
In the Flesh (Part 1)

After one failure too many, Lith had decided to take a short break from his experiments and focus on further refining his mana core.

'I would have never thought that Forgemastering would be so exhausting.' Lith sat cross-legged on the carpet that covered the floor of his room while the world energy flowed through his seven eyes with each breath he took.

'Menadion's mana enhancing technique that Salaark taught us greatly increases our mana capacity, but at the same time, it puts a huge strain on our bodies. Or at least on mine since Solus's is a mass of energy.

'To make matters worse, after days of working myself to the bone, the cracks in my life force have started to hurt again. It's no wonder that Menadion died if she rushed to face her enemy right after fusing Solus with the tower.

Next chapter