
Sun-kissed [Hinata Shoyo x Female reader] [Haikyuu lemon]

"Let's not leave any of your fantasies unfulfilled." If you've got hots for Hinata Shoyo, welcome. You find yourself head over heels for the most amazing guy and you are wondering whether your feelings may be mutual. Is there a chance you can be his girlfriend?.. I promise lots of fluff, heart-fluttering and cheek-blushing moments. I'm aiming for the "I feel like I'm in some shoujo manga!" atmosphere. Many thanks for opening my story and I hope you enjoy! Remarks: - (F/N) and (L/N) stand for your first and last names respectively. - I made the characters 20 years old, since the content is mature. I had to sacrifice the original Karasuno high school setting, sorry! - I'm only learning Japanese, so if some phrases I use don't make sense, please let me know :) No worries, I added all the translations. - This is my first story, so I'm open to any other kind of feedback too! - All artwork is mine. - I do not own neither Haikyuu nor its characters.

Good_Little_Girl · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 3, in which Hinata makes me call him by his first name (NSFW)

We have been seeing each other every other day for the whole week. I can't get enough of Hinata. Seeing him, talking to him, laughing with him. Holding hands! This thought brings a smile to my face. I feel so energised and relaxed when he's around.

I would only get a goodbye kiss on the cheek though. This seems natural as we only meet outside, but still...

Don't get me wrong, up until recently I would give anything for that. I still would. Him being so close to me, feeling his soft warm lips on my cheek, his breath on my skin, just knowing that Hinata is kissing me is mind-blowing. He also doesn't make the kiss as brief as he potentially could, which makes me happy. The only problem is that the guy has already spoiled me irrevocably. Our first kiss now seems like a distant dream.

Today Hinata asked to borrow my notes and said he'll stop by a bit later. I readily agreed and even forgot about it for a while, but now that I'm waiting in my room I feel a bit nervous.

I'm telling myself not to get too excited and just act naturally. This is so easy when we usually meet, how is it different now?

I hear a knock and a lively:

「入ってもいい?」 "May I come in?"

I answer:

「どうぞ」 "Please"

Hinata is as spirited as always.

「やあ!」 "Hi!"

He comes in, smiling at me happily. I smile back and go to my desk to get the textbook.

However, the second the door closes, the mood in the room changes. And now you can cut the tension with a knife.

I am looking around my books, Hinata comes behind me and hovers over my shoulder. My mind goes blank, but I'm still trying to create an appearance of concentration.

「会いたかったよ.」 "I missed you."

The liveliness is gone, he sounds wistful. Although we see each other so often, I know what he means...

I stand still. I can feel his presence and it excites me. I dare:

「じゃ,私にキスして.」 "Then kiss me."

The moments of silence give me a thrill. I am wishing for him to turn me around and kiss my lips.

And then Hinata does something else... He hugs me with his left hand from behind and pulls me close. Our bodies are touching full-length. His bare skin calves are against mine. His chest is pressing into my back. The fact that he's so awfully close and I can't see him, makes my heart go fast.

With his right hand, he carefully pulls my hair away. Now I can feel his breath on my neck. Oh no...

Hinata starts slowly kissing the back of my neck. My insides turn upside down and I feel goosebumps all over. I close my eyes and try to stay silent. His lips are so soft and tender with me...

Soon his kisses become wet and passionate. He's reaching out to any part of my neck he can without letting our bodies separate even a bit. I bet he feels the racing pulse he induced on me. I know my breath is audible as well.

I love feeling his hot tongue on my skin and the contrast of cool air when he's away. Sometimes his hair brushes my neck and instead of being ticklish, it's teasing and thrilling.

He's pulling away my collar in different directions to bare even more of my skin to kiss.

Even though Hinata is holding me tight, I feel weakness in my legs, so I bend forward and lean on the desk with my hand. He follows me smoothly and his right hand lands perfectly beside mine. I can feel him pressing into me from behind. This feels incredible. My whole body is pulsating. I wonder what it's like for him. This position is too good, too hot to handle though...

I find the will to break away and turn to face him. Not being able to touch him feels lonely. I move closer and hug his neck. Hinata quickly picks me up by the waist and puts me on the desk. That move, so manly and hot. I wrap my legs around him and hold on tight. And so we're all over each other again in just a couple of seconds. This is still not close enough...

Hinata leans in towards my neck, but I stop him:

「ちょっと待って」 "Wait a bit"

I want him to be turned on just as much as me. I impatiently reach out to his neck and kiss it greedily. I am glad to find that it's hot. I get a kick out of his smell and taste too... Soon a better idea comes to mind.

I give up his neck and take his hand with mine. I bring it up and slowly kiss each one of his fingertips. I hug him close with my other hand.

Then I put his index and middle fingers in my mouth and close my eyes. I take my time and slowly stroke them with my tongue and suck on them pressing with my lips. I gently bite them with my teeth. Soon I get carried away and speed up. His fingers are now all slippery and wet.

Hinata carefully pulls them away and I feel upset and empty. He circles my puffy lips and then strokes the fingers along my neck. I was supposed to turn him on and it's the other way around again...

He lightly touches my lips with his other hand and I gratefully take it in. I know I'm acting a bit too enthusiastically, but I don't care. When I felt I wanted even more, I added up a third finger.

Soon I get what I wanted. He says in low voice:

「さあ,行こう」 "Alright, let's go"

I cling onto him like a monkey, he lifts me up and carries me to the bed. He sits down and I end up on top of him.

I love this position. He's so close, I can see him, I can smell his hair...

I take his face into my hands and look him in the eyes. To me, he is perfect. I touch his forehand, his brows, his cheeks, his jaw, his nose, his lips... I want to study all of it. I feel so moved that I can't help but say:

「好きだよ.」 "I like you, you know."


Muse - Starlight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgum6OT_VH8


He smiles and I am warmed by his sunshine. I smile back and lean in to finally kiss him.

It's been a while and I am knocked out once again. Hinata is hugging me tightly with both hands wrapped around my back. His soft lips are heavenly. I will never want this kiss to stop. Luckily, doesn't seem like it's going to anytime soon.

I put my hands on his neck. I can touch the hairline... I've got a soft spot for his hair, so shortly I'm running my fingers through it.

I can sense Hinata is greedy for the kiss too and it makes me happy. His tongue won't stop teasing mine.

My hands are restless and I shamelessly sneak them under his T-shirt every now and then to feel his shoulders, his back, later his chest. It's hot and smooth to touch. And addictive. I don't experience any resistance in my shenanigans at all.

Suddenly Hinata pulls away, but only to rapidly take off his T-shirt and hug me back to resume the kiss. The distance separating us keeps reducing. He caters to my every whim. I let my hands wander freely now.

His lips fall down to my neck and then my collarbone. I'm breathing deeply.

In a while Hinata breaks the kiss and lowers to bite my top and pull it up a bit. He holds it in his lips, tilts his head and looks at me with cute pleading eyes. I can see the demonic sparks flashing around too though. That's hot. For a moment I hesitate, but I am utterly charmed, so I nod.

Instead of pulling off my top just like that, Hinata puts me on the bed, moves around me and helps me to undress from the behind. Now we're both stripped from the waist up. He lets me lie down on my stomach and lies half-reclined beside me. Then he starts running his fingers across my naked back and I can no longer think.

It's not ticklish at all. His touch leaves a hot trail on my body. Every part of me just desires to fall under the spotlight of his attention next. To his credit, he does a good job at being fair. I want this to last, please, touch me more.

Hinata starts kissing the back of my head, my hair, my neck, my shoulders... I can sense his hot breath. I get shivers down my spine when he lays kisses along it moving further down.

I can wait no longer, any kind of hesitation that I had is gone, and I just want to see him and be as close to him as possible. I turn around and hug Hinata.

The skin on skin contact is incredible. I'm bathed in his heat. I feel his heartbeat with my chest. Meanwhile our legs intertwined seemingly by themselves. Our faces are so near that our breaths mix. We kiss, giving in to the irresistible temptation. The distance between us... there's hardly any left.

A while after I sit up and make Hinata sit up with me too. I'm straddling him and he's holding my waist. I come back to the kiss I've interrupted. And while we've been here before today, this time is different. Now Hinata can bring his attention a great deal further down.

After returning to the collarbone area, he's slowly lowering his gentle kisses. All of this is very new and I close my eyes. Soon he starts drawing lines on my skin with his tongue across my upper chest. My pulse is speeding up.

Suddenly Hinata stops to catch my eye and lowers his hands to my hips. I'm curious, are we trying something different?

He makes a move to draw me closer with his arms at the same time slightly raising the knees. This makes me slide a bit forward towards him and stroke my crotch against his. He lowers his legs and we go back to where we started. Hypnotised, I'm not looking away. We repeat the same thing twice as he sets the rhythm. My breath becomes uneven.

「これはどう?」 "How's this?"

Once more — and I feel a viscous sweet-sweet response in my lower abdomen. And I notice myself saying:

「やめないで」 "Please don't stop"

Satisfied with my consent he breaks eye contact and starts slowly kissing my breasts. I close my eyes. I could not imagine this would feel so exquisite. Even more delicate than being kissed on the neck... As his tongue finds my nipple I give a loud sigh and shut my mouth with my hand.

A short while after I find my hips moving of their own will, pressing harder into him, intensifying the friction, joining the rhythm. My blood is racing, I can hear the pulse ringing in my ears. I want to share:

「気持がちいい...」 "It feels good..."

Hinata reaches up to touch my chin and makes me lower to face him. His cheeks are slightly flushed too. The thought that he must be enjoying this gives me an extra thrill. He puts his arms on my back and my skin immediately ignites under his heat. Hinata pulls me closer for a kiss.

We're still moving in sync... This kiss is yet another different one. With passion bubbling up inside, our bodies getting pleasure as if on their own, we kiss to show each other how we feel and are not that far from losing control. If I were free to do whatever I wish for, I would hardly choose anything different from being here and now with him.

I know he feels how I gasp and my breath breaks off with every stroke we take. I bet he likes being able to do that to me. This is so intense, my mouth waters. Our kisses are vibrant, throbbing and insatiable.

I'm running both of my hands through his hair, keeping him close, afraid he may suddenly disappear. With him, I'm in heaven.

Hinata leaves my lips and lowers his kisses again. I tilt my head behind and slide my hands down his neck and back.

He does everything so smoothly... We didn't stumble once in our flow and I know I can't take credit for that, I would have lost focus long ago. Every time I'm implicitly reminded of his outstanding body control and strength, I get turned on. It's almost annoying that it happens every single time. For instance, we do sometimes have overlapping classes at the same gym, I would notice the guys' group and Hinata doing some wild things, and instantaneously I would blush against my own will. However, now's the perfect time and place to get aroused...

He strikes my breast with the tip of his tongue and a flash of pleasure swings through me. I'm filled with it to the top of my head and any last drop will make me splash it. Balancing on the verge I'm feeling rather than thinking that my crush on Hinata just keeps growing every minute we spend together. He blows my mind. This is even scary. I am not sure I deserve such happiness and I'm afraid to lose it.

Hinata gently bites my nipple and I'm overflowed. My insides explode, I get hit by the waves and moan unreservedly in delight.

「日向くんは素晴らしいだね!」 "You're amazing!"

As always, at first he's embarrassed by the compliment in a cute way, then a smug smile slips across his face, but soon he regains himself to start teasing me in return:

「はああ〜,この「日向くん」は何?今違うことを聞いたよ」 "What's with this "Hinata-kun", huh? I have just heard something different"

Now I'm starting to remember. Not only did I moan, but I moaned his name. Once or twice. Or more. Interestingly enough, it's the thing that makes me blush this evening. Guilty, I look up at him and ask carefully:

「いいの?」 "Is it okay?"

He nods:

「うん」 "Yeah"

I'm so happy I can't wait to use his permission. I lean in and quietly whisper his name into his ear. I want to do it a hundred times more, but decide to treasure it. I hope he enjoys it at least half as much as I do.

There's still something hanging in the air and I look at Hinata questionably. He reassures me:

「大丈夫」 "It's okay"

I kiss him and playfully bite his lip while running my hand across his chest and continuing to lower it further down... He pulls away slightly:

「本当に大丈夫だよ」 "It's fine, really"

I back off. However, I don't buy the "it's fine" thing at all. In fact, I hope that it is not fine, that he is not indifferent... How could he be, after what we did? I felt him being pretty much the opposite just a while ago. I start spiralling. Now I turn out to be the selfish one. I should have been more considerate, sneakier... Next time I won't make this mistake. All I want is to be the reason for him to ride a high just as mind-blowing as the one he gave me.

The concern is probably showing on my face. Hinata gives me a kiss on the forehead and hugs me tight. I hug him back and feel at peace.

「少し私と一緒にお付き合いください」 "Please stay with me for a bit"

「もちろん」 "Of course"

I reach out for my top and I pass Hinata his too. As soon as he puts it on, my heart makes an excited jump. He's as attractive to me in his T-shirt as he is without, it's really hard to choose. I'm not at ease around him at all.

I slide under the covers and invite him to join me too. I put my head on his shoulder and he hugs my back. The most comforting place in the world. Overwhelmed with this evening's experiences, I happen to fall asleep instantly.

I wake up the next morning. The last thing I vaguely remember is Hinata whispering my name. Could it be true or was it all just a dream? I lie in bed for a while trying to remember all the details and getting over excited about them. I blush and cover my face with my hands. Unimaginable, that's what it is!

I get up and search my room for clues. Everything turns out to be boringly normal. Except for one thing: the textbook is missing.