
Sun-kissed [Hinata Shoyo x Female reader] [Haikyuu lemon]

"Let's not leave any of your fantasies unfulfilled." If you've got hots for Hinata Shoyo, welcome. You find yourself head over heels for the most amazing guy and you are wondering whether your feelings may be mutual. Is there a chance you can be his girlfriend?.. I promise lots of fluff, heart-fluttering and cheek-blushing moments. I'm aiming for the "I feel like I'm in some shoujo manga!" atmosphere. Many thanks for opening my story and I hope you enjoy! Remarks: - (F/N) and (L/N) stand for your first and last names respectively. - I made the characters 20 years old, since the content is mature. I had to sacrifice the original Karasuno high school setting, sorry! - I'm only learning Japanese, so if some phrases I use don't make sense, please let me know :) No worries, I added all the translations. - This is my first story, so I'm open to any other kind of feedback too! - All artwork is mine. - I do not own neither Haikyuu nor its characters.

Good_Little_Girl · 漫画同人
32 Chs

Chapter 4, in which I see Hinata on the court

I decided to finally attend Hinata's match.

Actually, I've never been to his games. As his girlfriend — still can't believe this — I should put in more effort to make time for that. It's not that I don't want to watch them, not at all. On the contrary, I'm worried what kind of effect it will have on me and whether I'll be able to behave appropriately. All joking aside, even if gym classes make me blush, seeing Hinata giving his 100% in a real game would likely mess up my head. However, I have no option but to give it a try.

I wasn't sure whether to tell him I'll be there and while I was hesitating, it was too late. Now, on one hand, I'm relieved, on the other hand, deep down I wish he will notice me in the crowd.

The game starts and the first thing I learn is that I cannot look at Hinata for longer than... than a dozen seconds, it gets too exciting, my cheeks get red and I become embarrassed. I smile to myself: don't stare at the sun directly, that's what they teach even in kindergarten, don't they?

I don't know the rules, but I get the gist of it pretty soon. What I struggle more with is the strategy for myself. I found it the easiest to not look at the guys at all, just keep my eyes on the ball. Hinata can have it only for a split of a second at a time, that should do. The main events unfold around the ball anyway.

I still hear the cheers though... It took me by surprise how many people cheer for his team. And for him in particular.

「日向,ナイス!」 "Hinata, nice!" rings in my ears and every time makes my heart squeeze.

What have I got myself into... I knew he was likeable and exceedingly sociable because of his outgoing character, but this is another level. He's actually popular. He's glowing and probably this is the happiest I've ever seen him.

How the hell did I miss this... Now I'm getting jealous. So many people are watching and cheering for my boyfriend. He's mine! I-is he?.. I can't wait to be alone with him to confirm I haven't dreamt it.

And then one time when Hinata scores — again! — I must have squealed out of excitement or something, because my classmate next to me bumped me with her shoulder and teased me:

「わああ〜,君はあいつに興奮したんだね!お可愛こと〜!」 "Ooooh, you've got hots for the guy, how cuuute!"

We are not so close, so she does not know how dead on point she is. I get embarrassed even more.

Come to think of it, sweaty athletic guys jumping and running around in short uniforms, seriously though, is this socially acceptable porn? Or am I the weird one for thinking this way?!

It's akin to torture, really. Did I get the strong pulsation between my legs that I was worried about? Yes, I did. And I had to endure it, ignore it, reason with it, pinch my shins painfully to silence it.

But I managed to stay for the whole game, isn't that a success? Moreover, I did enjoy it a lot. I will definitely want to see this side of Hinata again.


Next day we're on a date. Walking around wherever our feet take us. It's late spring, so everything around is magical.

When we're alone, just the two of us, Hinata's different, more shy and quiet. Even though I fell for his bubbly personality, this is extra special. He's like this just with me and I wonder what it means. How does he feel about it?

An ice cream stand caught my gaze and Hinata asks:

「アイスはいかが?」 "Would you like an ice cream?"

I can't refuse sweets, so I nod sooner than I can think about it.

「うん」 "Yes"

「よし!」 "Alright!"

He gets me one and passes it to me with a wide smile:

「どうぞ!」 "Here you go!"

I reach out into my pocket:

「お金がっ」 "The money-"

He interrupts me:

「必要がないよ.僕がごちそうする」 "No need. It's my treat"

I'm touched and I look down at the ground to hide it:

「ありがとう!」 "Thank you!"

It's the first thing he ever got me. I want to save it for longer, but I don't want to seem rude and it will melt anyway, so I have to eat it now.

I try it carefully:

「とてもおいしいだよ!」 "It's so delicious!"

「アイスを食べてもいい?」 "May I try?"

I reach my hand out to him:

「もちろん!」 "Of course!"

He takes my arm to bring it closer. As he touches me, I get shivers down my spine and my heart flutters. He leans down to take a bite and almost does it, but then looks at me:

「どうした?分けてくれないの?」 "What's the matter? You don't want to share?"

Apparently I've been staring at him too much. The reason is my brain has turned on a big flashing sign 「間接キス!!」"Indirect kiss!!" and I froze.

I deny everything with a smile:

「いや,何でもない」 "No, it's nothing"

I can't help it though, my eyes are locked on his lips. He takes a small bite and returns it to me.

I don't dare (yet) to eat the side he touched, but I know for sure I want to watch this again.

「もっと共有したいよ」 "I want to share more"

「本当に?どうも!」 "Really? Thanks!"

I have my ulterior motives, sorry.

We take turns. He takes a bite and then his lips sweep over the spot, leaving the surface of the ice cream slightly melted. Which is because — and I know this first-hand — his mouth is fiery hot. It doesn't end up the same after me.

When the ice cream melts and starts dribbling down the side, Hinata carefully licks it off from down up.

I might start blushing. What's wrong with me, why am I having dirty thoughts over something so innocent? But all I know is that I am dead jealous of that ice cream. I want Hinata to lick me, bite me, his lips on me. I'm going crazy.

I do give into the guilty pleasure of licking the spots his lips were over just now. I can only imagine a kiss.

When about a half is left, he gives it back to me for good:

「(L/N)のものだ」 "It's yours"

I finish it lost in thought. There's a slight chance that I'm not mistaken and I caught him looking at my lips too.

We reach the far end of the park, no one's around. We sit down on a bench, which feels nice after all that walking.

It's quiet and I finally found a moment to share:

「昨日の試合は日向が一番カッコよかったよ」 "During yesterday's game, you were the coolest"

「ありがとう.(L/N)は来たね!」 "Thank you. You came!"

He's hiding a big smile behind the back of his hand, his eyes are shining. Seems like I have found a compliment that got through to him.

And then it must have been the way he moved his head or arm, and I notice it.

「は?」 "Huh?"

Without thinking I bring my face close towards the side of his neck, this might even be inappropriate. I feel a deep woody scent of fig tree and something else. That is so attractive and masculine, it suits him so well...

「このコロンは...新しいの?」 "This cologne... is it new?"

「えーっと...はい」 "Ummm... Yes"

「香りは素晴らしい.」 "The smell is wonderful."

I managed to embarrass him even more. Can't say I don't enjoy it. I balance on the verge of diving in and tucking my nose into his neck, it's so tempting. Isn't it exactly the point for it to be tempting? I'm still worried he might not approve though. I've already been hovering too close for way too long and we've been silent. This was not a given, but I resist and pull away.

He said it's new... Did he choose it himself? When? Could it be for me?.. No, that's too good to be true.

My gaze stops at Hinata's hand in his lap. For a minute I hesitate, but then take it into mine:

「いいか?」 "May I?"

「うん」 "Yeah"

He doesn't seem to be aware of what I'm going to do though.

A guy's hand is heavy. I put it down and do what I've waited for so long. I slowly run my index finger along the back of his hand. This is better than I had imagined, I can feel the texture and the warmth too. His masculine hands are my yet another weak spot. Touching prominent veins makes me hold my breath. I follow all the bones. I gently stroke the one near the wrist. I reach the knuckles and take my time to feel them through the skin. And then the fingers... I study each of them closely with my eyes and by touch. His nails are short and neat. The skin between the fingers is surprisingly soft.

I turn his hand over. I follow the net of lines as if I'm a fortune teller. I touch the tender part of the wrist, with all the muscles and bones it looks different from mine. I stroke my fingertips over his, this gentle touch on all five fingers at the same time is so pleasant. At last I put my palm over his and now I can see that mine is noticeably smaller. I can feel the heat.

I want to kiss his hand, but I don't dare. Being with Hinata I'm in a constant fight suppressing my desires, this is actually exhausting, today has been especially tough.

I whisper:

「これは私の夢だったよ...」 "This has been my dream..."

「何?」 "What was?"

I'm embarrassed and turn away:

「何でもない」 "Nothing"

Suddenly his hand grasps mine. I forgot it has a will of its own.

「僕の夢は...」 "My dream..."

Intrigued, I turn around and his face is right in front of mine. Before I know it, Hinata reaches even closer and kisses me.

I've been looking forward to this for so long. I can't survive a day with him without kissing, I'm too greedy now.

When the kiss ends, I'm still beyond happy. He didn't pull away and we're dangerously close again.

「日向くん...」 "Hinata-kun..."

「翔陽はいいんだよ」 "You can call me Shoyo, you know"

I try:

「翔陽...くん」 "Shoyo... kun"

Even though it's not the first time, I'm flustered. I panicked and added the honorific. He's patient with me:

「翔陽だけ」 "Just Shoyo"

「翔陽」 "Shoyo"

This is dreamy and my eyes are half-closed. When I finally give into the temptation and lean to kiss Hinata, they shut completely.