space and thought of finding a backpack with enough space to carry these things.

As they were exiting the room and turning left to continue down the corridor towards the Infirmary, they heard voices from outside the ceiling high windows.

Going to them, the trio looked down to see a group of ten kids sneaking along what used to be a neat gravel path but was now a veritable forest of weird flora.

"We have to stay quiet; otherwise, who knows what we'll find coming after us? I mean, what if this is like in those novels where goblins are real? We don't want to get captured by them." One of the girls with brown, short hair commented.

To which a girl that seemed extremely familiar to Abel, who had snow white hair and the bluest eyes he had ever seen, said in a cold voice, "I'm pretty sure that won't happen as the System announcement stated that the Primordial Mist was what caused the evolution of our surroundings and what caused people to turn into zombies, so I highly doubt that. So let's just keep moving forward and find a safe place, if there is any that is."

Suddenly, Abel remembered the little girl in his visions who was crying; obviously, it had been many years since then, but he knew for sure that the girl outside was his sister.

Yet he quickly remembered that he wasn't this body's owner, so why was he thinking this way? Why think of her as his own sister?

"Your souls were combined as soon as you were reborn into this body. Although it doesn't state that you have 20 Spirit in your status, that is because the Spirit stat cannot be increased by using SP, yet you are an anomaly as you can increase it through Envelop, so you still have one up on the humans in this world." As always, Omi was there to explain in her sweet voice.

"Thanks, Omi, so I'm both Abel and myself now?" Abel asked just to make sure and to clear up his confusion.

"Yes, you are, as your soul only added up to 15 Spirit which changed 10 to that one point, but when you gave that one point to Khepri, it only used 10 of your Spirit and nothing from Abel as it balanced your two Souls out, which is actually a good thing as you can now condense your soul properly now." Omi said as if this should all make sense to Abel, but looking at the constipated look on his face, it clearly did not.

"Sigh… You'll learn more about Soul condensation and other types of Multiversal Refinement methods when you're strong enough. Right now, though, we should set a goal to max your skills and get more of the same type of skills." Omi said this in exasperation and then turned serious as she spoke about maxing his skill percentages.

"But what about my sister? Can't we first go and group up with her first and then do that together with her?" Abel spoke in a pleading voice, as if he wanted to jump out of the window and get his sister back right away.

"Abel, you need to get stronger to venture out there if you want to bring Kylie and Khepri along with you. Otherwise, you'll get yourself killed if you aren't strong enough, especially with what's in this building. Those nine teenagers that just walked out of the first floor were already on the first floor. Yet we have three floors to go down to reach the bottom, and not all of them are like this one. The other floors have much stronger zombies. I mean, just look at the zrendza that we faced; those were level 0 because we were some of the very first prey that they faced. There are even more types of zombies on the other floors. I'm reaching the amount of information I can share with you; I can't even give you specifics, but just know you need to get stronger." Omi said it with a frown on her face and in an extremely serious tone that held not a hint of childishness within it.

Abel was quite surprised and even a bit fearful about what Omi said, as he never knew her senses could reach out that far and because of the dangers she mentioned and also the dangers that she hadn't.

"Huuu. Okay, thanks for telling me that, Omi. I'll do my best to get stronger from this point onwards." Abel said with a stern look upon his face and turned around.

What he saw, though, was not what he had expected, as Kylie was busy backing away from him with her hand out and was squinting her eyes at him.

"Who are you, and where's Abel? What do you mean by being reborn and having half of Abels soul inside you?" Kylie spoke with fear and anger in her voice as her hand began to glow with orange veins.

Abel quickly held up his hands and backed up to the window. Standing as still as possible, as he wasn't going to try something stupid lest the human flamethrower barbeque him.

"Kylie, I'm still Abel but also someone else. If you'd kindly put down the glowing hand and come with me to an office so that we can have a nice calm chat without anyone getting marshmallowed." Abel spoke in his calmest voice while a cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"No! Tell me now!" Kylie shouted, which caused them to hear groaning and scratching sounds down the hall.

Looking from down the hall and back to Kylie with his eyes wide, Abel said in a whisper through his gritted teeth, "Can we please go to an office before we get surrounded by zombies or something worse? I don't know about you, but I don't fancy becoming zombie snacks!"

He could see that Kylie was struggling, which, to be honest, he thought was understandable.

She had been the person that was closest to him over these past three years, and for her to hear that you were reborn or something might have caused her to have trust issues towards the boy.

"Sigh… Kylie, why would I help you when you were tied up and I had not done anything to you if I was that bad of a person, hmmm?" Abel spoke in a more gentle tone as he tilted his head forward to get her to look him in the eyes.

Kylie was looking back and forth with her eyes as Abel sighed once more, as he thought he had failed to convince her until she put her hand down.

"Alright, I'll trust you for now, but don't you dare try to make a move; otherwise, I'll roast your ass. Understood?" Kylie spoke in a fierce voice that was unlike hers.

When Abel witnessed this side of Kylie, he found it quite attractive, causing him to smirk, which caused Kylie to raise an eyebrow and make her hand glow, to which he put both hands up as a show of peace.

After their little quarrel was over with, they made their way, with Kylie keeping an eye on him while Omi was giggling her butt off at the situation, causing Abel to grumble inside at the injustice of it all.

Once they got into an office empty of any zombie brains and zombies, Kylie sat behind the desk and motioned for Abel to sit in front of her, which he did.

"Alright, so talk. Who were you or are you, and what happened to Abel?" Kylie said.

Abel scratched his head and decided to tell Kylie everything. About his past and present.


Sooo, I felt like posting an extra chapter for you guys today. Sorry for taking long to write the last few days, I'll also post 2 tomorrow.

MooingNymphcreators' thoughts