James woke up on a spaceship, which is going to crash into the earth with a star wars system when he crashed he found out he was in Marvel as he saw Phil Coulson and was brought into Shield How will our MC get himself out of this mess? What will become of Marvel when someone has star wars technology?
The battle was fierce, but the Mandalorian's armour proved to be indestructible, even to Bullseye's deadly knives. In the end, it was the Mandalorian who emerged victorious, having successfully defended himself against Bullseye's relentless assault.
Bullseye lay defeated on the ground, surrounded by the dead bodies that littered the forest. The victorious Mandalorian looked down at him with a mixture of sadness and respect. He knew that Bullseye was a formidable opponent, but in the end, his armour and his inventory had proved to be the difference.
James stood over Bullseye's lifeless body, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. The fight had been intense and gruelling, but in the end, he had emerged victorious.
As he looked down at Bullseye, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in himself. He had faced one of the deadliest assassins in the world and had emerged victorious. He knew that his reputation as a skilled warrior was well-deserved, and that would make him even more valuable as a mercenary, what he thought he might become in marvel at this rate with the characters he was assimilating.
But as he looked at the lifeless body before him, he couldn't shake the feeling of regret. He knew that death was a part of the life of a mercenary, but it didn't make it any easier to take a life he long ago came to terms with finishing the life of evil early and Bullseye was no saint. He couldn't help but wonder if his actions were predetermined by fate and if by killing Bullseye, he had altered the course of the Marvel world. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was just a pawn, controlled by a greater power.
As he disappeared into the forest, his mind couldn't help but wander to the possibility of encountering other Marvel characters. He felt a sense of eagerness at the thought of meeting Daredevil, the other side of Bullseye's story in the Marvel universe and seeing how his actions would affect the bigger picture. But at the same time, he felt small in the grand scheme of things, unsure of his purpose and if he truly had control over his actions. He felt a sense of uncertainty and confusion about his place in the world and his role in the fate of the Marvel universe.
He took a moment to pay his respect to his fallen opponent before disappearing into the forest, ready for his next battle, but with a heavy heart and a mind filled with questions about his destiny and purpose.
As James fought bullseye he heard a loud bang across the hillside in the direction they left the Quinn jet, he decided to go over there even though he was injured and exhausted he wanted to make sure his ride back was secure and if Natasha and Captain America had completed their mission and returned to the Quinn jet already.
As he walked through the forest he soon stumbled upon the flaming mess of a Quinn jet releasing plumes of smoke into the sky with what seemed like a dead Captain America and Natasha
James ran over quickly and checked their pulses still feeling a beat but then he heard heavy steps approaching him and saw a metal man holding Captain America's vibranium shield with a chunk ripped out of it.
James stood up and steeled himself for combat taking out his Vibrio knife from his belt.
James and Creel Creed clashed on the hillside, surrounded by the mountainous woods. Creel, with Captain America's vibranium shield absorbed into his body, seemed invincible. James, already injured and exhausted, put up a fierce fight but was no match for Creel's enhanced strength and durability.
Creel, also known as Carl "Crusher" Creel, was once a boxer who had a promising career until a freak accident at a fight left him with the ability to absorb the properties of any material he touched. He quickly became a weapon for various criminal organizations and governments, but he always yearned for control over his own life and the power he possessed.
However, Creel's past caught up with him when he was kidnapped and brainwashed by the terrorist organization HYDRA. They wanted to utilize his powers as a weapon and forced him to carry out their evil plans, despite his kind soul. He was a pawn in their game, forced to do their bidding and had to put on a tough exterior to survive.
The battle was intense, with James using his blaster and hand-to-hand combat skills to try and take down Creel. But Creel was too strong, and he effortlessly deflected James's blaster fire with Captain America's shield. And the ones he could not take were simply not enough to damage his vibranium body.
James was on the brink of defeat, his energy depleted and his injuries taking their toll. But he refused to give up, determined to protect Natasha and Captain America who lay unconscious near a crashed Quinn jet.
James used his combat training to his advantage, dodging and weaving around Creel's attacks. He landed a series of punches and kicks and even used his vibro knife in an attempt to scratch the shield but it only succeed in leaving scratches, it was no use. Creel's shield and body were too durable.
As the battle raged on, James's energy began to wane and his injuries angered him. He pulled out his blaster and fired at Creel, hoping to take him down with a surprise attack. But to his dismay, the blaster shots merely bounced off the shield, leaving no marks or damage. Creel laughed as he absorbed the blaster's energy, "You see James, this shield is not just strong but also allows me to be above any man with my powers, with this shield I can better serve Hydra." He continued to mock James, "It's like hitting a concrete wall with a water gun, it's not going to do any damage and soon the world will be ruled by hydra."
James' blaster was now heating up, the energy overload caused by the constant firing was causing it to malfunction. He quickly put it aside in his inventory, realizing it was no longer of any use in the fight. He had to come up with a new plan quickly before Creel took him down.
As the battle raged on, James's energy began to wane and his injuries angered him. Creel took advantage of this, and with one final powerful swing of the shield, he was able to knock James unconscious. but James was able to get one solid hit onto Creel's head using the backside of his hand that had beskar armour covering it, this caused Creel to stumble back a bit but the fight was already over.
"You see, James," Creel said with a smirk, "I am now stronger than ever before. This shield has given me power beyond your imagination." He paused for a moment, his expression shifting to one of regret. "I don't want to do this, but it's necessary," he added.
Creel emerged victorious, and with the help of a group of Hydra soldiers, he loaded James, Natasha, and Captain America into a waiting jeep bearing the Hydra logo. They drove off into the mountains, leaving the crashed Quinn jet behind. James, unconscious and defeated, was also loaded into the jeep, his fate now uncertain. He was a pawn in their game, forced to do their bidding, but deep down he had a kind soul that still struggled with the actions he was forced to take.
As Creel sat in the jeep, surrounded by his Hydra escort, he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in his stomach. He had been recruited by Hydra against his will, his mind twisted and manipulated to serve their cause. But deep down, he knew that what he was doing was wrong. And now, he was being taken to meet one of their leaders, a man he had never met before but had heard terrifying stories about.