
Chapter 2

After what just happened and I get my thoughts in order I start to go through my computer then plug in my flash drive from my purse. Once it loads up on my computer I start going through the files my mother saved when she decided to hide who my father was from the world it has a copy of my original birth certificate and a bunch of other files. If I wanted I could use this file to get a lot of money but I'm not like that. As I'm going through the files I get lost I thought about how did that man discover my secrete. I get pulled from my thoughts when my cell phone bling's with a text. I check it and it's my little sister 'Lunch?' I respond back to her 'sure meet at Stark Tower 1:30-2' she texts back 'sure see you soon.' I start working on paperwork for my sister to come as a visitor to the IT department.

As the day goes on it's just the motions that's all I'm trying to keep my mind on my work and solving other people's problems and avoiding my own. My work phone rings I look at the number and it's the front desk. I pick it up and say "hello this is Luna," the person on the other end says "yes you have a visitor she says she's your sister is it alright if I send her your way?" I smile and respond "yes it's alright we're going to have lunch later" then we end the call. Normally the people upfront say bye or something. Must be someone new upfront. I start finishing up my work and looked at the time 1:30 is on the clock. as I finish up I smile she's never late guess mom taught her something.

My sister comes to my desk and says "Still working I see." I smile saying "I am the manager of the IT department. besides I'm finishing this last thing then I can go for the day I've finished all my work for the day." she smiles and when I finish I grab my things and we go.

When we get to the elevator Tony Stark is already in there with Steve Rogers. Steve looks at us and says "are you going down?" I smile saying "yeah I'm taking my sister out for lunch" we walk into the elevator. he then says "I hope you two lady's have a nice time." then the elevator doors ding and we all exit the elevator and all I can think about is I need to find a way to keep my sister and my secretes safe. Can I keep them both safe or will I have to give something up?