
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · 电影同人
32 Chs

Chapter 14

1x year and 4x months later..

Human population reached 10,5x billions.. All across dozens of their colonies . Of which Mars reached 500x millions while many moons are used as and research colonies or military..

Hundreds of space stations are orbiting Sol System. Now they are able to dock up to 3,000x ships even larger than .John A. Warden. So in turn Sol System is well protected...

(Massive numbers of engineers, robots and coins can do that)

While still most of population is on Cadia, seeing as the planet land mass is larger than Terra's there isn't that much of a problem .....for now..

About invasion of Terra. It progressed well for now.. Whole Oceania is under human control. 20x millions of humans are stationed directly in Australia, now they are military personnel . Ready for invasion of Asia (Eurasia)

10x million Troopers along with mobile support will invade South East Asia, it was suspected it would take up to 5x months to exterminate all bug activity..

{7x Queens were eliminated from Australia)

In the last 4x months firepower of Tac-Fighters and M.I. was used in all regions of the world to eliminate threats of Plasma Bugs and any Queen enough to crawl out of their nest.. So in turns several cities have been decimated in favor of eliminating Queens..

But every Queen death it makes it much easier to re-take land, seeing as they cannot reproduce without her. After research on Queen and bug society, it seems that only Queen can lay another Queen but it would die after nominating her successor . That's their life-cycle..

(I had to make interesting and actual life-cycle of their life, as the Terra(Earth) is split into many hives..

Explorations of nearby systems were successful , 4x Systems were added to Human territory of which two systems have each one habitable planet... New Rome and New Constantinople ..

New Rome has population of 1x million, its under construction of new settlments,

New Constantinople has population of 500,000x. under construction of new settlments..

With few space stations being built on new systems.. That's all about their defences for now..

Present time.

"Commence invasion." Stated Sky Marshal John Rico.. As at his words . Thousands of Dropships began loading troops.. From Space Marines to Terminators..

The whole sky of South East Asia is covered by Tac-Fighters and Dropships..

The only sound you can hear is from their engines..

It took whole day to transport all troops to their positions.. And while troops transportation is in process ..

Marauder-Troopers along with Space Marines and ODST's were clearing out thousands of Bug holes.. Dozens of Brain Bugs and Queens.. Thus stopping their reproduction and mass assault of numbers..

At the end. deployed 10x millions troopers only needed to clear out cities.. And found few bug holes which were also exterminated by Space Marines..

This operation will also result in great success..

At State Building..

State Building is a tower of diplomacy and development. This building is where Emperor and diplomatic representatives debate about future improvements.

Both Military Council and Diplomatic Council can use this building for further meetings..

In meeting room currently is Military Council along with John..

"I understand, i will increase budget of M.I. to 10x Trillions for further developments of better armor and weapon.. Same with fleet and intelligence ." Confirmed John, before being asked by Carl Jenkins.

"Your Majesty, Planet in Rome's System, designed as Delta would be quite suitable for our Bugs." Stated Carl as he smirked at the last part of his sentence ." Currently we have managed to control Warrior Bugs ,Worker Bugs and Tiger Bugs . Queen is still under testing..."

"Ships, specially designed to hold Bugs up to Tanker are already created. Now named Arachnid-Class you can use them to transport Bugs, to Delta which will be named Klendathu for simplicity sake, but you must fist construct few dozen of satellites , Space Station and few settlements first." Reaffirmed John, to Carl.

"Do you need me to assign a Captain for you, Carl." Spoke Carmen as she narrowed her eyes at Carl, mostly likely angry at him...

"That would be excellent, Supreme Admiral." Spoke Carl as he smiled at Carmen ..

"Minister, your report about South East Asia invasion?" Asked John just before it could become a fight between those two..

"Your Majesty, troops have successfully landed at their designated locations, they already are moving from one to next senttlements, and with dropships transporting them constantly their success only creased, dozens of bug holes are already destroyed along with 6x Queens and dozens of Brain Bugs.." Reported Carl ..

"Ok, how is special training for Trooper to operate in colder climates going?" Asked John as in few years they would be needed..

"Currently PS-Troopers can fight in hotter and colder climates thanks to their suits, but normal Troopers are undergoing armor improvements and special training ." Answered Carl, staring straight at John eyes before asking." Your Majesty i must continue our progress ?" Asked Carl to leave obviously..

"You both are dismissed ." John ordered as both of them left .. 'Now is 2306 soon going to be 2307, I will increase budget for development of our cities even more. Now supply line should be already created for Troopers,..


(Mission : Re-take Terra)

(Reward 1st: Abnormal level of psychic ability)

(Reward 2nd : 3x billions of Coins)

'Hmm, if i do become psychic then i would be able to control out Intel Bugs myself, and this abnormal. Just how strong would they be? ' I asked myself already imagining what i could do with such power..'

'And while i have 6x billions of Coins more won't hurt. I shall summon Marauder MK-2 And M11 Babar, while my empire can produce them it would be better to first summon few thousands of them and not to over use our natural resource, while Cadia is full of them, all of her resources would be needed for future plans.'

Later next month.

PDF was established , it's short for Planet Defence Force. Like it's name says it would be an defensive military and it's only goal is to protect planets, every colony will have it's own..

PDF will at every colony have at least 50,000x be strong.. Along with armored vehicles and air..

Chapter word count 1016

If someone does have ideas, such as technologies, please comment. Currently i'm running out of ideas for technology, so it could be useful if someone has idea two or three about weapons or gadgets i could write about in later chapter.

War for Terra will last two or three chapters, aftermath would be Humanity rebuilding before aggressively expanding into stars, there would be more chapters like this one, showing improvement over Human technology, interactions between new races and similar.