
Under the Empire's thumb: Chapter - 3

If Sabine had thought that minister Tua had been controlling before their session in her observation deck. Then now she would have to redefine her definition of controlling.

Nearly every day for a week she was called into her office to satisfy her or be humiliated in some way. The first time she'd been called in Tua had ordered her over her desk where her uniform and panties had been tugged down and a toy inserted deep inside her before she was ordered to shadow her for the day.

It had been a near unbearable torture to walk around the entire day her pussy constantly being stimulated. What made it worse was every time she adapted to it Tua simply increased the power.

The next day was equally bad as after an intense sparring match with the other cadets she headed to the showers only to be led away by Tua's droid to her private shower.

The moment she was in she saw Tua already naked and waiting. It was the first time she'd seen her fully naked and even though she never considered girls attractive she had to admit that she looked amazing.

Tua caught her staring and beckoned her over. Once next to her Tua began to gently rub a soap covered hand over her chest and stomach.

She tried to struggle but her muscles were tired from her matches and Tua's hands were to skilled. Within just a couple minutes her body complelty gave way to her. She didn't even to stop her from kissing her or when she led her hand to her pussy.

She pulled away giving her breast a gentle squeeze. "That's a good little pet."

She was forced against the wall as Tua kissed her again. Out of pure lust she spread her legs allowing her access. Seeing this Tua eagerly dove in.

A single moan escaped her as she felt her knuckles rub up against a nerve cluster nearly making her cum.

Sabine truly wished that Tua had solely focused on her pussy, but after brining her close multiple times she turned her around and forced three fingers into her ass.

To her shame it was this sudden intrusion that pushed her over the edge. Her body locked up as a shrill moan escaped her lips as she slid down the wall feeling her strength leave her.

But that was still tame compared to what happened later that week.

The morning routine had just started when she was summoned to her office. Once there she stood in front of her desk wating.

Tua put down her data pad and walked over to Sabine.

"Tell me girl do you remember our night of passion in my private room."

Sabine looked away a slight redness to her face. "You mean when you walked me naked and fucked me in the ass?"

"Yes that was fun wasn't it? However what I remember is that I told you I would punish you for taking you hands off the wall."

She tensed up her mind trying to figure out how she was going to be punished when Tua took out her collar and leash. Sabine sighed as it was hooked around her neck. This time she was allowed to keep her clothes on as she was led to her private room. Once there her collar and leash were removed and a black face mask was thrown at her feet. The mask completely covered her head only showing her mouth, nose and eyes.

"Put it on my dear." Once it was on Tua put on a special black helmet.

"Now strip, slowly and sensually." Due to the helmet's special feature her voice came out distorted as she activated two floating cameras that displayed her slowly undressing on a large holopad.

Surprisingly instead of feeling terror or shame she felt excited. Excited that this was being recorded, excited that there would forever be evidence of her exposing herself. As slid her bra off she saw Tua doing the same.

When both girls were finally naked the real fun began.

"You've been a bad little cadet. And all bad cadets get punished. Bend over hands on your knees." She did as she was told as the cameras whirled around showing her exposed body as Tua got behind her brandishing a silver paddle.

As the first blows came down Sabine thought back to her training hoping it would help deal with the pain.

And it did, for the first four blows. After that she began screaming, two more and her screams turned to pain filled moans.

Looking up she saw that on the screen her ass was now a reddened mess.

"Are you going to be a good cadet for your mistress?"

Her body trembling she spoke up. "Yes mistress."

"Good girl." With a nudge from her foot she was pushed onto her back.

"Now play with yourself like a good girl."

The second her hands reached her breast and pussy the camera reacted. One zoomed in on her crotch with the other seemed to take pictures. The entire thing turned her on even more.

With every second that passed her body got hotter and hotter her hands becoming soaked with her own juices.

Tua knelt down next to her head showing her own dripping pussy.

"Is my little cadet getting close?"


"Is she going to let the entire world see her cum!"

"Yes mistress!"

"Then do it. I want to see you squirt all over the floor." She extended her hand and gave her nipple a little flick. This was the final touch she needed as her back arched and she clenched down on her fingers sending a stream of juices from her pussy.

Before she could calm down Tua straddled her face. Lost in the moment she didn't hesitate to start eating her out as the cameras filmed it all.

She didn't know why but this felt so right to her. Being dominated, her tongue buried inside Tua, the smell of her musk filling her. She wanted more, wanted this to never end.

Her efforts were reward when after a sticking her tongue deeper caused her mistress to cum. Tua lifted up just enough so that her entire face got covered.

"That's a good cadet. Now let's have some real fun." She stood up and shakily walked over to a metal cabinet opening it and showing Sabine more sexual toys then she thought possible. After a moment Tua pulled out her special toy strapping it on and pressing a button near the base.

Sabine felt her mouth water as the toy lit up with a glow similar to a lightsaber.

"You should know my little cadet that I had this toy was used to personally punish female jedi." As she walked closer a small current of electricity arched off it. Once in front of her she spread her legs rubbing the electrified toy over her clit.

"Now cadet because I'm such a benevolent mistress I'll give you a choice. Shall I fuck this tight little pussy of yours first. Or are you a naughty girl who wants this toy in her ass?"

Her pussy was burning with anticipation and as the cameras projected the scene she felt an immense desire to fully captivate whatever audience was watching.

"Please mistress fuck my ass!"

The words had just left her mouth when the toy was buried to the base deep inside of her. Instantly she felt the current wash over her body making her cum not once but twice her jucies making the current more intense.

The only thing that came out of Sabine's mouth for the remainder of the night were screams of pain and pleasure as she completely gave in to Tua's thrusts.

Tua made sure to claim every part of her as she fucked her around the room. On her back and on the floor to once again against the glass her breasts openly displayed for all to see.

Luckily the grounds below were empty much to Sabin's disappointment. She actually wanted someone to look up and see her. When she pulled out of her ass she forced Sabine to her knees and she turned off the current allowing Sabine to lick it clean without hurting herself.

When Sabine was sure the device was clean she was forced on her hands and knees the collar put on her again as she was fucked like a beast.

She lost track of the amount of times she came or how many times she begged for more. What she did know was then at some point the mixture of pain and excitement became to much and she passed out.

When she woke up she found herself in a her bunk with Tua's droid next to her.

"Greetings cadet my master ordered me to wait with you until you woke. Your schedule for the day has been cleared so she demands you rest and recover for tomorrow."

She was glad to her that for when she tried to move her body locked up and she nearly came again.

The following days were spent in much the same way. Tua summoning her followed by hours of intense sex. Her favorite being when she scissored Tua on her desk while two other female cadets ate each other out.

Then came the fated day. There she was nakedly riding her mistress in her chair when she brought he in for a passionate kiss before forcing her onto her desk and pulling out.

"Sabine my dear I'm afraid I have some bad news. Seems the young Bridger boy showed off a bit to much and his instructor sent for the inquisitor. He's to show up tomorrow to see if any are force sensitive."

Her eyes winded in terror. "What?"

"Yes so I'm afraid we must bring a end to our fun."

Sabine bit her lip as her mind raced. She knew she had to help but she also didn't want to be apart from her mistress. Tua seeing this smiled and rubbed her toy along her clit. "Or you can decide to join me and I could arrange for a distraction so he can escape. I know by now he has the information he came for."

"You'd do that for me mistress?"

"Only if you swear to be mine. Officially you'd become my protégé, but unofficially you'd be my little pet. Obeying my every order while helping your little rebel friends. All you have to do is swear to it."

Sabine shot up and wrapped her hands around Tua's neck happily kissing her. "I swear mistress I'll serve you!"


The very next day Sabine watched from her position on Tua's lap as the video of her being dominated filled the male dormitory as Tua's droid led Ezra and his allis to a shuttle away from the facility.

As Tua fingered her Sabine brought up the rebel communication line.

"Specter 5 to ghost extend-!" she stopped mid sentence trying to hold back an orgasm. "mission… gained access to Minister Tua's inner service…wait for future transmissions."

She collapsed cumming again as Tua slid her onto her desk pulling her onto her toy as the responding message came back.

"Roger specter 5 ghost over and out."