Garou Fang, an 18-year-old orphan, dies and reincarnates into his anime counterpart in the world of Tensura. His first motive was to get strong beat some kids and clap some booty, in-hindsight become a SIGMA CHAD. Let's watch on a complete sadistic, crazy-ass monkey who has some fun in a world where power makes right. I have no clue what to write for a synopsis so yeah..... |The first few chapters aren't great, mainly because I haven't written anything in my life and secondly I didn't have enough information about any cannon elements...| (I only own my OC.............)
[1st P.O.V.]
~Ice Continent~
Sitting across the ice table was none other than the Queen of Spirits herself, Ramiris. After destroying Guy in bed, Velzard knocked on our bedroom door informing us Ramiris was here.
I renovated the room as well....all Guy had in here was swords...seems since I came here she became a sword freak, there were other miscellaneous things that to her just looked cool.....a wardrobe filled with hand-sewn maid outfits *Laughs Like a pervert*.
The room also consisted of some auto cleanimg runes and shit like that, especially because of our nightly duties it gets freaky deaky...if you know what I mean. She was still resting.
Her body was twitching from time to time, even if she is one of the strongest beings on this planet, she still couldn't keep up with my stamina. To top it off she used almost all of her magicules so she couldn't even reinforce herself like usual.
Bringing my thoughts back to the matter at hand, I looked at the fully mature woman in front of me. Despite her childish personality she technically is a old hag. Sitting on an Ice chair looking on with a bored look, she spoke, "I have nothing to do so I came to hang out with Guy, but since your here, I guess she is in a comatose state huh?"
She practically came here every week to talk about random shit. Most of the times I use her to tryout my Maid outfits, she acts mature most of the time unless she gets excited.
There is a huge difference between present Ramiris and a newly rebirthed one like cannon, their personalities are almost completely different but at the same time equivalent.
She behaves like her cannon counterpart when she is excited, but her personality does a 180 in a fight, she pulls a Saitama. The last time I fought her she coated her body with spirit magic of every calibre and element, she fast-forwarded, stopped, reversed a bunch of random time shenanigans, even punched me with a space spirit coated fist during our fight.
The main problem almost every being would have against her is her Annihilation Magic. A magic that could erase a foe from existence itself, in simple terms a magicule powered Hakai.
She wasn't lying when she said beating anyone with a punch wasn't hard. Her Physical capabilities aren't anything to scoff at as well. She almost shattered a fourth of the Ice Continent with a full-powered punch without any magic, imagine coating her arm in Annihilation magic...I fear for whoever has to fight her.
She left Dryads and some Spirits in the Labyrinth to take care of it, she is the boss after all. Getting back on topic I answered her question. "Yep she is, tho it was mainly because she fought me with everything she had, going so far'll find out in the future."
I stood, walked up to the side of her seat then lifting her from under her armpits like a kid. She adorned a slight blush but she complied, I do this every time she comes, after picking her up I teleported on top of the castle. I took a seat, resting her on my lap I began patting her. She snuggled into my palm like a little puppy, her two wings began increasing in speed.
She fluttered like a hummingbird, creating little shockwaves showing how happy she is. I looked up into the night sky at the stars, "Ramiris what would have happened if Guy couldn't stop Milim from destroying the world, what would you have done if Guy really wanted to kill her."
Her wings slowed down, her face showed a complicated expression.
"I wouldn't hurt my creator's lovely daughter, but I would have been able to beat Guy. Compared to Milim he was holding back considerably until three or four days passed. He was forced to copy her Ultimate skill otherwise he would undoubtedly lose. Milims power was equal to him going at full power so I would have to most likely.....have to kill Guy...I would rather not....."
Her wings slowed down considerably, her emotions in turmoil, in her mind she was making up different possibilities that could have happened if Garou didn't appear and absorb the Evil Demonic Magic and Draconic Aura, if Guy wasn't able to calm her down what would have happened.
"What would you have given up to protect the world, to protect what your mater held dear..." I spoke in her ear slowly, cannon was already changing since I came to this world.
Guy and Milim were supposed to fight for longer, Ramiris was supposed to intervene and diffuse the situation. Ramiris was willing to give up her power to diffuse Guy from killing Milim.....well trying to, he was only able to keep up with her because she copied her Ultimate Skill, and she definitely couldn't copy [Origin Skill:Magicule Breeder Reactor] without permission.
I looked on as she floated next to me, she turned her head towards me, then spoke with determination. "I would do everything in my power to protect Veldenava Sama's daughter, I would even lose my power just to get the chance to protect her and this world even if I had to die!"
I looked at her with a small smile. She hasn't changed at all, in the original she was the one to keep the world's balance, after she turned into a Demon Lord, Guy took on the mantle of protecting the world and keeping the balance that was kept by her. I began patting her on the head again, "Your so cute~" I said subconsciously.
Her face became scarlet red and her wings were moving so quickly the shockwaves began to destroy the top of the castle. Taking my hand off her head, "What you wanna you wanna do now, Guy ain't waking up anytime soon."
She look displeased when I stopped patting her but nonetheless she pointed her finger into the raging snow storms, directly to the 'Magic Continent'. "Let's explore!" she shouted with new vigor unlike her gloomy self earlier, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Nodding my head I looked down, directly towards Vezard who was listening in on our conversation, appearing behind her I tapped her shoulder. "HIIIIIIIIIIII!" screaming like a little girl she spun around materializing a spear and pointing it at me.
She came face to face with me only to prostrate herself, with small tears on the side of her eyes threatening to fall. "I'm sorry for spying on you Garou Sama!" she practically screamed while doing a dogeza on the floor, seems I became a trauma to her.
I squatted down picking her up like a sack of potatoes, reappearing next to Ramiris, "I found another person to explore with." I pointed towards the fainted True Dragon, she nodded then spoke some magic words and Velzard woke up. "Hey, Velly let's go on an adventure!" she shouted happily only to be ignored by Velzard who was looking around in terror.
I stood there a bit irritated, I just did some soul and spiritual damage to her and she acts as I murdered her....oh yeah I did...for noise complaints, no wonder I felt Deja Vu."Yo, I'm not going to kill you, okay?"
I patted her head, she looks towards me slowly, giving her a sweet smile. "Pinky Promise." As I put my pinky out with good will, only for her to shake like a leaf, even more fear was presented in her eyes.....*Sigh*.
Giving up I looked towards Ramiras who looked confused by Velzared's situation. "Let's get going Ramiris, where to though?" hearing my words she completely forgot about Velzard's condition, going into a sugar rush. "MY AWESOME LABYRINTH!"
She screamed blitzing circles around me. I opened a portal grabbing the trembling True Dragon of Ice and Spirit Queen of the Labyrinth, beginning the Legend of the Martial God Asura.