
Starting in Tensura Never felt so Good!

Garou Fang, an 18-year-old orphan, dies and reincarnates into his anime counterpart in the world of Tensura. His first motive was to get strong beat some kids and clap some booty, in-hindsight become a SIGMA CHAD. Let's watch on a complete sadistic, crazy-ass monkey who has some fun in a world where power makes right. I have no clue what to write for a synopsis so yeah..... |The first few chapters aren't great, mainly because I haven't written anything in my life and secondly I didn't have enough information about any cannon elements...| (I only own my OC.............)

Daoof30Forced · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Past Memories!

[ 3rd P.O.V.]

~Dwelling of Spirits~

The Queen of Spirits, Ramiris, White Ice Dragon, Velzard and Garou, who is soon to be nicknamed, were all standing in front of two large mossy stone doors. Garou looking on couldn't help but mutter, "The anime didn't do their fucking research!"

Even if he was exploring the world in the previous 100 years he never tried entering here, after all, he was mastering martial arts, not magic. On top of that Vados was already a great teacher and more than one voice blabbering in his head at that time sounded annoying.

Velzard looked on in awe, even if she was a True Dragon, an old existence she barely left the perimeter of the Ice Continent. She knew about Ramiris's existence from her Brother but never bothered to investigate further than her name until she showed up at the Ice Palace because of her boredom.

Seeing them in awe Ramiris puffed out her chest proud at herself, "It's amazing isn't it, let me show you the inside!" levitating down she stood in front of the door, the vines shone a rainbow colour then the door opened open to show...a straight dark hallway. As the trio walked on, small spirits lit the way as they were surrounding Ramiris, they shouted praises to their queen.

Ramiris was laughing with her head up high a comically pointy nose formed on her face as she blabbered on about her greatness to the young tiny spirits and fairies.

Velzard and Garou looked on deadpanning at the haughty Spirit Queen, walking forward more spirits showed up, they were all small and cutely spinning around Ramiras as she changed her temperament and gave them a loving smile, showing her motherly care towards what she sees as her children.

Hundred of spirits swarmed around her, she just giggled as they dispersed via a telepathic message from her. Seeing them dispersing they made their way towards the middle of the so-called labyrinth.

"Rami is this a labyrinth?" Velzard asked as they walked down the straight path. Garou already knew what was to come but he was still enamoured by the swarm of spirits, he was a bloodthirsty sadist but he loved the cute and beautiful thing in life, they truly loved her beyond her knowledge.

"Eh, I think it is, I did create it with my Intrinsic skill after all." She scratched the back of her head a little embarrassed. Her skill name was <Labyrinth Creation> so she thought that's what she created, even with her vast knowledge she has never entered a real one in her entire life. Most of her knowledge was about spirits and threats to the world itself, not dungeons and weak monsters that toddlers could dropkick.

"Have you ever tried to expand the dungeon?" once again the Spirit Queen was embarrassed, since birth she never once tried to improve it in any way or form, after all with just her spirit magic she could fight any opponent with ease. Why would she waste her time on skill with no offensive or defensive purpose?

She tried to explain only to get an answer that made her brain explode. "If this Labyrinth makes whoever resides in it immortal, doesn't that mean you could have teleported Guy and Milim here to fight to their heart content, lessening the amount of damage the world would take?"

She stopped moving, her wings accelerated to an alarming speed. This entire time she used the Labyrinth to protect her little children from any harm, but if she could have used it to lessen the world ordeals and keep her babies safe that would definitely be invited.

Ramiris blitz around Garou going all hyperactive mode, "SowhatelsecanitdowhatelsecanImakewhatawesomegolemcanIcreatetoprotectmychildren!"

She went on talking incomprehensive words, but both Velzard and Garou understood she was just happy. Unlike cannon where she had to use Golems for her and the labyrinths population's safety, she kept her powers, eternally grateful towards Garou even if he did it indirectly. She even kept getting a Demon Lord title like the original thanks to him coaxing Guy.

After Guy quelled Milim's rage, the three did the vow almost identical to cannon, but the difference was Ramiris being the strongest Demon Lord, though the public thought it was Guy Crimson. Milim on the other hand went into a rage when she found out her Dragon was killed by Garou, only to get drop-kicked to the Ice Continent where Guy calmed her down, explaining her Dragon was undead and would have just rampaged.

Ramiris ended up visiting Guy's Castle on a regular since she didn't have to worry about dying like the original from some stray monsters. Her infatuation for Golems was still the same, even though she could one-shot any of them.

As the group continued creating ideas for the Labyrinth, Garou brought up ideas Rimiru and Masayuki brought up causing Ramiris to fangirl even more than she already did for him. Walking into an opening they came face to face with the alter to summon spirits.

"So you are going to try and summon a spirit Garou?" Ramiris asked as Garou nodded his head. He came here to have fun so why not? Making his way up the spiralling white road reaching the top he opened his hands as if he was going to hug someone, then spoke "Whoever wants to have a good fight come at me motherfucker!"

As those words left his mouth Ramiris facepalmed, she knew his joy for fighting was on a whole nother level compared to anyone she's seen. Velzard just giggled, she knew this a while now since he came to Ice Continent. Why else would you fight the strongest Demon hundreds of times just to say to her face 'Your weak...'.

Since he came both of them knew he was a battle crazed maniac. Not expecting a spirit to come Ramiris made her way forward only to stop in complete shock the next second.

Unlike the usual light that appears when a spirit is summoned, a reddish liquid spewed out of the altar like a sea of blood. The liquid slowly corroded the alter causing the spot Garou stood on to collapse. Ramiris appeared next to him getting ready to annihilate whatever was coming out, only for Garou to signal her to stop with a hand sign.

He stood there, the blood corroded his clothes, even if he could create clothes that could combat the strongest beings in existence, he would always wear normal fitted clothes unless he was he mortal danger or just needed a good fight. Right now it was the latter, he needed a good fight at the same time he wasn't in any mortal danger, whatsoever.

Ramiris erected a barrier that protected herself and the spirits who were for some reason happily dancing and playing with her hair even when they could instantly die from the substance. Seeing the spirits' behaviour she calmed down but kept her guard up. The next second it changed.

Velzard and Ramiris looked on with a frown, especially The Spirit Queen. The power of whatever was coming with that blood was strong, incredibly so. Though instead of one it was two entities, a spirit and.....another one she doesn't know.

Once again she couldn't decipher what the being coming was, every spirit since the beginning of this Universe she knew of, which means whatever coming across isn't a spirit or is so Incredibly strong she couldn't decipher it like....Garou...

"Garou I have no clue what's coming, it isn't a spirit!" In her mind, Garou was strong, Strong enough to destroy the world easily. In the Spirit world, however, lays an abundance of mysterious spirits that would need her entire being even as the Spirit Queen to defeat them. Even some of them could fight her master when he lost his Omnipotent powers.

Controlling them wouldn't be a problem, as the one who rules over them she gained that privilege from Veldanava after all. Absolute control over <Spirit Magic> in her full form, allowing her to not only control 99.9% of spirits but use 'EVERY' single attribute they have.

Out of the blood like liquid, a slim humanoid figure covered in bandages and wearing a very long light green hood, holding a katana in one hand. In the other was a woman, whose body was not corroding while being in the acidic like substance.

She had a slim figure, just her presence was letting out elegance and majesty at the same time it felt like she murdered an entire nation. Her eyes were blue but looked devoid of life itself, her hair smooth as it swayed from side to side as the hooded figure slowly came through the substance.

There was a problem though, the woman herself was dead. Anyone in the room could see that her body for some unknown reason tho was like a spiritual one. It was made from energy completely.

The katana that was being held in the left hand of the hooded figure absorbed all of the blood like substance, proceeding to kneel facing toward Ramiris as if pleading.

She looked on with a complicated gaze, "That woman is a shinigami, a strong one at that. The last time one appeared was millennials ago." She walked past Garou on the platform touching the spirit.

Patting it as it snuggled into her hand, like a mother comforting her anxious child who was heading off to his first day of school. Looking back at Garou and Velzard she spoke somewhat anxiously herself,

"This woman was supposed to be in Hell, but her spirit here...Minazuki used its connection to the spiritual realm and reverse summoned itself to your call for a battle, it said its master wanted to fight someone strong....and that's how it ended up here." She recited what the spirit told her using its telepathy, she spoke to both Velzard and Garou.

"Is she dead?" Garou asked a simple question, even if he had strength beyond that of understanding he wasn't good with technical shit. He only learned certain skills like blacksmithing to get stronger, even if he did all of this because he wanted to bring 'Her' back but he had to wait.

Vados said even with his overwhelming power to get out of this universe he would have to destroy it. The entirety of it was covered in a barrier so powerful that teleporting in and out of it was practically impossible, destroying it for him wasn't hard just not worth losing the entire universe when 'she' was safe.

"Yes and no, to fully kill a shinigami you have to destroy their bodies fully, in simple terms their entire being has to be destroyed or else they just go to hell, or disperse into what they call reiatsu.

Both magicules and reiatsu are the same but magicules are more potent as it is the building blocks of everything." Crouching down Ramiris took the woman's body from Minazuki's hands as the spirit disappears into the katana as if being pulled by a vacuum.

"How are you going to take care of this?" Velzard spoke, she knew the catastrophe the last shinigami brought, he was a spiritual being who was able to hurt even True Dragons, though he was put down by her brother. Looking towards Ramiris for answers, they should destroy her completely before she could cause any trouble.

Garou looked at the conflicted Fairy Queen, he knew she doesn't like to kill. She loved every one of her children(Spirits) equally and directly getting asked to do something as easy as healing someone from one of your children was hard to disagree to.

Opening her hand a golden light shone over the woman's body and she began to speak spirit language. Velzard looked completely on guard, even if the shinigami was in a comatose state or practically dead they had stupid ways to attack, she felt them first hand.

Garou walked down the spiral road slowly until he reached next to Ramiris who was healing the woman. His eyes were on the woman but his thoughts were in shambles, he could trust the word of the two beings in front of him and even if he didn't he could just look back at the time of the world's history.

If the woman whom Ramiris is healing is who he thinks she is, he would be ecstatic. Even if she is a psycho and a mass murderer he didn't give a fuck, she was a battle junkie like himself and Guy, always looking for someone to fight but having no opponents. Another thought ran through his mind, if Veldanava created this universe doesn't that mean there is a chance he lost his powers creating the 'Anime Verse'

Garou threw the infinite thoughts in the back of his head, he was a battle junkie who had common sense and godlike battle IQ, the intellectual thinking was to be done by Vados who at this moment is scurrying different worlds looking for a way to bring back 'Her'. Piercing his eyes toward the woman wearing a captain's haori he opened his mouth to speak. His face opened into a crazed smile as he spoke "Her name is....."

Long Chapter Broooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................If you didnt realise I like crazy women...

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