
Till death do us part

Cass's pov

It's Sunday.

It's the day of the wedding that I was looking forward since like forever. My injuries have healed and I feel much better.

My clan will be protected from now on. I'll be a rich girl soon.

I should be happy but why does my eyes refuse to shut even at the middle of the night?

I sighed and stood up from my bed to take a drink downstairs. At the middle of the stairs near the main door, I heard some people arguing while playing an online game and saw my brother Kai sitting on the carpet along with Soobin.

"Am I dreaming?" I teased since it's been years ago when this usually happens on a weekly basis and I completely forgot how fun it was back then.

"Why are you still up?" Soobin frowned and paused the game. "It's three and your wedding is around nine in the morning."

"Same reason why you two are stuck here even though you are both required to wait in the end of the aisle for me."

"We can stay awake for a day but your makeup artist will scold you for this." Kai spoke without even looking. I approached the couch and sat behind them while looking at the wide flat tv screen.

"I feel like this isn't really happening." I picked a cushion and pressed my face on it to force my body to wake up in case this is just a dream.

A minute later I took it off and this time they are both staring at me in awe.

"This is not a drill. You are getting married." Soobin sighed deeply. "Unfortunately."

"Big bro don't make it sound so depressing like we're about to attend a funeral or something."

I raised a brow at Kai's descriptive take and was about to complain yet Soobin beat me to it.

"That was so unnecessary but it's gonna be a win if it happens after the wedding." He smirked and pressed play again to continue the game. "Our sister will become an instant billionaire and we don't have to deal with that selfish brat for the rest of our life."

"Soobin!" I widened my eyes on him. "Beomgyu might be a dick sometimes but he had been nice to me in the past."

"Sorry. I forgot you're his lawyer."

"Soobin it's not his fault okay? How many times do I have to tell you he didn't even know I was there?"

"Yeah, too busy checking out other girls like the fuckboy he is."

"Good lord." Kai expressed my frustration perfectly when he smacked his head and faced him angrily. "This is her wedding day and she's already had enough on her plate. Don't scare her because marriage is already the scariest thing out there and to be married to a guy like him is much worse."

I raised a brow at him. Kai normally looks and speaks like an angel but his tiny devilish horns slip out from time to time.

"You're not helping." I scoffed and left them to get myself a glass of fresh milk so that I can finally fall asleep.


My alarm was set an hour earlier because I can finish my early morning routine in a flash, however, it seems to be a no no to the stylists that came knocking on my door around six.

Three of them are women and one is a gay who apparently will do my hair and makeup. They forced me to take a shower early and quickly dried my hair.

They look have been nice and patient but my skin isn't giving them a break so they had to moisturize every inch to prevent the powder from sticking out instead of blending in.

An hour later they showed me the mannequin wearing my long-sleeved, boatneck lace ball gown adorned by expensive stones all over.

It's been while since I first saw it in a photo and it still gives me the same emotions.

This is it. This is really happening.

A smile crept on my lips as I let my stylists help me wear the heavy dress and ignored their judging eyes on the areas my two piece white underwear couldn't cover.

That same smile has been stuck in my face the whole time I was riding the cream white bridal car.

However, all my expectations were shattered after arriving in the church without the groom waiting at the end of the aisle.