
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · 电影同人
32 Chs

Chapter 17

Weeks later.

More training and research on John's powers was done..

For instance. John's powers were even more mysterious than originally though.

John's powers allow him to fly because of few reasons..

1st his psychic powers allow him to change gravity around him or his field of vision and his mass..

With this he can raise huge objects and crush them..

One John A. Warden ship was used to test his powers on it. Nonetheless it was crushed in few seconds..

More research was done on Madagascar, which unfortunately resulted with it being sunk.. And later raised above water by John..

Tier System was invented to classify John's raise of powers..

Currently John is at island level..


Cloning of modern day(21st) animals were successful and many of them were cloned without any complications and more genetic modifications were done on dinosaurs from Cadia..

Many species of Dinosaurs from Cadia were transported to Terra and other planets...


On Klendathu. Further experiments were done on Bugs, some going so deep to make them stronger and more intelligent. Because of several Bugs revolts many of them were abandoned. As an intelligent Bug is harder to control it's better to only make it stronger..

So more exploration on their biology was needed which was done and resulted in magnificent secrets being found out..

Construction of huge bases on Klendathu are undergoing. Their use would be to exterminate Bugs if they ever managed to re-take control of their minds again..

Scientists suspect that in few more generations Bug's would be completely loyal to humans as the first of mind-controlled would die off along with Queen in few months..

More instincts were added to their biology . So they would be less aggressive to Humans and only to them. This instincts works on all Bugs from newer generations , it would also work on future Queen. And in few more generations this could also result in giant changes to their hierarchy...


Luna base was summoned by John..

Luna base is giant base ring construct around whole moon. The Terra's moon..

It can house thousands of ships. Along with mass production of hundreds of them in a month. It's also an giant factory.

While Human Empire currently doesn't have any need of it as they have more than enough Space Stations, this Luna base has capabilities to defend itself with tens of thousands of cannons of different sizes on it..

It was relatively cheap, only for 30x millions of Coins..

Each day more modifications were added to it, so in turn it could be used as an potential real-colony, while moon is only research colony, without any resource of food to sustain itself. This base could change it, so not only scientist and military personnel can reside on moon but also civilians, this is of course only possible plans for future...

2 years later

2315 year..

Human population reached 18x Billions...

Terra's re-colonization begun in Oceania , Japan and South East Asia as they were first conquered and most with repaired cities on Terra ,Terra reaching population of 200x millions now..

Millions of T-400 were working all around the globe nonstop, and in few years Terra would be completely re-colonized..

Heavy industrialization began on all colonies except Cadia and Terra for new resources for further expansion and exploration..

John customized his new and true flagship of the Human Empire, days of customizing an template were worth it.. It's designated as Royalty-Class ship with an name, the Empress..

Empress is biggest ship ever seen, current Human technology can't build such beautiful monstrosity..

Her design is similar to Executor from Star Wars because of John's inspiration... With few key difference ,

One of them being that she's completely covered up by cannons, hundreds of them of all different sizes and strength...

Has about 500x Q Bombs in the storage...

She has shields, which can handle dozens of Q Bombs, making her a planet destroyer...

Her length is 120km with height being 50km..

Crew consisting of 20,000x people..

Ship also carries 50,000 M2 Troopers, 20,000x ODST, thousands of Space Marines, thousands of Terminators, 4,000x Siege Tanks, 2,000x Aleksandar, 30,000 PS Troopers, 10,000x Marauder Troopers, 10,000x M1 Troopers, hundreds of M11 Babar, Marauder MK-2

Empress carries ten of thousands of Tac-Fighters and Dropships from Vikings to Skyhooks.. tens of thousands of drop pods for ODST's and Space Marines..

Normally anything this big shouldn't be possible to make with current human technology but it wouldn't be impossible to make a ship up to 8km long..

She is a ship equal to a say, the "One Man Army" but in this case it would be "One Ship Fleet".

And with such huge ship a huge docking station was needed.

John made another platform specifically for Empress and other ships to use it.. This platform is placed on Mars where Empress is currently located..

Whole Empress costed about 10x Millions..

Entire M.I. along with Terminator gained shields not only ODST's now..

Technological developments for vehicles and ships are undergoing , shield of Empress was getting researched on, currently there were few prototypes of shields for ships, but unfortunately there is not even one that's meeting expectations..

Siege-Tanks and Aleksandars are upgraded to their own version of shields which can survive 10x grenades before being depleted..

Mass research on further Human biology and possible modifications allowed to slightly increase life expectancy to at least 200x years, and further stalling aging, it would take months before everyone was injected with it...

While many diseases were constantly getting discovered on many worlds,they also were constantly getting new medicines...

2x new systems were added to Human Empire, 2x new habitable planets were turned into mining factories , simply because they were rich of natural resources...

History was re-created till 21st century and fragments of 22st ,23st have been taken from Starship Troopers to re-make educational systems, along with history finds on Mars. All accounting to few interstellar wars between Humans and Arachnids.

(This is Alternate version of how war was lost and how it explains ruins on Mars)

Adding First Bug War ,Second Bug War which ended by humanity defeat where with last drop of Bugs and their strength , they invaded Terra, and fundamentally devolving themselves to swarms sections..

Somehow humanity won First Bug War but Second Bug War was was almost won by humanity, but alas Bugs managed to get to Terra with their last numbers..

But there aren't any other traces of Bug's infestation on other planets , further proving this could be made by entity which reincarnated John in his theory...

John is large island level now..

Chapter Word Count 1057