
In the Flesh (Part 2)

"Solus? Are you alright?" Lith asked while poking at her with a finger.

Her pink skin was softer than her energy body had ever been and it was warm to the touch.

"I'm just tired." She replied while searching for a bedsheet to cover her eyes with and using her pillow once she failed. "I don't know why but I don't feel well even after sleeping the whole night. Can you please get out and let me sleep?"

Lith was so relieved and yet so shocked by seeing Solus back into her human body that he just stood there speechless. She turned the lights off with a snarl but he turned them on again and moved the pillow and her hair away to look at her face.

"I get that you can't Forgemaster without me, but we've worked our asses for days. I deserve some rest." She said with a groan.

After a few seconds with no reply and the cruel light still hurting her eyes, Solus decided that she had enough.