

Just a guy who will rise to the top of the food chain. read and enjoy. English is not my first language

oneaboveall_47 · 电影同人
40 Chs

Chapter 26- The Origin Part 3

Author POV

In an underground chamber, far below the surface of the earth, stood a majestic round table, its color a mix of green and black.

The pillars supporting the chambers stood tall and massive, seemingly having the capability to balance the entire earth, their colors a pitch black. Each pillar seemed to exude a raw ferocity, maybe because of their materials or age.

The entire hall was desolate, as if no one had been here for a long time, yet the hall was completely free of dust and filth.

Suddenly, there were twelve silhouettes around the table, as if they always stood there.

All their faces blurred, and their garments seemed to have some cloaking effect, hiding their builds.

But if their ability to appear here all of a sudden is considered, then they are most likely not simple individuals.

The haunting silence continued until a figure spoke in her feminine voice.

"Things have been set into motion," she said. The remaining eleven members stood still, their heads bowed, indicating her high position.

"Too many of these inferior lifeforms have died; it might affect our plans for the future," spoke another, with a voice hard to be assigned to any gender.

"Hmm." Their leader just made a little hum, completely uncaring of the deaths of these primitive natives.

"All part of Origin's plan and done under His observance, nothing will go wrong," replied another with piousness dripping in his voice.

"There is another sub-species of these natives across the sea on another continent. These two sub-species combined will be enough," said another calm voice.

"Yes, but it will take them a long time to cross the sea and breed with the primitives here," replied another voice.

"That'll be for the best; the current environment of this planet is not very hospitable," remarked another voice.

"Let nature take things at its own pace; let these inferior lifeforms evolve on their own; we have interfered enough," the feminine voice said, ending the discussion on this topic.

The hall once again fell into an uncomfortable silence.

The remaining members stood still, with their heads bowed towards the lady, showing an impeccable subservient nature.

"If I may, oh, chosen one," asked an hesitant voice.

The person in question remained silent and gestured with her head.

"Chosen one, what is the motive behind all this?. Why work so hard for millions of years to make this planet more hospitable for these primitives?" asked the hesitating voice.

"It's about time to tell all of you, since all the preparations are over," the feminine voice replied, garnering the attention of the rest.

With a pause of a few seconds, she continued.

"The Lord has chosen this planet to transcend," she replied. 

At this reply, the already-still members became even quieter, paying all their attention.

"One of these evolved natives would become His vessel to achieve excellence," she continued.

"But these natives are incapable of bearing his essence," questioned another.

"Yes, these natives are utter trash," she replied.

The chosen one disappeared and soon reappeared, holding a case.

The case was quaint and unremarkable, but the otherworldly light inside it seemed to hold the truth of all creation.

"This is!" In a rare display, one of the members lost his calm; others didn't chide him; their conditions were all the same.

Seeing their sub-standard actions, the chosen one let out an intangible wave, knocking sense into them.

All of them, realizing their mistakes, lowered their heads even further, almost touching the archaic table.

Seeing the order restored, the chosen one continued speaking.

"A part of the Lord's essence, this will soon be released on this planet. Bringing unimaginable changes to this primitive world.". She replied, and with her declaration, a silent wave was set off in the hearts of all the members present.

This is the essence of their lord; if they can merge with it, they will gain unimaginable benefits.

But these thoughts disappeared just as soon as they appeared. The Almighty One must have considered all the scenarios, and under His observance, nothing can go wrong,  they all thought in their heads.

Whether it was fear or loyalty, maybe only the origin knows, but one thing is clear: they will never go against Him.

Satisfied by their reactions, the Chosen one continued.

"His essence will change certain primitives of this world, making them strong enough to carry His being. He won't do a complete descent, but he will grow step by step. The remaining of His essence will change this world and make it more durable for our Lord's  plan." She laid out the plan.

The members stood still, taking in the plan, exhilarated to be in the same room as their Lord's essence.

"All of you will go into a slumber for the next hundred millenia, until you are awoken by His presence," she continued.

"Starting from now," she said, gazing at each of them.

Taking the cue, everyone dispersed to their chambers, welcoming the long slumber.