
Exploring the Town

"You have the five of us, and you still bring me to a brothel?" She asked.

"With how backwards this world is, I wanted to see something." I said as she held me from behind and we entered.

"What beauty, are you looking for work?" The Mistress asked when we entered.

"Sorry no. We wanted to see how you did business since we are in the same business." I said revealing our cover story. "We will pay for any time we use, obviously." I added when she looked at me funny.

"Can we see what girls are available?" Misha asked next, still holding me.

"Sure, but you still have to pay the doubles rate." She said as she pulled out a bell. When she rang it eight girls came out. Each was nearly identical. Average. That was the only way to describe them.

"Is this it?" Misha asked. The girls weren't ugly, but I wouldn't even remember their names if they told them to me. They all had shoulder length blonde hair, they were average builds and brown eyes. I'm sure my standards had changed being surrounded by true beauties, but I felt like something was missing.

"Where is the variety?" I asked. I figured with slaves being a thing, I could find some gorgeous girls, and maybe even a Lamia or Harpy.

"You are definitely the first to complain." She said smiling, "But, you aren't wrong. Most of my girls quit recently because some explorer said he would marry a bunch of 'em. This is who I have left." She waved to the girls.

"So, he didn't like blondes?" I asked putting a hand on Misha's wrist.

"Apparently, these were the only ones he didn't offer to marry. Surprising since he took twelve." She said bitterly. I used 'Analyze' and saw they all had the same ability. It was called 'Stable Mind'. I borrowed it from one of the girls, and after Misha made the decision for us, we took two of the girls into the back.

As soon as we got into the room, both girls removed their robes, and were fully naked.

"Sorta, removes the fun of opening a present huh?" I asked Misha. Each girl was human, so no hair below the neck and they were pretty similar. They were young enough to have perky tits and tight looking pussies.

"What do you think?" Misha asked me. "Wanna show them how to do their jobs?" She playfully bit my ear as she said that. Get the Mistress, there is some things that need to be fixed." I said to the one on the right. Fearfully she grabbed her robe and ran into the hall. Not long later she returned with the Mistress.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked stepping into the room.

"Where is the show?" I asked almost immediately. "We came into the room and they were naked. Don't get me wrong, a naked girl is great to look at, but you could do so much more, even with these girls, with a little…" I couldn't think of the right word.

"Flair!" Misha said smiling. She pulled on me and showed me her grin. She slowly walked over to the Mistress and took her hands to the bed. "You two, get dressed and pay attention." Misha said as she sat the Mistress down. The girls followed her orders and Misha looked at me. Slowly we both approached each other in front of the Mistress and she kissed me. More for show so it looked good.

As she pulled away, she turned me, so my ass was in her crotch and started grinding. As she brought her hands up and down my body, the Mistress made a slight sound. I gave her a sexy smile and bit my lip as I dropped my ass into Misha. She ran her body up and down mine and after a minute of this or so, she slowly reached for my shirt. As she grabbed the edges of my tank top, she slowly lifted it and crouched to give my stomach a kiss. As she stood up my tank top lifted over my head and I immediately put my hands back on her hips. She grabbed my shorts next and turned me away from her again as she slowly teased our audience with a show of my shorts being unbuttoned and, when she unfastened the final one, my shorts just fell to the ground. As I stepped out of them, I turned back to Misha.

"Naughty girl." I said playfully as I ran a hand through her hair. I rested my hands on her perky ass and pulled her close as I spun and smacked it for the three women. I removed her jeans slowly since they hugged her ass so tightly and, as she stepped out, she kissed me again. Her tank top I grabbed at her stomach as she grabbed the sides to lift it off and slowed her down but didn't stop her. As we were standing there, just in out underwear the mistress finally spoke up.

"Where in the world did you learn this, and why am I so warm? I don't even like women." She exclaimed.

"Sexy is sexy." Misha said turning to her and leaning her cleavage into her face. "You don't need to be straight or bi to know someone is good looking of the opposite gender, it just is." She stood and turned her focus back to me.

She approached me and lowered her face to mine and kissed me teasingly for the people watching, before she reached around and unhooked my bra. I returned the favor, but we left them on and slowly removed them while not showing our nipples to the women. After the bras were off, we turned away, and slowly at the same time removed our panties. We let them get glimpses of our nipples as we took off the underwear but didn't let them see our pussies. Finally, we turned around and looked at the three.

"Marvelous. Please, tell me where you got these wonderful things." The mistress was holding my panties as we finished our little strip tease. I smiled as I walked up to her.

"I made them." I placed my hand out and she put them in my hand.

"Those aren't even the good ones." Misha followed up. We had thrown our panties at them when we undressed, so she went to the girls to get hers back. "She has been working on some others that really accentuate the woman's beauty." She said as she pulled her panties on.

"They aren't don't yet, but she isn't lying." I pulled my bra on and she stepped behind me to hook it up, so I returned the favor. After we finished dressing the Mistress was practically shaking.

"Where is your brothel? I want to experience this myself." She asked when we sat down.

"We have just bought property, so we don't have any buildings done yet. We are planning on something in De'arc to get started and moving forward from there." I explained as Misha once again wrapped around my back.

Seeing this the Mistress continued, "And you two are lovers?" She asked. "What will you do for the male customers requesting you?" She asked.

"I mean, we are lovers, but we aren't alone in this relationship. I don't really care if anyone wants me, but if any man, so much as lays a hand on Misha…" I trailed off not quite sure how bad of a sentence I would put down. I felt her lips on my cheek after saying that.

"Thanks Love." She said to me. She looked at the Mistress and continued, "We aren't planning on putting ourselves up on the block, but we do want to build one up that not only gets the clients off, but also, we want to make an experience that will cause customers to come back for more." She kept kissing my cheek when she paused, but never lost her train of thought.

"We also wanted to set up a spot where the customers could see the way the girls and guys moved before they picked one, not that we would stop someone from picking someone just from appearance." I added.

"You plan on using men as well?" the Mistress asked.

"Of course. I doubt that me and my girls are the only gays or bis in the whole world, not to mention, women like sex too, as long as it's done right." I answered.

"It's so painful, is there really that many people that like sex?" She asked.

"Oh my god!" Misha screamed and as she released me started to undress. "Clothes off." She said to the Mistress.

"I don't see how you can really help me here." She said leaning back. Misha was already naked, so I leaned forward and kissed the Mistress. As I did this, I saw Misha go for her pussy, so I pulled the robes off of her and undressed for the second time in this room. I laid with Misha at the Mistresses pussy, and you could see where she had recently been used by a customer. Her crotch was swollen and bleeding from some guy just ramming it in and fucking her. I cast 'Heal' and when the swelling went down, we went to work. I laid across the Mistress with my face at her clit and Misha was kneeling at the foot of the bed eating away at her folds. Mine and Misha's tongues kept meeting each other as we moved around her pussy making it start to drip. The girls hearing the Mistress moan started to undress and laid in their own sixty-nine position. I waited until the Mistress came twice before I went back for her face. I kissed her and then started to kiss and lick her nipples as Misha sped up the process at her waist. She was shaking, and her chest was bright red from orgasm, but we didn't stop. We weren't worried about getting ourselves off, but it was fun to see a woman in her thirties have her first orgasm. And second, and third, and fourth.

"So, do you still think women dislike sex?" Misha asked as I wiped her face off when she was finished.

"I… I…" The Mistress was laying naked in bed just staring at the ceiling. I looked at the two other girls and could tell they hadn't cum yet, so I nudged Misha's arm.

"Yeah, okay." I rolled the girl in the top of the sixty-nine off and took her spot.

"Watch Hun." I said before I lowered my face. I licked away at the girl's clit and folds and she started to moan. I nibbled at her with my lips and before long she came.

"Do me, do me." The one watching said smiling. Not one to turn down a new pussy I helped myself. I pulled her legs around my face and decided to really go to town. I licked as fast as I could and inserted two fingers. As I moved the fingers in and out, I vibrated my tongue over her clit and she orgasmed. It had only been a few minutes, so I wasn't done. I continued to lick and finger her as she screamed out in ecstasy until Misha finally stopped me.

"You are going to break the poor girl Babe." She said to me. I pulled away and she looked like she had just finished running a marathon. Her body was covered in sweat and she was panting like crazy.

"Oh, sorry little one." I said as I laughed and stood.

"You definitely taught me something." The Mistress had finally gotten her head back on. "To think something so amazing existed." She was still laying on the bed looking up, but she had her eyes open now.

"Yeah, and it is more intense than what the guys feel. By the way, where is the explorer that proposed to the girls? I wanted to introduce myself since we are on our way to becoming those ourselves." I asked the Mistress.

"But with such a good business model, do you need to put your life on the line?" She asked.

"It doesn't hurt to have more than one source of income." I answered.

"He lives in the mansion to the south of town. Can you please show me how you did what you did?" She asked next.

"Talk to that one." I pointed to the girl that was still pretty weak from my over doing it. "I showed her the most efficient way, although, all girls are different." I said as I grabbed my clothes. "Let me get your measurements, and I will put together some underwear and lingerie for you guys. Although it isn't cheap, I'll give everyone a free bra and panties. The lingerie you will have to pay for, as well as any extra underwear you wish to use." I said before I threw on my tank top. I took the girl that could still stands measurements first, and then the Mistress. After doing so we headed out. I decided to help myself to a second 'Stable Mind' before leaving and gave it to Misha to be careful.

"What did you just do?" She asked as we stepped out of the Brothel.

"All the girls that are still there had the same ability. It's called 'Stable Mind' and it prevents mind altering status effects. That is, things like hypnosis, mind control, and other similar things." I explained as she wrapped around me from behind again and made me piggy back her. "I think this explorer found something shady and is using it to defile girls."

"Fucking pig." She said quietly into my ear. "Is that why you asked to visit him? So, you could fuck him up?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. If he isn't being a monster, I might just take his ability, but we'll see how I react when we get there, or here." I said as we approached an enormous mansion. It was at least the size of the Inn we were staying in that had twenty rooms just for guests.

"That is a huge bitch." Misha said as I let her down. She didn't remove her arms from my neck, but she was standing on her own.

"Yeah, just be careful. I don't know what his ability is, but he can probably force stuff." I said as we approached the door. As I knocked on the door I used 'Analyze' and saw all of the people were in the basement. Probably not a good sign.

"Down there?" Misha asked looking at me.

"Yeah, here he comes." I warned before the door opened. The man that opened the door was probably five foot flat weighing in at four hundred pounds. I hadn't seen any humans that were less than just not fit, so it was a shell shock.

"What!?" He asked rashly when he opened the door.

"We are Hunters working on getting to be explorers and wanted to introduce ourselves." Misha stepped forward and stuck her hand out. He stuck his greasy hand out and grinned as he looked over Misha's body.

"Oh? Come to pay your senior his due respects?" He said as he tried to tug Misha into the house, but she wouldn't let him. His stats were definitely the highest I had seen in the world, but I had more than buffed my girls.

"Yeah. We heard you were very successful from some of the girls at the Brothel, so we thought we would talk about battle tactics with you. Once we get back home, we will be getting to Emerald rank, so it would be nice to hear from a pro." I said wide eyed and bushy tailed. He shook my hand like Misha's only I let him pull me a little bit. He took that as a good sign and invited us in.

"Thank you for inviting us in sir, I'm Misha and this is one of my party Alyssa." She said calmly as we entered. He had a lot of flashy and gaudy things lining the halls.

"No problem. Although it's rare to see a woman that uses both a long and short sword." He said pointing to my belt.

"I learned from an explorer that was friends with my parents. She was a fierce warrior and even knew some magic." I lied to him.

"Oh, that would make you a capable fighter. How long have you been Hunters?" He asked.

"We started about a week ago, and when we get to diamond, we plan on becoming explorers." Misha answered.

"You ranked up quickly, the guild must be lowering their standards." He said dejectedly as he led us to the basement stairs. "Well come on down. It will be fun." He said, and we followed him to the basement.

"What the fuck." Misha said quietly when we got downstairs. The women were lined up in stanchions with their heads and hands locked in place and a food trough strewn in front of them. They were all naked and looked like they had been here for a while.

"Alright get in." He said to Misha as he pulled open a stanchion.

"The fuck I will." She said giving me a look. I stepped forward like I was going to when I saw his abilities and stole them immediately. The one doing this to these girls was called 'Mental Master' and I was going to have to give it to a bird before I killed it later or something. It made it possible to give orders and people follow them like they were nothing out of the ordinary. After I took his skills, I found a spell that gave the recipient insatiable lust. I took that as well, and then drained his stat points down to a more reasonable level.

"Go ahead Blondie." I said to Misha and she made her gauntlets appear on her hands and turned the man into pulp. Next, I pulled the girls from their prisons and cleaned and dressed them before I used the skill to make them forget the shit they just went through and sent them back to work.

"Why the fuck do we keep running into one rapist after the next?" Misha asked me.

"I don't know, but I'm actually glad I can just fuck these scumbags up now." I said as I leaned into her arms to leave. "Take anything you think might have some value." I said as we left the dungeon. She swiped some pictures and all the furniture, and we also found a bag with about seventy-five white golds worth of coin.

"I'd say it was a decent haul." Misha said before she climbed back onto my back and we headed back to the Inn.

"Where have you been?" T'anya came running up to me when we entered and kissed me and then Misha. "I missed you both." She smiled and hugged me. I tucked her into a strange stance since Misha wouldn't get down and walked to the kitchen where Niko was still working with the chef.

"Hi Alyssa!" She practically jumped out of her skin and ran over to kiss me. Lori'dae and Ly'anna both came over as well.

"What did we miss? You look tired, and not in a good way." Ly'anna said calmly analyzing me.

"We just found another rapist and shut him down is all." Misha said quietly over my shoulder. Niko walked around and rubbed Misha's back and replied.

"Well at least you put a stop to it. Even if it is hard to deal with." She said sweetly. "What happened to the girls?" She said looking behind us.

"The guy was using a weird skill…" I started and was interrupted.

"So, you took care of it?" Niko said leaning back and smiling at me.

"Ahh… Now I feel better." I said looking at her beaming face.

"Good, here." She reached and grabbed what looked like bread and held it out to me. I reached for it and she pulled away. "Say ahh." She cooed cutely.

"Ahh…" I replied as I opened my mouth. She slowly put it in my mouth and when I bit down, I realized it was an attempt at French toast. "What is it that's missing?" I asked her as I chewed it up.

"Eggs. I hope we can find a monster or animal that lays edible eggs. Most of my meals had at least one egg in them before." She said calmly as she gave Misha the remaining half and then licked her fingers. I can use honey to stimulate the sweetness since they have bee like monsters that are pretty common, and I can do flour from wheat with a small rolling stone. Yeast is one of those things that happens naturally, so they use it here. The one thing I get a raised eyebrow to is eggs and if I can't have pudding, ice cream, and French toast, I will kill myself." She said extremely upset.

"Well shit Niko." I said giving her a hug. T'anya reached and hugged her and Misha patted her head.

"We would be lost without you, so don't do that." I said looking at her face.

"I didn't actually mean it, I am just a bit frustrated." She said giving me a small grin.

"Well, it's decided then." Ly'anna said next. "When we get back to De'arc, we check the hunter's requests for eggs." She said looking determined.

"Well more like bird type, or lizard type monsters." I said laughing at her determination. "But I like where your head is at Ly'anna." I said as I leaned over, and she bashfully kissed me.

"I'm looking for the hunters that put a special order in at the blacksmiths!" I heard a younger man's voice call out.

"That's me." I said as I walked back to the dining area.

"Lem'tril sent me. He said he finished the first piece, but he thinks something isn't right." The young man was probably fifteen or sixteen. He had purple hair and pink eyes. "I'm his apprentice." He smiled as I looked him over.

"Well let's go then, apprentice." I said smiling at him. The six of us followed the apprentice back to the blacksmiths, and when we arrived, he was waiting staring at the grater.

"Finally! I made the design, but I can't figure out how to sharpen the holes." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Why not just file it down?" I asked.

"File?" He cocked his sexy head to the side and looked at me confused.

"Jesus." Misha exclaimed. "Do you have an old grind stone somewhere that you were going to get rid of?" She followed up after she calmed down. "This world and it's high tech lighting and not even copper age tech at the same time." She whispered as he went rummaging for a grindstone.

"Here. Now what?" He asked as he put the stone down. I looked it over and after finding a decent spot, I pulled my sword and cut a long narrow rectangular prism out of the stone. Next Misha grabbed it with her gauntlets and rounded down the edges, so it was circular in shape. Lastly, I spent about ten minutes carving a simple thread into it to make it take care of any burrs later and handed it back to him.

"This is…" He held it over his head and stared at it as he looked over the build of it. "Now I can clear burrs and builds on smaller areas, and also sharpen up rounded out holes." He explained to no one since we already knew. "Give me a few minutes and I will have your first device finished." He said as he started to run the file in and out of the holes. My brain instantly went the way of the teenager and I grinned before I felt five separate pinches at once.

"Ouch." I feigned pain as I pulled away. "What was that for?" I asked smiling.

"You know." Misha said grabbing my neck from behind and T'anya had me hug her from behind. We

watched the blacksmith grind away for a bit more and he finally handed it over.

"Are there more of these that would work?" He was still admiring the round file in his hand.

"I mean yeah… You can make them for whatever kind of job you need, and the closer you make the lines the finer the grinding will be." I answered as I looked over the grater.

"If I tried to make a few would you look over them for me?" He asked as we started to leave.

"Yeah, whatever, just don't forget our deal for the white gold." I said as we reached the door. He practically yelped and nodded before heading into the forge.

"What's so important about this?" T'anya asked taking the grater from my hand.

"You can use it to finely cut foods quickly and in the same size." I answered as I watched her slowly trace her finger around one of the holes. "I like stews and a few other thicker things, so I wanted to make starch." I added.

"What is starch?" She asked, and I saw the other two react similarly confused.

"It's found in certain foods and causes a reaction that thickens liquids. You can make soup into a thicker gravy that is used differently." Niko replied. "How do you know how to make starch?" She asked me.

"I told Misha earlier, but I used to do a lot of the do it yourself stuff at home when they showed up on the internet. Do you think you can get me a LOT of potatoes though?" I asked.

"Yeah, that chef would let me cook up her first born by now." She said with a mischievous smile.

"Well, don't do that." I said smiling back. "But it takes a while to make, so I would love it if you could get me a few pots and as many potatoes as you can get."

"Okay leave it to me." She pointed at herself with her thumb.

When we made it back to the Inn the chef talked to Niko for a bit and ran into the back and came back with a few decent sized pots and handed them over and then left to return with about twenty pounds of potatoes.

"Thank you, chef." Niko said as we walked up to our room. Before anyone could do anything, when the door shut, three men were standing in our room with smiles and knives.

Next chapter