
Chapter 10

 Doctor Strange opened the eye of Agamotto and used the green glowing ring in front of his hands to start reversing time, making a circle with both of his palm and fingers. Stephen started reversing time, going back to the moment before the cat-scorpion landed on me and brought me down to the ground. Doctor Strange let time resume and quickly opened a large portal in front of me, stopping the monster from launching itself onto me. I blinked down at him in astonishment as he closed the portal back up. 

"You should have done that earlier, I kind of destroyed some more of the city while fighting the hideous creature" I confessed, letting some hysterical laughter slip out of my jaws.

Strange grinned at me. 

"Don't worry Vanessa, I can fix that too" he said, with his cheeks turning a bit red. 

 We both smiled at each other for a moment, before I felt something land on my back and a long pole was pulled uncomfortably up to my white thick throat. I could hear the cackling of laughter before it all went dark, and I couldn't hear it anymore. 

Stephen's Point Of View:

Meanwhile Doctor Strange watched as Loki used the Chitauri Scepter to take over and control Vanessa. 

How the heck did he get that back? 

Once her eyes turned bright blue , she stopped struggling and Loki let go levitating, up beside the large dinosaur. 

"It looks like the tables have turned. Thanks to you now I can do even more destruction with your friend here" said Loki, giving Strange a devilish smile. 

"Any last words wizard?".

 Doctor Strange got his sling ring ready in his left hand.

"Yeah get the hell off of Earth". 

 Thinking fast, Strange opened a portal beside Loki and made it swallow him up, after the cloak of levitation wrapped around the staff and pulled it free from Loki's grasp. 

Finally the troublemaker is gone. 

He'll enjoy the lost and found planet. 

Then he turned to Vanessa, who was still under Loki's command and was baring her teeth. 

 But I still have to help Vanessa before she does something she'll regret later. 

Strange's cloak was on its way back to him when Vanessa noticed that it was carrying Loki's staff. She bent down towards the sorcerer supreme and tried to clamp her teeth around him.

Acting quickly, Doctor Strange put his hands above his head and created a large orange, translucent sparking, shield above him to protect himself from her attack. 

"Damn she's strong" exclaimed Strange as he distracted her long enough for his cloak to slip under the shield and rested around his neck again. 

 Doctor Strange took the Chitauri Scepter, made his shield vanish and levitated up in front of Vanessa. He raised the staff and pointed the end that kept the blue Tesseract Stone safe. 

"Sorry Vanessa if this hurts you, but it's for your own good" said Doctor Strange as the blue stone started to glow bright, until it grew brighter than a light bulb.