
Chapter 12

At the end of the class and after praising when needed and checking every potion made, Slughorn turned to them and begin to ask for volunteers.

'' How about you Miss Evans and oh! Mister Rosier.''

Evans to Severus and Rosier to Athena.

'' W-wh-what...?'' Slughorn, without words stared at the slowly growing pink on Evan hair and a little of his face as well '' Miss Snape is quite the prankster!'' he said laughing jovially and without giving Athena a change to explain he dismissed the class.

The disbelief, cold and disappointed look in Severus eyes, hurt more than any mocking laughter she ever got. She didn't show it, she straighten her back and though that at the very last Evan is not all pink now.

dinner, Slytherin's

'' How did you do it?'' Severus said beside her. It was, Athena thinks, the first words Severus said to her without anyone else to take the lead. Or where those his first words towards her? Maybe it because of that she just stared dumbly at him . '' Your potion, idiot. I saw you, you did everything right so how?''

'' It's... a natural talent.'' Athena said before taking a bite of her food

'' ... my mother told me that all Prince where great at potions.''

Athena snorts shaking her head '' What you think I lied about my name now? Just because I'm shit at potion doesn't mean I'm not great at other thinks.''

'' The only time you don't have a facial reaction is when the rumors say that you are, will be my daughter.'' he says tightly, clearly suppressing whatever else he though '' That means is truth and you can't say because of your leash. So how can my suppose daughter be 'shit at potion' ?''

'' Fuck you. What you think just because I'm -hgk!'' without warning her choker begin to tighten a clear warning of not saying anything more. Breathing heavily Athena raised her head -when did she bow- and looked in Severus surprised eyes. '' I have detention.'' she says and leaves without looking back. She wasn't sure what was more uncomfortable, her too tight choker or the fact that she leashed herself without knowing.

'' How fucking stupid.'' Athena muttered to herself all the while swiping the trophies under Flinch eye.

'' I need to search the corridors, when I come back I want all those sparkling.'' she rolled her eyes after he left

'' Unchanging, that prick.''

'' Had lots of detentions before did you.'' she turned around sharply just to come, to close for comfort, to one Peter Pettigrew

'' Fuck!'' not for a second did she feel him coming, was he a rat until now, how long did he spy on her '' Should have put rat poison behind my steps. Stalked lots of girls before did you?''

Pettigrew shrugs shamelessly and leans back on his heal. '' Something like that.''

'' What do you want? To be eat by little Norris or take a hit for your friend.'' Athena asked putting the rag aside, making sure her wand was ready at her wrist

'' Did anyone told you are terrible paranoic person?''

'' Did anyone told you have multiple personalities?'' Athena asked disturbed

'' Not at all. Did anyone told you look terrifying making that face?'' he ask pointing to her face and stepping back

'' Lots of times.''

They stay in silence, Pettigrew regretting his life choice and Athena wanting to smash his head with one of the heavy looking trophies. He sighs and says hesitantly

'' James doesn't see you as a girl and now wants to teach you a lesson to see if it's true.'' he says stepping further back

'' Hah. So that bastard wants to strip me naked in front of the student group. But, what does that have to do with you warning me? Don't like your friends anymore ?'' she mocks grinning after the running rat

Strangely enough that encounter made her mood better.

Still in better spirits, despite being almost the middle of the night, Athena entered the empty Common Room. On the way to her dorm, she remembered, for the first time that day, that she has a roommate. So she wasn't that surprised when she entered the room and was meet with the sight of a girl seating at a narrow table, with a too bright light, all the while scribbling without stopping.

'' Oh!'' the girl said looking at her, green eyes sparkling '' It's so good to see you, I wanted to go with you at breakfast but you are such a early riser! Anyway it's a pleasure, I'm Rita Skeeter, I own the school newspaper.''

Dark green eyes, blonde curled hair, a heavy jawed face and green spectacles. With ink covering her fingertips and hungry bright eyes, that was Rita Skeeter younger self, a pureblood witch, with a lineage full of journalism.

'' Athena.'' she noted back at her

'' I know, and I also know that you are the new star of Hogwarts who beat up our residents idiots. Now tell me, what were feeling that time? Were you angry because they bullied Severus Snape severely before? Or did they try targeting you? Or were you-''

The girl, Rita, blabbered looking so similar with her older self that it was actually disturbing. That also mean she was useful.

'' Don't you want to know somethin more interesting about those Marauder's?'' Athena asked not even holding her sneer in

Just because she would beat those bastard up doesn't mean it will throw them out of Hogwarts.

'' I heard, that you are quite the Queen of Gossip.''