

Just a guy who will rise to the top of the food chain. read and enjoy. English is not my first language

oneaboveall_47 · 电影同人
40 Chs

chapter 25- The Origin Part 2

Author POV




The cycle of ancient humans digging and carving to their deaths continued; countless corpses were sprawled across the hill, their blood painting the hill red, eerie yet charming.

Years passed, yet the monotonous cycle continued.

Finally, the huge mountain started taking the shape of a humanoid.

The image of a man holding the world in his hand was revealed.

A man with breathtaking features was slowly carved out, his hair a mix between the brown of rocks and the dried blood, giving him an otherworldly charm. His eyes, lifelike, seemed to gain a crimson glint either due to the sun's rays or dried blood, seemingly having the power to swallow the world.

One look at the statue's eyes, and you will realize your own insignificance. The statue seemed to have an otherworldly aura encompassing it, forcing every lifeform to submit to it.

The statue stood still, holding the world in his hands, but it appeared as if it would move any instant.

Everything seemed so perfect about the statue, like God himself had descended to carve it, but the more this feeling intensified, the more it felt wrong.

This statue was so perfect that it should not exist in the first place; its presence seemed like blasphemy to the entity.


As if conforming to this belief, cracks appeared out of nowhere, spreading steadily. First from the base, then the spider web cracks spread further upwards.



Debris started falling downward, stirring up a massive storm of dust below.



More and more debris fell, the dust storm seemingly groveling at the foot of the statue, never being able to rise above the statue's feet, seemingly implying the insignificance of Earth in front of the entity.



The cracks spread further upwards, crawling up on the palm that was holding the world. From the fingertips, the cracks spread to the replica of Earth.


It started slow, almost painfully slow, but the replica of Earth started falling down. Part by part, it all fell down, but the palm holding it, though full of cracks, remained still; not even a single piece fell from it.

As if signifying the perpetual nature of the entity, the palm stood still, mocking the fragility of creation.



The cracks engulfed more and more of the statue, finally reaching the picturesque face of the entity.



Parts of the face fell, as if to mock the creator of this statue, signifying that no mortal material can bear the brilliance of this entity.


Finally, the eyes got covered in cracks too; those omniscient eyes, though full of cracks, remained still without falling apart, implying the eternal perseverance of the entity. The cracks didn't diminish the aura surrounding the eyes but made them appear more ethereal and gave them a piercing nature, as if these eyes had seen the truth of the creation.



Finally, the entire statue got covered in cracks and started shaking as if it would collapse at any time.

The stirring of the sandstorm at the base got worse as more and more debris fell. The sandstorm rose up as if to devour the statue, but it never made it past the feet.

Finally, the shaking got worse before it strangely stopped all of a sudden.

As if to imply the immortal nature of the entity, the shaking ceased, and the sandstorm too ceased its movement.

Total stillness blanketed the area.

The entire site, which was shaking like the end of the world was about to happen, stopped.

An ethereal glow descended from the heavens and beyond, engulfing the entire statue. Time seemed to rewind, and the fallen debris started going upwards, getting attached to their place.

The replica of Earth, though, was still in its destroyed state, lying quietly at the foot of the entity.

The ethereal glow started gathering in the statue's eyes, and those already life-like eyes gained the vitality of a living being. Just for an instant, the emotion of indifference and pity flashed in those all-knowing eyes, overlooking the entire world like a god.

The countless wailing souls at the base of the statue screamed, trying to garner the attention of the Supreme Being. Just like an infant cries for the attention of its mother, they hollered, as if getting the attention of the entity would make their lives worth it and get them freed from the miserable cycle of reincarnation, seemingly all this just from getting His grace and allowing entry into His domain.

The eyes of the statue flashed slightly, as if bearing witness to the cries of all souls and acknowledging their sacrifices.

The wailing of souls ceased with the disappearing glow; those majestic eyes were full of indifference, seemingly implying a gloomy future for this world.


The ethereal glow disappeared, and with it, time resumed.

The quake started slow but then increased in intensity.


The entire statue collapsed in an instant, stirring up a terrible dust storm.



Cracks started appearing in every direction, with the center as the base of the statue, spreading wildly in every direction, as if to carve up the continent.

A few days later, the cracks stopped spreading, but the damage was already done.

All the raw materials used to build the statue seemingly disappeared into thin air, leaving behind a huge crater in its wake.

Far away, on a distant cliff, a group of humanoids stood still, their heads bowed in the direction of the statue.

Their features blurred, but their bodies were covered in several types of vegetation. All the way from their toes to their heads, this type of growth would take at least several decades to occur, implying that these humanoids stood still for almost a century.


The vegetation covering them started breaking down before collapsing on the ground.

"Let's go," said a feminine voice, completely free of fatigue, as if she didn't just stand still for a century.

"Yes," replied a group of voices from behind.