
Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse

# GAME Welcome to a world of survival! While they were here, they had to forget about everything that they used to possess and work hard to stay alive! From the start, aside from the seed for a treehouse, they had no other equipment. They needed to find the hope to survive in this jungle fraught with danger. [Unlocking the authority of the creator of this world of survival.] What was happening?! [Failed to unlock the authority of the creator.] What now? This was a strange world. In this world, there were countless new fateful encounters and unknown discoveries. This is a story of adventure, focusing on exploration, land reclamation and unlocking the secrets of the world. It is a story about uncovering the truth behind the world. It is not a slow-paced kingdom building story.

Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse · 科幻
40 Chs

The Copper Treasure Chest, an Underground World?

編輯: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At this moment, Xu Xin's heart was still thumping. On his fourth day in this world, this was the first time he had felt the feeling of brushing past death. It was not a pleasant feeling.

He jumped up from the ground as fast as he could and grabbed Cocoa, who was sitting on the ground in a daze, then ran ten meters away. He hid behind a tree and looked at the "N" shaped vine in front of him. He took out the stone spear from his backpack and looked at the Map nervously.

He was afraid that there was more than one vine and that other plants would suddenly appear to attack him.

After waiting for ten minutes, the entangled vines that had attacked him still did not move.

"Yin..." Cocoa let out a weak cry in his arms.

Xu Ke gulped and gripped the stone spear tightly in his hand.

Originally, because there had been no red dots around on the Map, Xu Xin didn't think that he would need the stone spear. It was too long and would be a hindrance in his hands anyway, so he just put it in his bag. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

He slowly approached it, but the vine still did not move. Xu Xin kept his eyes on the Map and extended the rock spear towards the vine.

"Crack!" Under his shocked gaze, the originally strong and resilient vines seemed to have dried up in the wind. The spear pierced through them, and the crack slowly grew larger. A small part of the vines broke apart and fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Xu Xin was a little confused. How did the vines that looked so tough just a moment ago suddenly turn into something so brittle?

At this time, he noticed the place where the vines had come out, which was the root of the vines. The part that came out was very long and it seemed to have brought out a swollen root.

"Don't tell me..." He used the stone spear in his hand to stab at the root that looked like a sweet potato.

The surface of the vine's root cracked open, and a flash of bronze entered Xu Xin's eyes.

"F*ck, isn't the location of this treasure chest too inhumane?!" Xu Xin couldn't help but curse.

That's right, the root of the vine contained the copper treasure chest that he had been looking for.

At this moment, a corner of the copper treasure chest was exposed among the roots of the fallen vines. The appearance of the brass metal texture in the vines gave Xu Xin a very strong sense of disharmony.

He mustered his courage and stabbed the vine that was crumbling like an egg roll. After realizing that there was no longer any reaction from the vine, he began to stab at it crazily, turning it into scraps on the ground. The complete copper treasure chest was finally revealed.

Just as the mysterious voice had said, the copper treasure chest did not have a keyhole, so it should be able to be opened directly.

However, Xu Xin was cautious.

After being ambushed by the vines, his nerves had become more sensitive. He now seriously suspected that there was something dangerous in the treasure chest that would attack him as soon as he opened it.

On the map, the red dot that symbolized the vine was gone, and there were no more red dots around him, but Xu Xin was still worried. After all, before the vines appeared, there had been no red dots around. Instead, it was only when the vines were about to emerge from the ground that the red dot slowly appeared.

Why did the red dot representing the vines appear slowly?

Could it be that these vines had drilled all the way up from deep underground?

Xu Xin suddenly thought of the python in the lake next to his treehouse. The same thing had happened to the python. After it entered the lake, the red dot on his Map had gradually faded until it disappeared.

What secret was hidden underground?

Why did these seemingly illogical monsters all come out from the ground?

Xu Xin suddenly felt that it wasn't safe to be on the ground anymore. He wanted to return to his treehouse. The bottom was ten meters in the air, and his third floor was sixteen to seventeen meters high. Only at that height could he feel safe.

Wait a minute!

On the first day they entered this world, the mysterious voice had told them, "Remember, you must not abandon your treehouse. The treehouse is your only support."

After that, it had emphasized the same thing many times as well.

And now, Xu Xin had sensed the danger from underground.

He felt as if he had discovered something, but he hadn't completely uncovered it yet.

Forget it, he didn't want to think about it anymore. Opening the treasure chest was more important.

Like a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow, Xu Xin circled behind the treasure chest. He suspected that something would jump out of the treasure chest, so opening it from the back would give him some time to react.

Reality proved that he was overthinking it. There was nothing else in the treasure chest.

After opening the treasure chest and realizing that nothing had jumped out, he looked inside.

There was a bag of something at the top of the treasure chest. It seemed to be fertilizer?

[Natural Organic Fertilizer (green): Fertilizer that can turn barren land (white) into ordinary land (green). Sprinkling it on ordinary soil (green) will speed up the growth of plants. 50 portions are left.]

Fertilizer that could change the fertility of the land!

The survivors who had planted their treehouses in barren land could be saved. Xu Xin had learned earlier on that the soil could not be traded. This fertilizer was probably the only way they could change the fertility of the soil.

It could also speed up the growth of plants on ordinary soil? That didn't seem to be of much use to him.

He conveniently put the bag of natural organic fertilizer into his backpack, and the items in the treasure chest showed themselves.

"Birch seeds? Pine tree seeds?" Xu Xin picked up two bags of seeds.

[Birch Tree Seed: Only 10 days are needed to harvest a birch tree. Cutting down birch trees will give you fine wood.]

[Pine Tree Seed: Only 10 days are needed to harvest a pine tree. Cutting down pine trees will give you logs.]

New tree species, new wood species, new resources!

Xu Xin rejoiced that he had found the treasure chest. The mysterious voice had said that the items in the chest were limited. If he missed it, he would lose the ability to obtain these resources. Perhaps then, he would have to buy them from others.

If he used the seeds together with the fertilizer, he would be able to obtain new materials quickly.

This treasure chest was quite thoughtful, even its supplies came in a set.

"Yin!" Cocoa lay on the edge of the treasure chest, its short little paws pointing inside.

Under the two bags of seeds, there was a silver compass and a silver key.

The key should be for the silver treasure chest, but what was this compass? Xu Xin picked it up.

[Silver Treasure Chest Compass (green): Turning the needle can determine the general direction of the silver treasure chest once every two hours.]

"Wow, great!" Picking up the compass, Xu Xin was about to use it when he suddenly thought that if only the general direction would be shown, it would be better for him to use it after he returned to the treehouse. The treehouse was in the middle of the exploration area, which could minimize the range to the greatest extent.

"Cocoa, let's go back to the treehouse."


When he returned to the treehouse, the sun was already high in the sky.

Xu Xin had left the treehouse at around nine o'clock, and now, it was already one in the afternoon. He had only taken four hours to find the first treasure chest. Xu Xin was quite satisfied with his speed.

He brought the copper treasure chest back as well. No matter what, it was still a copper item. Perhaps he would have the ability to break it down into materials in the future.

Sitting on the armchair, Xu Xin immediately took out the silver compass and placed it on the table. He then moved the needle.

The needle felt a little heavy to the touch. After being plucked, the needle didn't slow down. Instead, it spun faster and faster, and with a crisp ding, it finally slowed.

Then, the needle stopped at the west of the treehouse.

"Hm? isn't this the direction I came from?"

To the west was the stream.