
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · 电影同人
32 Chs

Chapter 8

Few hours later at Carnivore mountain..

Finally all tanks made it there untouched and only had few small confortations..

Drpships can transport maximum to 50x Troopers.

Currently there is only few dropships of this variant, it's called DR-4 Viking..

By the time that 100x Troopers along with tanks were traveling to Carnovore mountain. Dropships have long ago transported all Trooper to mountain along with resources needed to create efficient base..

Meanwhile troops that were successfully transported began creating base which currently consist of dozens of tents at the center , two turrets to mount along with military wires add few more basic traps. Now while they were building base they also were attacked by multiple dinosaurs but thankfully there weren't any casualties on human side..

"ALL! TROOPERS STANDBY !" Ordered Lieutenant Jeanne. She was newly created only few hours ago..

"Currently it's 17PM! . On guard will be already assigned Squad Delta as planned and all other continue improving our base while Squad Alpha along with myself will clear up near threats, Do you understand. " Asked Jeanne , looking at all 500x Troopers ,Tanks and Helicopters..

"Ma'am ,Yes ma;am!" Shouted Troopers before being dismissed to their task.

"Good, Squad Alpha follow ." Ordered Jeanne as all members of the Squad Alpha followed her..

Squad Alpha is main squad for attack and clearing out threats.

Currently it consist of:

100x Troopers : 50x M1 Troopers , 50x M2 Troopers

10x Tanks : 3x Leopard 1 , 2x Leopard 2 , 5x T-72

4x Helicopters..

"We are going according to our plan, no changes, for now." Affirmed Jeanne

Plan was to set 10x Troopers with one tank at least. And in turn creating 10x Teams and ultimately stretch them across all sides of mountain.

Meanwhile Helicopters will fly to all four sides : West, East, South and North parts of mountain and if they find nests or many dinosaurs at one place they would transmit the coordinates and mobile-infantry would deal with it..

2 hours later.

In such short time nearby threats have been dealt with but.

Something unexpected happened to one of teams..

They found a corpse.

But not just any.. T-Rex corpse..

From the looks of it, it's old few days at least, T-Rex was juvenile at oldest, but from the wounds it could very easily by another T-Rex .

Scientist team have been called in case they wanted some samples, and they did they had come, inspected and taken a little blood from the T-Rex..

This also has just confirmed suspicion about T-Rexes being near ...

As all troops returned to their base, now called Base A.. Creation of base was official , fences also have been built but for now without electricity ..

Adding mines around base was also an precaution..

And with all these action. John's Coins are growing , with their grow , grow of humanity will begin faster and faster,.

But that doesn't mean it would be easy, no it will not. John's new life just began ...

1 week later.

Population of humanity reached little bit over 51,000x people.. Settlements were build to even Carnivore mountain to connect them.. Every few hundreds meters are camps with at least dozens of troops...

The only reason population raised so much is because of food improvement, many plants have been and animals categorized as edible and safe to eat..

While most populations are in camps and shelters it's still improvement and there's simply no lack of defences..

And with this connection to Base A, a supply line was successfully established. The whole population of Base A is 3,000 personnel.

While there was many casualties unfortunately when new fences were built to spread up population..

Mass summoning of aircrafts happened..

Because of numerous attacks from sky, and need of air-superiority along with missions from system..

John had to summon war planes..

At first he thought to summon planes from 21st century but because of their cost and supply to sustain them he decided to summon planes from 20st century, in middle of it. Such as P-51 Mustang.. Currently there is 62x P-51 Mustangs ready for action,. For now they only had few actions such as to eliminate nests of flying raptors and similar...

Flashback to first action by P-51 Mustangs..

At Carnivore mountain

11x P-51 Mustangs are flying in triangle formation..

"We found it sir, request permission to procced ?" Asked Leader of pilot's through transmission..

"Permission given, procced !" Shout out was heard from transmission before it was cut off..

"You heard it , guys and girls let's get over with this and drink some beer?!" Shouted Leader before other voiced joined in transmission..

"You still owe me 2 beers, man." A young man's voice was heard ..

"Ah Jake don't worry, i will order them for you hahahaha" Laughed Leader before another voice was heard but this one was woman's

"Can't you two be serious a at least for once in your lifetime?" Asked third person

"Oh, Jenny don't disrupt our deals. But yea it's time for us to deal with this." Said Leader but at last part of his sentence his voice turned serious..

"A flying Raptor nest was in front of us, fire!" Ordered Leader.

And ultimately all planes opened their fire upon raptors but narrowly missing eggs.

In only 10x Seconds of continuous fire it was over, they didn't even know what happened..

And with their operation over a Mobile Infantry will take from here to collect eggs and sent them to scientist..

"Do not feel bad because of them, they are danger to us. And only stronger, smarter and better can survive on this planet. And they also were one's that attacked base 2x and half weeks ago," Stated Leader , to other pilots.

"Well, it's not like they are Dogs or Cats ." Added fourth voice from transmission..

"Well, you are right on that one ." Added Jake

"Another mission sir? " Asked Jenny

"According to mission assigned, for now we do not." Said Leader before adding . " But that doesn't mean we wouldn't be assigned on new one ."

"Well you are right on that one leader, but?" Stated Jake before his voice got a little bit more nervous..

"Oh, Jake i will buy you these two damn beers!!!!" Screamed Leader irritated at Jake who would every few seconds remind him of his deal..

Chapter word count 1011