
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · 电影同人
32 Chs

Chapter 28

Lara Tsuri POV

Does that mean ? They are sending diplomatic party to negotiate than just me?

"Is diplomatic party from your side coming here?" I asked , a little bit hopeful, as the military couldn't truly negotiate, they can if you want a war for sure but we don't know their customs, IT'S ADVICED FOR real Diplomatic parties to decrease tensions between two completely new races.

'They have weird language from our perspective. ' I though as i watched A.I translate my words to Admiral-General who also stated something in Human language before A.I turned around to speak to me.

"Answer for your question is YES and NO. The one who you are going to negotiate would be our leader, The Emperor." Answered Dan, fixating his stare at Saralian .

If their Emperor is going to negotiate with us then we must use proper etiquette needed to behave in front a Emperor, while our societies are vastly different i just hope we don't start a war with a salute for Saralian monarchy, when we were one.

"When is Emperor going to come here?" I asked with one of my utmost polite voice tone ever till now, i still do not want a war with Humans if i somehow offend their Emperor.

"Just about..... Now." Responded Dan before another fleet entered Martian system, consisting of only 10x Capital-Class ships aka John A. Wardens. All purple in color.

*Creak * A hole opened up from ceiling , allowing a monitor/screen to go through . Screen was showing a Royal Fleet that just entered system

"This is Royal Fleet, a fleet commanded by Emperor himself, " Explained Dan pointing at One particular Capital-Class ship, " This is His Majesty's ship, Capital-Class ship but upgraded version, 6km long the leader of Royal Fleet."

*BEEP* Screen flashed before showing a familiar face, The Emperor John. Who now appeared to be in his mid-thirties . But his actual age is 45x. He stopped aging even without using advanced life-span extender medicine, which now can extend Human lifespan up to 250x years.

"Admiral-General, we are going to board your ship, and is that a negotiator?" Asked John for confirmation before getting answer.

"Yes Your Majesty , she along with 10x of her guard have been allowed to board our ship for negotiation. Is that a problem , Your Majesty? Do you want her to board your ship, Your Majesty?" Answered V.J. Dax and asked, all while saluting.

"There won't be a need for it, we are going to negotiate on your ship. John out." John spoke before cutting Communications.

At that Dan turned around to translate for Lara.

"Saralian Diplomat. Emperor will come aboard this ship. I suggest you to refer to him with well deserved . He will continue peace talks about possible stop of fire with Martians." Translated Dan to Lara who nodded with her head.

Few minutes of awaiting silence door to Control Room opened up for John and two Adeptus Custodes.

'What are those giants!! They are even bigger than Turians or Krogans!!? From First-Contact Package we received informations about basic Human anatomy and data about average/normal Humans!? In the data's there weren't any informations about Humans being that much tall!'

As John stepped into Control Room everyone saluted, from Humans to Saralians who are doing it out of priciple.

"At ease. " John stated before taking a seat closer to V.J. Dax and turning around to meets eyes with Lara. Before speaking and for Dan to translate it for Lara.

"Emperor : I'm Emperor of Mankind, i hope on certain level we could come up to a potential cease fire and reparations." Spoke Dan.

"My name is Lara Tsuri a Diplomat from Saralian Republic . We have been contacted by Martians to discuss the stop of your advance in their space and welcome you into Galactic Community." I answered nervously watching A.I. translate it to Human Emperor before giving me answer.

"Emperor : As you should know these Martians attacked our colony world, causing mass orbital bombardment and killing tens of thousands of civilians."

What!! " We haven't been notified about orbital bombardment but i hope you can understand us sir, but do you have a evidence of the orbital bombardment?" I need to check it , i can't just believe their words completely .

"Emperor : Yes" Dan answered before a pictures appeared across the screen, showing destroyed buildings, by an laser fire obviously .

"Your Majesty if it would be acceptable for my V.I. To access your pictures, it would be able to 90% confirm if they are real or not." I asked showing gauntlet a bit, this resulted for Emperor to again speak an A.I. to translate.

"Emperor : The connection is online ,you are able to access to picture files only."

Two minutes later of complete analyze of current Photos to determine edited parts.

"Ma'am, pictures are completely real , there are no edited parts." Answered V.I. in Lara gauntlet.

"Emperor: There is a video of a orbital bombardment from UFO-Ships." Continued A.I. showing another vide. V.I. connected again.

"Ma'am, video is completely un-edited," Analyzed V.I.

'I can't believe how stupid they are!!' Sigh " Saralian Republic will contact Martian Union to continue another peace-talk but we request for you to not continue your advancement further into Martian space. We still need to hear both sides, but we also would like to welcome you into Galactic Community."

"Emperor : We will cease our advancement for now, but we need a clear proof they won't try another invasion into our space." Stated A.I. in John's name.

"Turian Hierarchy will insure that. But to officially welcome you into Galactic Community it would be best for all of us . To continue talks on these coordinates." I replied before transferring coordinates for planet.

"These coordinates are for our most important world, a mixed colony of all current species, excluding Humanity, this planet is also neutral zone and cradle for our Galactic community."

And so talk about Galactic Community, race's, basic principles happened. The talk lasted for a 2x hours. Humans can only bring a fleet of 10x ships at most to Mixed Colony/Capital. Meeting will happen in a week.

Chapter word count 1009