
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · 电影同人
32 Chs

Chapter 21

1x hour later . After receiving Sangheili First-Contact Package..

While ship was preparing it's crew and diplomat..

John A. Warden and Sangheili were discusing destination for talks, and at the end of the conservation Humans agreed for talks to be made on the colony and specific coordinates..

Just his moment ship entered Sangheili System.. A ship of different design from others, this one doesn't have any type of weapons, only shield if you count it as an weapon..

The Diplomat-Class ship

Ship is 100 meters in length 10x meters in width and 20x meters in height ... But that's not only thing spectacular about this ship, no. it has wings , while this ship is not for battle, it still have fully operational crew of troops to guard diplomat..

It has Human Empire flag painted in the front of it..

Ship looks like F-114 Nighthawk..

Ship has a crew in which is included normal crew and troops of over 2,000x has 20x Tac-Fighters and evasive reinforcement...

At the moment this ship exited out of FTL, it did surprise Sangheili Fleet because of it's shape and design, they didn't expect such ship at all.

Few minutes of informations exchange, one ship from Sangheili fleet began flying to the colony, following coordinates for meeting, Human ship followed..

Minutes more later both Diplomat-Class and Sangheili ship flew to ground, while Sangheili ship could very well be designated as Frigate-Class ship..

As both ships landed near each other, 100x meters away to be precise, both unloaded 11x member of their crew..

On Sangheili side are Arbiter or Thel 'Vadam along with 10x golden colored armored Sangheili, each of them armed with Energy Sword stationed on their hips and the Needler gun in their hands..

Arbiter himself was in armor, a silver colored armor with a beautiful helmet to cover up his head, and orange visor is in where his eyes should be...

On Human side, are an Diplomat called, Aleksandra Rtunch and 10x PS-Troopers..

Both parties began walking to each other till they were in the center of 50x meters away from their ships..

Both of them, Aleksandra and Arbiter were 3x meters away from each other, just as Aleksandra's lips moved to speak Arbiter interrupted in English..

"Fear not humans , we do not mean to go to war with your race," Stated Arbiter suddenly , and in perfect English, which surprised Humans by great margin, they brought an AI with them to translate language, not to find an alien who speaks an Human language that's for sure, some of PS-Troopers tensed at this, which resulted in Sangheili guard to do same. "do not be so surprised, we both are technologically advanced race's, we just have a little different ways to speak with other alien languages."

"Is it because of your helmet?" Asked surprised Aleksandra , before showing her hand in front of Arbiter, who takes it for handshake, Humans way for hello. Gently, as he thinks of humans being way more squishy than Sangheili's..

"Yes, but now we should go back to buisness of why we are here." Replied Arbiter, " We would like to establish a peaceful relation with Human race, and embassies on both of our most important world, if you can understand us we wouldn't like to give coordinates of our home-world for a race we still do not know enough.."

"That is acceptable, we would like to do same. and establish a trade relations and expand our borders with your ,Sangheili Empire." She states before continuing, " I'm sorry, i didn't introduce myself, I'am Aleksandra Rtunch, your ambassador in future .."

"Hmm, do not fret, I'm Thel 'Vadam an Arbiter , or you could translate Arbiter to your language version which would be an Emperor."

(I am aware that Arbiter is Covenants title , but i need special word for Emperor in their language and it is lot easier to take already existing one than to make a new one.)

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, i bring further informations about our history and culture in this chip." Stated Aleksandra before taking a chip out of her pockets, and handing it to Arbiter who takes it with care before taking something similar..

"This is our version of chip, with this you would learn more about our history and culture, along with our territory. "

"While this is maybe to soon to ask but, we would like to establish a non-aggression pact between two our race's and maybe a potential alliance," Asked Aleksandra

"A non-aggression pact is acceptable while alliance would be best for both of our interest first to learn a bit more about our race's, " Spoke Arbiter before motioning his hand at his ship. "I suggest to continue our talks in my ship it would be best for both our interest for you to first look around my own and i your."

"I suppose that's okay, are my guards allowed to come with me?" Asked Aleksandra, interested in prospect of going into alien ship but not naive enough without guards, or to believe it wouldn't be a trap..

"Yes, they are welcomed, with their weapons , if they do not shoot there wouldn't be a problem, " Responded Arbiter, now for first time taking a better look at Humans version of guards, with their dark/black type of armor and large rifles in their hands, most likely a projectile-type weapon, and visors in their helmets... Felling a powerful and worthy warriors in their armors...

And both parties walked to Frigate-Class ship.

1x month later..

A non-aggression pact between Humanity and Sangheili was successfully established..

Much of culture was shared by both parties.. Embassies were created from both side, to nearest colonies, the one where Human's found Sangheili and non-important human colony..

In first week after First-Contact, Emperor John set up a meeting with Arbiter personally to discuss and meet another Emperor..

Meeting was again sheduled at Sangheili colony..

This meeting decided future of both race's, trade regulations and borders were established between them..


Sangheili Empire:

Has 19x Systems in it's possession..

Dozens of colonies, of which mostly are just planet, not like Humans who have moons and planets..

Sangheili population was over 30x Billion..

They were Space-Faring race for over 500x years..

They were honourable race who has a law, "We do not attack, We defend , We protect."

While Human side gave informations about their territory but not coordinates of Terra and Sol System, same with Sangheili..

While informations about main colonies and most important planets were not given, only coordinates of inner colonies which bordered Sangheili Empire were given to them, same with Sangheili

But Human's didn't openly voice the population of human race, only said that they number over 15x billions..

Chapter Word count 1089..