
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · 奇幻
45 Chs

Ch 44- Hidden Plots

After the clash, we are now getting out of here. Our primary objective to cause Chaos and damage has been mostly done. We burned their important stuff, stole some other important things and also killed quite a lot of their masters and lower ranks.

Now we just have to get out of here without being seen or detected by the Grandmasters. Although we might be okay if we get spotted by one of two but a dozen would be very bad. The teleport talisman only work outside of anti-teleport arrays. The enemy base is covered in it.

As we make our way out i hear screaming and sounds of battle could also be heard. All of us for a moment were surprised not expecting such commotion.

"Should we check it out?" asked Raze. "No it could be a trap and our task is done so it's stupid to stay in enemy territory longer than necessary." Said Derek

"Okay let's get a move on then." i added However before we left i used my new summon in practice, the hell Bat. 

Soon we were out of danger and we all took a breath of relief. "Alright boys see you on the other side." Morgan said. "Aight but dinner is on you though" i jokingly added.

with that we used our teleport tokens.

It took half an hour compiling our reports and our findings of the enemy base. After that Derek and Morgan were called separately. Raze and i were free to go, so i went back to my house.

Now then Let's see what's all the commotion about, and i then i swapped my vision with my summon. To my surprise it seems to be infighting. One of the enemy Grandmaster is killing his own teamates. He looks quite skilled as well. If i did not know any better i would've thought he was a supreme.

"Ah what" damn i lost connection with my summon. Must have been killed by the guy. This is interesting, should i report this though...hmm maybe not.

I found Derek eating a meat skewer while looking at some reports.

"Hey there, so how did it go?" i asked him. "Well not much, the higher ups are quite satisfied with what we did but it seems another problem occured while we where busy."

he said.

"What happened?" i was quite curious about what new trouble suddenly popped up.

"Radiant Cross has challenged League of Devourers for a Death Match." Now that is a 

twist i did not expect. League of Devourers is another guild and they are in top 20, pretty strong. Why would Radiant Cross do this, it makes no sense to me.

"Thats pretty stupid isn't it?" "Yeah, but i think there is a bigger plot to this than any of us can think of." Derek said seriously. True they might have something we don't know about.

In an Unknown Place.

A raspy voice said.."Is it prepared, and ready to be unleashed?" Another voice this time very deep "Yes sire, it has been prepared and ready to be deployed." The first voice again spoke "Good...good, this will bring us glory and victory Ardonia will be ours to rule. With this thing at our side who would stop us."

The man said looking at a creature that looks like horror fiend. It currently seems to enjoying a meal eating a person that was trying it's best to escape. The person escaping used his Domain and his avatar but nothing worked. If one looked closely they would notice that the person's rank is Supreme. Yet this creature easily destroyed it's Domain and Avatar and ate the person.

"Marvelous to think it can easily kill a supreme and shrug of It's attack like nothing, it really is outer cosmos creature." said the man in a raspy voice wearing a bloodred cloak.

The other man beside him wearing the same outfit spoke " But, my liege this creature can be dangerous to us as well. it feeds on the soul of It's enemies abd becomes stronger so wouldn't it kill us when It's strong enough." questioned the man worriedly.

"No Karyk, for It's entire being is tied with me. The more power it gathers the more strong i get as well. But tell me Karyk do you know the levels beyond Supreme?"

The man named Karyk replied "No, but I've only heard rumors. They say that beyond supreme lies Ancient."

"That's not entirety true Karyk. That's what it was used to be called. But It's actually known as Transcended. Those that went beyond just supreme are known as Transcended. The current ruler of Ardonia is also a Transcended.

I heard that transcended are so strong that they can cause massive continent wide destruction. Infact 2000 yrs ago a Heavenly Paragon from the Celestial Continent had to interfere between a battle of transcendents in the Warriyo continent. That is how dangerous they are."

"Then sire Isn't our conquest for domination useless then?" questioned Karyk.

"Haha, that's where you are wrong karyk. The being who gave me this creature was beyond Transcended. He assured me that Ardonia will be mine."

"Then my lord he must have also asked for something In return."

"Yes. He asked for me to give him the Aether cystal that's the heirloom of the Ardone Family, rulers of Ardonia. However i am no fool, if he what's something that is enough to give out a being of such power that means it is worth a lot. I would be foolish to agree."

"But sire, angering this being could be bad for us."

"Don't worry Karyk, i have a plan. I shall inform our friends at the divine celestial mountain and tell them of this anomaly, surely they would be intrested."

While many plots and schemes were running in Ardonia what will our protag do while facing them.

To be Continued.....

sorry guys i was busy and then i got sick and i got sick again. But i will definetly upload.

Archlegion999creators' thoughts