
Star Wars: The Slut Awakens - Chapter 1

An alternative version of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, beginning during the events of The Last Jedi. Rey is captured and broken by The First Order.


This story begins during the events of Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. All acts depicted are between individuals over the age of 18.

Rey has just departed the island on Ahch-to and completed her brief "training" with Luke Skywalker. She now journeys on board the Millennium Falcon toward her ultimate rendezvous with Kylo Ren on Supreme Leader Snoke's ship, the Supremacy. Prepare to have your expectations subverted…

Prologue: Jedi in Heat

"Harder," Rey told BB-8. The little ball-shaped droid complied, turning up the power on the fuck-droid. The sex robot pounded its hips against her even more forcefully, eliciting appreciative moans from the young Jedi apprentice.

After leaving the island of Ahch-to on board the Millennium Falcon, she found herself with several hours to explore the ship while travelling through hyperspace. While looking around, she discovered many odd things, including a strange-looking machine in one of the smuggling compartments. The machine was steel-colored, humanoid-shaped (that is, it had two arms, a torso, and two legs, but no head), and required a power source to operate.

Curious, Rey connected the machine to BB-8's power source. The machine activated and rose to its feet, standing at attention.

"What the…?" Rey asked, kneeling in front of the machine to inspect it more closely. BB-8 made a playful, teasing sound and input a series of commands into the machine. Immediately, a small slot at the base of the machine's torso opened up, and a long, thick metal shaft extended outward toward Rey's face. "Is that… oh… that's a penis…"

The shaft looked to be around twelve inches in length and impressively thick. BB-8 continued to whistle and chirp, entering more commands. Rey's eyes widened as a thick, clear liquid extended from the tip of the robot penis and began dripping down the shaft. The shaft then began to piston up and down autonomously—and in the direction of Rey's gaping mouth.

"Stop that, BB-8!" Rey exclaimed. "Turn it off!"

BB-8 complied, and Rey led them back to the ship's cockpit. For the next while, Rey sat in the pilot's seat, trying not to think about the fuck-bot that she had left in the smuggling compartment.

She tried to think about her friends, or the Resistance, or her upcoming confrontation with Kylo Ren. And yet, should couldn't get the image of that massive, pistoning robot-dick out of her mind.

Why have I been so horny lately?Rey thought, I guess it HAS been a while… Occasionally, while on Jakku, she had come across a smooth object that would work as a sex toy that she could use to release some tension. Once or twice, she had even come across a not-too-hideous alien that she would allow to "mate" with her. It wasn't terribly civilized, but she had needs—even in the desert wasteland.

Lately, though, Rey's "needs" had been running rampant. Ever since she had landed on Ahch-to, Rey had been feeling a longing between her legs that could only be satisfied in a particular way. That longing had exploded into an urgent needwhile still on the island—the boy Kylo Ren had appeared to her, shirtless. Rey had never found Ren particularly attractive, but for whatever reason the sight of him had really set her off.

For the moment, at least, Rey had convinced herself that she was on her way to see Kylo Ren in order to savehim (not fuck him). But something needed to be done.

By comparison to her previous lovers and objects, Rey had to admit that the machine she had found looked far superior. Besides, she thought, who would ever know?

It was only when she realized that she had slipped her fingers down her pants and into her surprisingly wet pussy that she realized that it was time to "take care" of her urges.

And so it was that Rey decided to impale herself on the foot-long cock of a mechanical lover.

On closer inspection, the robot seemed designed for sex in a standing-up position, so she had first tried allowing the robot to enter her from behind. Stripping down completely naked, she stood with her back to the fuck-droid and lined its long, slick penis up against her front hole.

"You'd better not be recording this," Rey warned BB-8 as she lifted her leg to allow easier entry. BB-8 made an innocent, "who, me?" series of beeps.

Rey let out a long, slow breath as she felt the cold metal slide between her folds. "Okay… slowly…" Rey said.

BB-8 beeped in "compliance," turning the machine up to level 5 out of 10. Rey let out a shocked woop as the droid grabbed her by the hips and began fucking her enthusiastically.

"Oh… F…. Fuck!" Rey cried out, bending over to support herself with her arms on the floor. "Not so fast… BB…8…"

BB-8 responded by turning the fuck-droid up to level 8 and activating both the vibration and heat functions of the robot's cock.

Rey grunted animalistically each time the droid pounded into her at its quickened pace. It was all that she could do to hold on as the machine stretched her out, using her like a doll for its own pleasure. BB-8 continued to beep encouraging-sounding noises in her direction.

"I'll… ungh…. Get you... for….. ahn…." Rey moaned between thrusts, beginning to lose herself in the ravishing. BB-8 rolled slightly to the side to get a better angle – the video recording of this would sell for a high price among the Resistance men.

Rey's moans became less angry and more ecstatic as the droid continued to fuck her senseless. The young Jedi gave herself over to her pent-up desires, gripping her breasts and massaging her clit wantonly as the machine took her doggy-style.

BB-8 let Rey enjoy this for several long minutes before dialing the machine up to level 10. With a cheerful beep, the little ball droid caused a second, equal-sized robo-cock to appear from the machine's front hatch. Like the first, the second robot dick pistoned in-and-out automatically and self-lubricated with a silicone oil. Rey was oblivious to all of this—until the new droid dick slid itself roughly into her asshole.

Rey wailed in shock, and only a little bit of pain, as the two metal penises took turns thrusting rapidly in and out of her, alternating and taking one hole at a time. The machine continued fucking Rey doggy-style, showing no mercy and never slowing its pace as it stretched out her second hole.

"Oh god…." Rey muttered, feeling her brain shutting off as she lost herself completely in the debauchery. BB-8 continued controlling the machine for over an hour, driving Rey to multiple explosive orgasms.

When Rey looked to be on the edge of passing out, BB-8 slowed the machines and pulled the robot dicks from her soaked, gaping holes. The droid rolled to the sleeping quarters and retrieved a blanket and pillow, allowing Rey to drift off into sleep with a contented, fulfilled look on her face.