
star wars system in marvel

James woke up on a spaceship, which is going to crash into the earth with a star wars system when he crashed he found out he was in Marvel as he saw Phil Coulson and was brought into Shield How will our MC get himself out of this mess? What will become of Marvel when someone has star wars technology?

Hunter931 · 电影同人
18 Chs

Chapter 11

Bullseye and the Mandalorian, James, stood amidst the mountainous forest, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of their fallen enemies. James was already injured, his unprotected areas bearing the signs of a previous battle, he was badly injured from bullets and knives.

"Who hired you." said James knowing that it was highly unlikely that Bullseye was here just to protect a cartel, he may be a mercenary but he was still a Marvel villain who had enough prestige to go toe to toe with daredevil 'he wouldn't just be here to protect a simple cartel, something is strange with this.' James thought seeing Bullseye smiling like he found his prey

"I wonder, what are you, even after all that your armour is still unscratched and you're still standing with those injuries, and you are working with the shield but I have no information on you."

"Me, haha I'm nothing but a mercenary."

Bullseye sneered at James, "You call yourself a mercenary? I am the ultimate assassin, the master of murder."

James decided to introduce himself, "I am James, better known as the Mandalorian. And we may both be hired guns, but I have a code. I don't kill for sport or pleasure. I do it to protect those who cannot protect themselves."

Bullseye laughed, "Your code is a weakness. It's what will get you killed."

As they fought, Bullseye's mind was consumed by a flashback, memories of his past flooding back. He remembered a time when he was just an ordinary man, a carnie at a travelling circus. But his life changed forever when he discovered his unique talent for throwing objects with deadly accuracy.

He was recruited by a powerful criminal organization and was trained to become the ultimate assassin. He was given the name Bullseye and his reputation as a ruthless killer spread far and wide.

But with his newfound power came darkness, a desire for the thrill of the kill that consumed him. He had lost sight of who he once was and became a slave to his ambition.

James unsheathed his vibro knife and prepared for battle. Bullseye, armed with his signature throwing darts, had the advantage in range and firepower.

As the fight continued, Bullseye's flashback ended and he refocused on the present. He used James' injuries to his advantage, exploiting every opportunity to land a hit. James' movements were slow and laboured, his energy draining with every exchange.

In a moment of clarity, James realized why he had introduced himself to Bullseye. He wanted to create a reputation on Earth, he was still attached to it even if it wasn't his Earth with his precious family on it, he wanted to be known as someone who protected the innocent and upheld a code of honour. He couldn't let that reputation be tarnished by losing to someone like Bullseye.

The fight was intense, with Bullseye's darts narrowly missing James as he dodged and weaved through the onslaught. James, using only his vibro knife, had to get close to Bullseye to land a hit.

Despite being at a disadvantage, James' willpower proved to be a formidable match for Bullseye's skills. With a burst of energy, James disarmed Bullseye, leaving him defenceless.

James picked up Bullseye's throwing darts and pointed it at his opponent. "You're good, Bullseye, but you're not good enough," James said as he held Bullseye at bay.

But Bullseye was not so easily defeated. With a quick movement, he took advantage of James' momentary distraction, and grabbed a nearby rock, throwing it with deadly accuracy and hitting James' hand, making him drop the darts.

With James' hand injured, Bullseye quickly regained the upper hand, but not before James managed to land a hit with his vibro knife, injuring Bullseye's left arm.

James took the opportunity to escape into the forest, disappearing into the dense foliage. Bullseye, injured and furious, searched for James, but he was nowhere to be found. The Mandalorian had vanished, leaving Bullseye alone in the forest with his defeat.

But James did not leave and just waited for an opportunity for Bullseye to lower his guard

Bullseye, the notorious assassin, stood amidst the chaos of a mountainous forest, his eyes scanning the area for his target knowing to still be vigilant. The ground was littered with the corpses of those who had come before him, but Bullseye paid them no mind. His focus was solely on the task at hand.

Suddenly, he spotted a lone figure moving through the trees - the Mandalorian. The armoured warrior was heavily armed and his armour was unscathed, showing no signs of the battles he had been through. But Bullseye knew that the Mandalorian was exhausted, his weapons were running low and his energy almost depleted after a long and gruelling battle.

Bullseye grinned to himself, thinking this would be an easy kill. He loaded his throwing knives and prepared to strike. But as he threw his knives, to his surprise, they bounced off the Mandalorian's armour, unable to scratch it. even if they did fight before bullseye still didn't believe that his knives didn't do any damage to the armour and believed that with enough damage it would weaken or at least hurt internally from the impact

The Mandalorian, realizing that Bullseye was trying to damage his armour, fought back with renewed vigour knowing that the knives wouldn't be able to penetrate it. He unleashed a barrage of blaster fire while circling Bullseye and approached

Bullseye and the Mandalorian, James, engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat. Bullseye, already injured with a damaged left arm, was at a disadvantage but was still a formidable opponent. His agility and strength honed from years of training as an assassin, he moved with a fluid grace, his fists and feet a blur as he unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks on James.

James, on the other hand, was exhausted from the previous battle, his energy drained and his combat training as a Mandalorian was not enough to keep up with Bullseye's speed and power. He struggled to block and dodge Bullseye's attacks, his movements slow and clumsy.

The two fighters clashed in a brutal dance of punches and kicks, Bullseye's advantage was clear as James was not able to keep up with his speed and power. Bullseye's fists flew fast and furious, landing multiple blows on James. James's willpower was strong but it was not enough to keep up with Bullseye's attacks.

As the fight raged on, James' energy was drained and he was not able to counter-attack. He was getting weaker, his muscles burning with exertion. But Bullseye was relentless, his determination and willpower pushing him on.

In the end, it was Bullseye's advantage with the injured left arm that gave him the upper hand. With a final burst of energy, he was able to disarm James of the vibro knife and land a decisive blow, leaving James lying on the ground, defeated. Bullseye, breathing heavily, stood victorious, ready for his next battle but as Bullseye was standing over the top of James he saw a weird-looking gun materialise into James' hand a red beam leaving the barrel hitting his chest.