
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · 电影同人
32 Chs

Chapter 29 Civilization Tiers

Civilizations are scaled into few tiers:

Civilization tiers are from Halo ranking, you can skip them if you want but it's advised to read them.

Tier 7: Pre-Industrial

.Societies tend to be small and scattered, driven by subsistence farming, foraging, or hunter-gathering needs. Technology is limited to simple hand made tools, weapons, or agrarian implements and methods, but a very broad understanding of planetary and solar mechanics is not uncommon.

Tier 6: Industrial

Tier 6 is the outset for massive urbanization. Agrarian societies can remain stable in the pre-industrial stage, but Tier 6 population strain and mechanized food production invariably create political and economic pressures very few can balance. Moving past this usually promises advancement. Some societies improve environmental and medical understanding concurrently with mechanical and transport advancement. Those that do not are frequently doomed.

stood on this level from the late 18th to the mid-20th century. This level is also where the were before joining the Covenant.

Tier 5: Atomic Age

Tier 5 species usually begin focusing on clean energy production. The occasional belligerent species will use atomic energy for weapons, often resulting in mass extinctions. In-atmosphere craft are a hallmark, often leading to manned space flight, albeit in a short-scale.

Humanity entered this age in 1945.

Tier 4: Space Age

This is age where species made their first space-flight capable craft. Humanity reached this stage in 1957, when first artificial satellite was launched. This tier is reserved for species with very slow ftl , where years were needed to reach their destination.

T'au's were at this tier when they encountered Humanity at first time.

Tier 3: Space-Faring

Race's with this tier have reached or surpassed FTL . Laser weaponry.

Most civilizations are at this tier. Such as Turian Hierarchy , Martian Union, Saralian Republic, T'au Empire. To be certain some of these race's are barely meeting requirements for this tier, such as Martian Union.

Tier 2: Interstellar

Race's from this tier are by for surpassing level of FTL from Tier 3. Have capabilities to create planet destroying weapons. Having exceedingly accurate Slipspace drive(In Sangheili case).

And manipulation of clean energy.

Tier 2 Civilizations currently are : Covenant (They are using Warp Drive in this fanfic, a very similar drive to Slipspace) ,Sangheili Empire and lastly Human Empire.

Human Empire could be called a peak of this Tier because of few key factors : A fastest FTL Driver in current known Galaxy, Q-Bomb. And other "Unknown Factors"

Tier 1: World Builder

The species has the ability to manipulate gravitational forces, create A.I with full sentience , fabricate super dense materials ,the ability to create life and ability to create worlds.

Species that were in this tier were : Forerunners , Prehistoric San'shyuum and Ancient Humanity.

*Current galaxy doesn't know about the existence of Forerunners, Ancient Humanity and San'shyuum , this level is only theorized . The only one's who know about the existence of the Forerunners are Humans, T'au's and Sangheili for now*

Tier 0: Transsentient

Not much is known about tier. This tier of civilization should be capable of travelling from one galaxy to another.

Only species to achieve this tier are Precursors (Obviously no one knows about it for now, excluding John.

The peak of current civilizations is Tier 2.


Week later, after serious talks between URA race's. It was decided that all three leaders will travel to neutral zone of the Galactic Community to further discuss the next actions. 10x Human Capital-Class ships will transport all three leaders.

Galactic Community is an economic alliance for every race or civilization. As new race's are discovered they are given options to join the Galactic Community. With joining the Galactic Community it gives you pros and literally not even one con.

1, Currency of your civilization would be still valuable in Galactic Community space.

2. A seat in Galactic Council will be given to your race/civilization. Every civilization has one Councilor to represent them. Councilors aren' t holding any true power, they are face of your civilization diplomacy, peace and action. Or in other words, representatives.

And dozens of small but nevertheless upgrades to pretty much all civilizations.


In Corelia's orbit, 10x Human Capital-Class ships appeared all in purple color. Corelia is name of current cradle of Galactic Community.

Immediately as ship appeared they were instructed that only one can dock other will have to orbit around the planet.

The whole Corelia's system has dozens of Space Stations, something which is ranked as "HIGHEST" security, if this is the highest level of security then what's Sol System?

Anyway back to the story. One of the Capital-Class ships exited their formation before docking on Space Station..

Nevertheless, it would a offence to not say how much aliens are shocked to see Capital-Class ships, they though it was just stupid propaganda flying around with Human race. But they were even more surprised when THREE race's exited from the ship not only Human race.

Few minutes later all three leaders and ten of their guards were escorted to nearest dropship-class ship by Turians before driven to Council's state building.

Guard consists of : 2x Adeptus Custodes, 3x Sangheili Royal Guards and 5x Fire Caste Warriors.

Anyway, dropship landed on the Council-State building, thus evading any type of Aliens televisions or paparazzi , much of a relief to all three leaders of URA. Several minutes of walking they finally are in front of an meeting room.

"Here, Your Majesties. You are allowed to bring all your guard there even with your weapon. But be aware, one wrong move-" Threat was evident in Turian Squad leader voice as he stated before opening giant door, up to 5x meters in height..

As the door opens, they were meet by a sight of several Councilors around a table , table has 8x more empty seats, made in case more species were discovered. As all three leaders and their guard set a foot in the room all heads of other species turned around to look at them before a Saralian Councilor decided to speak up first.

"Leaders of new race's please take a seat." Said Saralian Councilor in a perfect englesh, thanks to a microphone in front of him." I'm Councilor from Saralian Republic, Varn Tlus.

From right to left, Saralian Councilor Varn Tlus.

"I'm Turian Councilor, Sprutus."

"I'm Krogan Councilor, Derax."

"I'm Martian Councilor , Saraha." Stated female Martian, looking at John with a hint of hostility.

"I'm Quava Councilor, Malenia." Spoke a female lizard like Alien as she stood up from her seat and nodded with her head at new arrivals.

"I'm Covenant Councilor, Pr'ha." Stated a San'shyuum.

"I'm Emperor of Human Empire, John." John introduced himself, leaving other two do it.

"I'm Thel 'Vadam leader. Arbiter of Sangheili Empire." Spoke Sangheili leader, as he inspected all the new races, but this time in person, trying to decide, who is worth his attention.

"And i'm the Empress of T'au Empire, lyiria."

At the three leaders proclamation, the Councilors erupted into murmurs about monarchies,

How they still exist to this day? or Three new race's and all are monarchies?

At first, the discussion was about regular economic treaties, such as allowing medicine to be produced in all civilizations, costs. Food production and gadgets technology getting traded or bough.

Till true discussion began, between Emperor John and Martian Councilor.

"Simply ,Martian Councilor, we will return your colony only if , and if your civilization pays the reparations." Answered John to Martian's previous question.

"From our sources we have informations about your losses and our. And you destroyed dozens of our buildings, isn't that enough?" Asked angered Marian, very close to scream.

"No, military lives and civilian lives aren't same thing, we did bombard your colony. BUT only your bases. NOT CIVILIAN settlements." Corrected John, putting empazis on NOT, BUT and Civilian.

At John's last words A Turian Councilor nodded with head, he couldn't help but agree with Human logic.

"SO!! WHO CARES!! YOU ARE JUST NEW PRIMITIVE RACE!!!" Shouted angered Martian Councilor. At Martian proclamation, everyone in this room , looked at Saraha with disbelieving expression, she just proclaimed a race, which could very well be Tier 2 a primitive?

"Watch your tone, brat." Spoke John , without emotions in his tone now, " I could kill you with a swing of my fist, like this."

"Ugh!!" Chocked Martian, as John's psychic powers were used in public for first time, even other leader's of URA aren't informed about them. Martian flew 1x meters above the floor, a familiar green energy is surrounding her. And most was focused around her head and helmet, sabotaging her oxygen. Like Darth Vader to many incompetent officers..

At such display, Martian Guard aimed at John but alas as they were about to shoot at John they also were getting chocked by him, and Adeptus Custodes are readying their weapons ..

This meeting had ended in favor of URA, Galactic Community was publicly notified about two new Tier 2 civilizations and Tier 3 civilization.

Reparations for Human colony will be paid off, Martian Union got pressured by all four, Turian Hierarchy , Human Empire, Sangheili Empire and T'au Empire.

Existence of URA scared Galactic Community, new alliances will be forged. A Galactic War is almost breaking out.

Dozens of years had passed after last major war for all race, pretty much all are preparing to beat each other up.

Chapter word count 1505