
Unexpected Visitors

"Who the fuck are you?" Misha shouted over my shoulder. "Why are you in our room?"

"Shut up, we are the ones in charge here." The guy closest to us had a small knife and a short sword attached to his belt. "You bitch show up and use your bodies to get yourselves ranked up to Quartz in a few days? Who the FUCK do you think you are?" He said pointing his knife at us. The guys behind him smirked when he said that.

"Other than when we were captured by dem's, we have only ever fucked each other you stupid fuck wit." I said in response. I stepped forward and when he pointed his knife at me I smiled.

"Stay right there!" He shouted. "I'll gut you if you get any closer." I continued to smile but obeyed his command. Not out of fear, but because I wanted to play.

"Fine, considering we only use our bodies though, you sure are jumpy." I said as I put my hands behind my head. "Talk about ridiculous…" I said mockingly.

"Shut Up! We have been hunters much longer than you, and you think you can just come in and take our jobs off the board and rank up?" He said nastily, letting spit and flem fly from his mouth.

"Listen bud, I don't give a fuck about anyone other than these five and a few select more. If you think you can come in here crying that you spend too much time drinking and not enough time raising your own strength you've come to the wrong girl." I had been grinning at him this whole time. He and the other two were the ones that eyed us up when we took this job, so I knew something like this would happen and prepared for it.

"By the way? Aren't you the same hunters that mocked us when we took this job? You watched us come into the guild and look over the job. You could have easily taken it before we got there." Niko analyzed the situation and picked it up quickly.

"These types of hunters are usually considered Greeders." T'anya spoke up next. "They try to steal completed missions from other Hunters." She explained.

"Oh well, if only they had picked a group of weaker Hunters." I said smiling.

"The Fuck did you say!?" He shouted and ran forward. We strafed his charge and I tripped him so he flew through the door. As he went through the door, his knife hit a shield.

"Attacking a Capital Guard?" A woman spoke. "You must wish for death." She said before she brought her fist down and smashed in the back of his head killing him instantly. "What is going on here?" She shouted at us."

"Sorry about that, he attacked us and you happened to be there." I said. "His friends here were thinking of doing the same." I pointed.

"No, no we weren't." They dropped their weapons and, after grabbing their dead friend, left the inn.

"I received word that someone needed assistance, and this is what I walk into. Apparently my timing was just right." She said looking over us and the surroundings.

"I mean, we would have been fine, but an investigation would have been a pain so thank you." I said sticking out my hand. The guard took her helmet off before shaking my hand and I saw a beautiful woman. She had long brown hair and a pair of brown wolf ears sticking from the top of her head. Next her face was gorgeous. She had brown eyes that were narrow with well maintained eyebrows. I found myself pouring my eyes over her body and finally caught myself thanks to a pinch on the back of my arm.

"So, thank you for coming, even if it's been taken care of now." Niko said staring at the wolf girl.

"If you were worried about being attacked, you should have hired an escort." She said stepping into the room and shutting the door.

"We aren't weak, we just didn't want to have to deal with the attention, we have been moving up the ranks a bit to quickly at the Hunters guild and those three noticed. They thought they could get us to hand over our most recent mission, but we could have each ruined them individually." I explained.

"The problem would be the investigation after would force us to be behind schedule." I said next after she raised an eyebrow.

"You and I are both swordsman, show me in a duel this supposed strength." She was no where near my level, but she was a trained swordsman and I was a glorified tailor.

"I said we were strong, not talented, if you wish to see my strength then here." I signaled Misha and she dropped a 'Metal Crawler' into my hand and I tossed it into the air a few times and then threw it at the guard.

"This, this is impressive." She struggled to both catch and hold it so Misha took it back and pretended to put it back into the dimensional bag. "You are definitely strong, but what do you mean untalented?" She caught on to what I said.

"Come sit, it's a long story." I said as we all sat down to relax and sit down. Niko ran down to get us some tea while the rest of us plopped down between the sofa and the chairs. Misha and T'anya both latched onto me when we sat down across from the guard.

"My name is In'tasha. I am an Elite guard of her highness, the first princess of Ren'galia. We heard from a town guard that some human hunters had informed him of another group of troublesome ones. Thank you for not taking matters into your own hands." She lowered her head but I was still hung up on the whole, princess business.

"Did you say princess? Is she in the town? Can I meet her?" I rattled off the questions so fast she jumped.

"I apologize but we don't get a say in who she sees, she does." She answered.

"I wanted to give her a gift, but if I can't see her, I can't make it properly. You spend long periods of time with her, what is her build like? I wanted to make her some of my specialty clothes." I figured if I wanted to make my designs a thing, I should get some rich folk to wear it, and whose richer than a princess? "If you could give me rough estimates I could make them, and if she likes them, I can make them better.

"I see, what areas are you looking for?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I make bras and underwear. They are clothes for under your normal clothes that can help with supporting your breasts and the lower part when it comes to that time of the month." I explained.

"I see, well her build is similar to the red haired one body wise, but she isn't as well endowed. That would be more similar to the pink haired one." She explained.

"Here everyone." Niko came back in and seeing how everyone was sitting, plopped into my lap and slid her head over. "What are we talking about?"

"Alyssa is trying to set the princess of the country up with some underwear." Misha answered as she grabbed a teacup.

"Oh? Well they are super comfy when she makes them for you. I love my bras. I haven't had any pinching or squeezing since I got mine." Niko sold me up.

"I see." In'tasha said as she finsihed her tea.

"Here, they aren't perfect since they weren't made for her, but they should do the job. If she likes them, we will be here for a few more days." Misha handed over two plain white bras and panties from my stash and sent the guard off.

"Finally." Lori'dae said as soon as she left and came over and kissed me. She ran her tongue along the inside of my mouth and slowly pulled me out from under Niko. As she dragged me to the bed I felt my clothes vanish and followed her into the bed. As we fell into the bed I lowered myself to her stomach and kissed it and then played with her chest next. I worked my mouth over her breasts as she explored my body with her hands. I could hear the others still by the sofa, but was enraptured with Lori'dae for now. I worked my way around each of her perky nipples and then pulled away and looked at her face. She had a beautiful face and while she smiled at me as we paused she winked and I dove into her lap.

I licked her pussy and felt her hair running along my face as I turned and licked this way and that before inserting my finger. I felt her body stiffen for a second with my finger and then loosen again. I looked up her body and she had her head leaned back with one of her arms over her face. I slowly pulsated my finger inside of her and took her hand with my other as I continued to eat away at the juices flowing from her. When she came I felt her nails dig into the back of my hand that was holding hers, but I didn't stop. I played with her pussy for nearly thirty minutes before I felt hands on my shoulders.

"You're gonna kill her." T'anya said pulling me away. I had been so focused on her folds I forgot about her.

"Sorry Lori." I said before I joined the others. T'anya sat on the couch and Niko was kneeling between Misha's legs as Ly'anna was making out with Misha sitting in her lap. I knelt down next to Niko and copied her. I helped myself to T'anya and slid my tongue inside her. She took my hands as I ate her out and teased her clit with my tongue. She had gotten used to helping herself out, and was gyrating over my mouth as I ate. I spent a few minutes eating away at her before I stopped and looked to Misha.

"Trade?" Niko asked when she noticed me. I switched over to Misha and started to lick away at both her and Ly'anna. I would work hard to get one to cum and then the other. This worked the best for me since I didn't have to worry about breaking either of them. After a few more orgasms each I pulled back and Niko and I were all that weren't panting. I pushed her onto her back and put my head between her legs and ate. She moaned loudly as I helped myself to her folds and then came as I inserted my finger inside. I pulsated in and out and after she came constantly for a few minutes I stopped. With everyone out for the count, I helped everyone get into their nighties and into bed. After everyone was laid out, I went to work on the potatoes and then on the underwear.

"Did you sleep?" Misha was the first to wake up and she came over to me on the couch working.

"Nah, I'm good. I used to pull all-nighters all the time, and now I can do it without any repercussions." I said as I looked up and kissed her sleepy face. "Did you sleep well? You guys all synched up last night so I figured I would ask." I said pointing at her stomach.

"Oh right you can't have a period can you?" She asked me.

"Nope, no eggs to be shed from the wall left." I said smiling.

"You were pretty crazy last night… What was that about?" She asked as she crawled into her spot behind me.

"I'm not even sure myself. I just really, really wanted to eat you guys up. I feel bad for Lori though." I said looking at the busty redhead in bed still passed out.

"Yeah, it was almost a punishment what you did to her." She chuckled and I felt her body against mine and turned my face to hers. Before long I had pulled her to my front and we made out for a while before I pulled my face from hers and pulled on her nightie.

"I'm on my period." She said red faced.

"I don't care." I answered.

"I do." She wrapped around me and wouldn't let me go down on her, so I kissed her more and eventually was interrupted by T'anya.

"You are a beast." She said as she sat next to us and kissed us both. The three of us traded for a while, but T'anya wouldn't let me do anything with her either. This pattern continued until everyone was awake, and I was extremely unsatisfied.

"I'm hungry." I said after everyone had a few minutes together. We dressed and headed downstairs to see In'tasha standing at the counter with a small white-haired girl that had a thick ass and a decent, but not enormous chest.

"In'tasha, good morning." I said beaming my best smile. The girl turned around and she was about the same age as T'anya. She had two wolf ears and a smiling face full of pointed teeth. She had gray eyes and looked like the epitome of mischief.

"Good morning Alyssa. Her majesty, the first princess of Ren'galia wishes to have more of the clothing you offered her. We will pay for them you can rest assured, and if possible?" She trailed of questioningly and I didn't get it but Misha did.

"Yeah, yeah, you'll get some as well. Let us eat breakfast first though, this one was absolutely ravenous last night." Misha said bopping my head lightly.

"Your majesty? Would you care to join us for a meager breakfast? My dear here would definitely be able to surprise you." I said to the princess. She was a cute girl to be sure and I kept finding myself glancing at her whole body.

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

Niko answered, "We make food differently in our homeland, so you may find somethings to your liking that you weren't prepared for."

"Then I would be grateful for the opportunity." The princess said smiling brightly. Her teeth when she smiled were a wonderful yet frightening sight.

"I'm going to apologize right now your majesty…" I said lowering my head. "I keep finding myself staring at your teeth and I don't want you to think I am being disrespectful, but I have never seen a Beastkin with teeth like that." I explained.

"It's fine. I find your clothes to be interesting as well. Not just the underwear you gave me last night." She answered and looked up at me. It finally dawned on me that this girl was probably under the five foot mark.

"Well sit and we'll get some food ready." I said before Niko, Misha, and I went into the kitchen.

"I can't believe you are making me cook for a princess." Niko slapped my arm as soon as we got into the kitchen.

"I mean, as long as you don't serve her the head of her father I'm sure she will love it. It isn't about what the food is when it comes to people with money. It is about whether they have experienced it before. If you give them a boring meal they will blow it off, but if it's something new she will adore you. So don't worry." I said holding her face in my hands and kissing her gently at the end. "Do you want my help, or are you going to kick me out of here?" I asked when she calmed down.

"Get out, Misha stay." She said and went to work.

"I'll see you in a bit." I said walking out. I looked over at the table and the princess was talking to T'anya, Ly'anna, and Lori'dae so I snuck out the door. If no one was going to help me out, I would help myself. I made my way through town heading in no particular direction when I passed the blacksmiths and he shouted out the door.

"Alyssa! Come in here." He yelled. I turned and he was sitting at a table eating some meat and bread.

"Lem'tril? How can I help you?" I stopped and went in.

"It's my apprentices day off so I am eating alone. If you haven't eaten yet join me." He looked at me with a grin. "If you have, join me anyway." He winked.

"Don't mind if I do." I said as I stepped up and closed the door behind me. I didn't waste any time and approached him and when he saw how close I was he stood and kissed me. He was about six to eight inches taller than me, and feeling his beard on my mouth felt nice. His strong arms wrapped around me and he pulled away from the kiss and looked at me.

"I was wondering if you were checking me out or not." He said smiling still.

"Oh I was, But that doesn't mean much when it's me. I have a never ending libido." I said as he lifted me and took me up to his room. He tossed me into his bed and started to undress. He slowly pulled the sash from his blacksmiths apron and it fell down. Next he undid his robe. He was hairless from the neck down and gorgeous. I looked over his body and stood. I ran my hand down his pecks and arms as he leaned forward to kiss me again. I kissed him and grabbed his cock in my hand. His body stiffened and I slowly stroked it up and down as he tried to focus on kissing me. I stopped long enough to take off my tank top and when he saw my bra he raised an eyebrow. I reached behind myself and unclasped it before I let my breasts be free and got on my knees. As I took his cock in my mouth he put his hands, one on my head, the other on his hip. I felt his cock stiffen in my mouth and grow. I licked it with my tongue as I turned my head and bobbed back and forth. I used only my mouth and slid my fingers down to my crotch to get myself wet. As I played with myself he continued to moan as he held my hair out of my face and held his hip in place to prevent himself from thrusting. As I sped up I felt his dick throb and prepared myself as he tapped my head and I kept going to catch the load in my mouth. His thick load shot into my mouth and when he stopped cumming I swallowed it all and finished undressing.

"My god." He said as I pushed him into the bed. "You're amazing." He said looking at me admiringly.

"That's just the start sexy." I said as I climbed on top. I took his massive cock between my index and middle finger and guided it into me as I sat on top of him. He made a face since he was still sensitive, and I couldn't help but chuckle. I could feel his cock throbbing inside me as I slowly gyrated my hips and found the spot. He raised his hands and started to play with my tits as I gyrated on top of him and started to reach climax. As I came I leaned forward and he kissed me. I felt his hips start to rock as his cock filled me up over and over. I ran my mouth over his and felt his beard prickling my face. I bit his lip and he started to thrust faster as my orgasm rippled through my body.

"Where?" Was all he said and I knew he was about to cum.

"Inside." I shouted as he continued to thrust and finally came inside me. I didn't stop my gyrations though and his eyes crossed while I looked at him. I continued to gyrate on him until I felt his dick stiffen again and his eyesight straightened out.

"Do you ever stop." He looked at me and I just laughed.

"Fuck me, hard." I said as I rolled off of him and turned. He took position behind me and slammed his cock inside me as he took my hips firmly. "Fuck me!" I shouted and he slammed me again, this time my face hit the mattress and he slammed me over and over. I could feel the whole of his shaft entering and pulling out as he rammed me harder and harder. After I came a few more times I clenched down on his dick and played back and forth with him. I continued to cum a few more times and he finally asked again.

"Where?" He asked again.

"Here." I pulled him out of me and sucked every last drop out of his dick as he came. After we finished this he tried to pull me into an embrace, but I was going to be getting some serious shit for this later anyway.

"Fucking me and then leaving?" He asked teasingly.

"I have five girls at home that are all on their periods and won't let me fuck them. I'd be more than willing to use you until they are back in the game." I said as I flushed my pussy out with water before drying down and getting dressed.

"I'm in. That was amazing." He was laying in the bed with his hands behind his head and not hiding anything.

"You seem to be the only guy I've met worth fucking anyways. Most just ram it in and cum." I said finishing getting dressed.

"That's uh…" He trailed off and looked away.

"Dead or divorced?" I asked.

"Dead…" He said somberly.

"Sorry. I'll stop in tonight for another go if that's okay with you?" I said as I leaned forward and kissed him.

"Sure, whenever, just don't hold it against me if I don't finish your stuff in time though." He grinned at me.

"You don't want me to hold anything against you?" I teased as I got to the door.

"Forget that then." He said quickly and winked at me again before I left.

"Who was it?" T'anya asked me as soon as I entered the Inn.

"The blacksmith." I said calmly as I went to take my seat.

"He was very handsome." She said sitting in my lap. "Is that your plan for the next few days?" She asked me next. The others at the table followed the conversation save for the princess and her guard.

"I mean…" I scanned the three and they all blushed and looked down. "I guess since you guys are being wimps. I said I'd see him tonight." I explained before Misha and Niko came out with the food.

"Blacksmith?" Misha asked sitting next to me.

"Yeah… How can you just know?" I asked them all. They all looked at T'anya.

"I could just tell you were with someone." She said embarrassed.

"This is quite the interesting conversation, truly, but I was told I would receive unique food?" The princess piped up.

"Right, sorry, help yourself." Niko answered and pushed a plate towards the princess.

"Thank you." She said with a serrated smile before she reached for some food. Niko had made some White bean and pork soup. It usually used ham, but we didn't have time to glaze and cure a ham yet.

"This looks great Niko." I said as I took a bowl from the tray.

"Thanks I also put aside some pork to cure into ham and made some pork belly into bacon. It takes a few days though so don't expect too much." She said smiling.

"Can I come over there?" I asked. She nodded so I stood T'anya up with myself and kissed Niko and sat back down. The soup was delicious and the princess was a bit obsessed.

"How did you get this flavor? This is pork no?" She asked Niko.

"It's from a monster's meat, but it is a 'Giant Tusk-Boar' so yes?" She asked her answer.

"You must come work for me." She paused and looked at me. "You as well." She said overly excited.

"Sorry sweetie, we already have plans. Your more than welcome to tag along, but just be prepared to see us having lots of sex." Misha answered for the group.

"You all are lovers?" She indicated the table. "How does that even work? You're all women aren't you?" She kept getting more and more confused so we just started to ignore her and talked amongst ourselves as we finished our breakfast.

"I need to apologize for my actions earlier." The princess had lowered her head and was standing in front of us as we finished our meal. "I have never tasted food like that, so I got ahead of myself and acted inappropriately. Although, I would still gladly hire either of you." She made one last attempt looking at Niko and I. After we shook our heads she continued, "I am travelling the country for the foreseeable future to understand how this country truly works. Although I wouldn't be joining in your lovers trysts, I would very much like to continue to travel with you as you explore this land." She made an honest request so the six of us stepped aside to discuss it.

I spoke first. "It's a princess so it's a yes for me."

"I'm interested in bringing her and the guard." Niko spoke up next.

"I feel like bringing her along will definitely make things more interesting." T'anya added.

"I would like to get to know her more." Ly'anna spoke up.

"I'm in. I just demand that I am there for the formal sizing." Misha said checking out the princess' ass.

"I've only known you all for a few days, but I would like to see how a princess reacts to your deeds." Lori'dae was the last to voice her opinion.

"Well your highness, we discussed it and you can come with. But we live in De'arc so you will have to get there on your own." I said from the front of the group.

"Thank you, please from now on call me Cani'lu. I would be doing nothing but bringing trouble to you if people knew you were travelling with me. I will have In'tasha change into less conspicuous wear as well." She said beaming.

"Well, Cani'lu, I don't have many plans today, so how about we get you and your guard upstairs for measurements?" I asked.

"Okay lets." She replied. We led her upstairs and the eight of us fit decently into the room, although it was a bit cramped.

"So? What now?" In'tasha asked.

"Undress…" I said calmly as Misha made my notepad with different people's measurements on them and my measuring tape appear. Cani'lu removed her robe and had the bra and panties I had given them yesterday on. The underwear was on backwards and the bra was definitely pinching her tits. "I should have better explained how to wear these I suppose." I said stepping up. "First lets get them off." I unlatched her bra and helped her get naked and started to properly take her measurements. Her breasts were decent sized and she had larger nipples that looked good on her slightly dark skin. She was a bit heavier which made sense for a princess. Her ass was thick and I wanted to take a bite out of it, but I kept calm and only took her measurements. After writing them down I helped her dress so she knew how to wear the clothes. As she stepped into the underwear properly I saw Misha's eyes focusing extremely hard on Cani'lu's ass and smiled. Next she turned away from me and I guided her through how to wear the bra properly. I moved her tits in the bra so they weren't getting pinched and after she put her robe back on she looked relieved.

"I was excited to be the first in the higher ups to wear these clothes, but they were uncomfortable to be sure. Now that I have them on right, although this bra is a bit tight." She adjusted herself.

"I will make a proper one soon, you don't need to wear the bra if it is uncomfortable Hun." I said as I stepped over to In'tasha. "Your turn." I smiled. She slowly removed her armor first and then her clothes. Her brown eyes were fascinating, and she had patches of fur along her body which was apparently normal for Beastkin. Her breasts were on the lower b scale and her body was tight and similar to Misha's without the amazing ass. After getting her measurements I had her get dressed quickly and went to work while everyone chatted.

"So you are what rank hunters?" Cani'lu asked.

"Technically Quartz, but when we turn in the 'Slime' cores, we should be Emerald." Niko answered.

"I see, that's wonderful. You must have been working for a long time to reach such a rank."

Misha cut in, "Uhh, actually we have only been registered for a couple of days."

"You are definitely formidable, the way you each held that creature was impressive." In'tasha said next.

"What creature?" Cani'lu asked. Misha pulled it out and put it at the princesses feet and looked at her. As Cani'lu squatted down she looked at it and grabbed its tail and started to lift. She had higher stats than her guard, but the creature was still heavy. She grunted as she lifted it and Misha took it and threw it to me.

"Love?" She said before she threw it. I dropped what I was working on and caught it and then threw it back and went to work.

"I'm busy, please let me get a few of these finished." I said quickly. I had finished two bras and two pairs of panties for the princess and wanted a week's worth for each.

"Sorry, forgot how focused you can get." She said pouting.

"It's fine, here." I put both hands out and she came over and I hugged her and kissed her. "I'm feeling strange today and last night. Maybe it's something to do with this world and the period stuff." I said quietly.

"Maybe. Let me know if you need anything." She said to me.

"You too." I smiled and kissed her again.

"You all are very lovey dovey, aren't you?" Cani'lu asked.

"If it bothers you, we did warn you." Misha answered before she sat with Niko and took her hand.

"No, it's just, my parents have been together for almost sixty years and I don't think they even kiss." She said solemnly.

"To be fair, relationships are different for royalty." Niko answered trying to throw Cani'lu a figurative bone.

"I understand that, but it still is fun seeing such a caring group." She smiled at us and they went on talking as I worked on the clothes.

"Finally!" I said as I finished the last one.

"Have you finished?" Cani'lu practically jumped out of her chair.

"Yeah, I went with colors that will suit you both, so the green is for In'tasha, and the yellow is for Cani'lu." I said as I spread them out. "Let me know if you need help with anything, I will be more than happy to assist." I smiled and went right to work. I decided to make a few pairs of boxer briefs for Lem'tril as a 'Thanks for letting me use your dick' gift. As I went to work I made a few different colored pairs out of a softer thread and then decided four was enough. I made blue, red, black, and purple and stuck them into my bag.

"I can't find a good spot." In'tasha said as she looked at me. I went behind her and showed her how to adjust her breasts. I felt her nipples between my fingers and slid them around until they were resting and felt her sigh. "Thank you. That's much better." I looked to Cani'lu and she smiled and shook her head.

"Well then, I have other work to do." I said as I pulled out my pans of potato pieces and started to drain the water out of them slowly. As I did I saw a few people were watching me. "I cut up the potatoes finely last night and ran them through water repeatedly. Now, I've let them sit for a few hours and am going to let the starch sit and dry out once I drain the majority of the moisture out." They were all watching so I turned the pot to them and showed the starch that was sitting at the bottom of the pan.

"Why?" Cani'lu asked.

"It can be used as a thickener for food and other things." I said smiling.

"I really want to make a good pilaf." Niko said smiling. "I'm really glad you learned how to make it."

"Yeah me to." Misha said with a chuckle knowing the real reason I made it.

"It's fascinating the information you have. What country are you from originally?" She asked

"We don't know… We were captured by demi-human slave traders and taken to Bestin. We were rather young at the time so country didn't mean anything." I explained.

"I see, that is awful." Cani'lu replied.

"It brought us all together. Even if those three came after." I pointed to T'anya, Ly'anna, and Lori'dae.

"So you three are from the same country and met these three after escaping, fascinating." In'tasha said hearing our story.

"Yeah, we took up an apprenticeship at a young age, so we each were fairly developed before the kidnapping." I said next. "I was working for a seamstress, Niko was a magical researcher that was a bit crazy for food, and Misha was a dancer." I explained.

"Dan-cer?" They both asked at once.

"It was a form of entertainment and expression." Misha explained. "Groups of minstrels and bards would play instruments and men and women would tell a story without words by moving their bodies in tune with the music." She continued. "Unfortunately, this country doesn't do much for music." She lowered her head.

"I see, to know a country is out there that promotes peace and entertainment, that is truly a wonderful thing." She said thinking to herself. After talking for a few more hours the princess and her escort left and we went to get dinner.