
Luke The Jedi Teacher

He still couldn't believe Han was gone. Luke had never thought anything could take down the old smuggler, well other than his sister of course. Now Chewy had showed up brining this force sensitive girl to his hiding place. This island was supposed to be his sanctuary. Ever since his last round of pupils hadn't responded well to his training methods and fled after destroying his school.

Han and Leia had been oblivious to his training methods no matter what had been said. Chewy though had known all about how Luke had used his students. How he had taught them to submit to him as master in every way. Chewy obviously saw nothing wrong with it or he would never have brought this girl, Rey from nowhere, here.

Luke had always been considered a little strange, even growing up on Tatooine among farm boys. All of them had hunted womp rats and he was exceptionally good at killing them with the guns on his T-16. The problem was that while the others enjoyed the hunt for the sport Luke took an almost sexual pleasure in the slaughter. He would brag about his kills in the same way others would talk about the cute girl they were sleeping with.

He had joined the Rebellion and become a big-time war hero by learning how to use his Jedi powers and faced down his father Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine in the battle for Endor. Despite being barely trained he had gained an almost cult like following as the only known Jedi left.

Luke had used that to his advantage and had slept with as many women and men as he could. He didn't care what their gender, race, body type, or even species were. All he cared about was that they would submit to him and let him get off using them however he saw fit.

Eventually the new Republic was formed, and his star began to wane a bit. He was still worshiped as a hero of course but other politicians and generals were also receiving a lot more fan worship and he grew bored of using the same people.

When he found out that there were more force sensitive people in the galaxy, he decided to set off on a quest to find all the old Jedi training material. He would form a new school for force sensitive people and through them create a harem of force sensitive sex slaves that would in turn train another generation like he had trained them.

His legacy would be to turn the old cult of the monk like Jedi to a sex cult that could still be called upon to defend the new Republic from threats so it could continue on without fear of destruction or scrutiny.

On his journeys he had found texts from both the Jedi and the Sith and had studied both in depth to learn the ways of all of the force. He epically paid attention to the Sith texts that explained how strong emotions could help strength force powers. He also studied mind manipulation powers from both sides.

He had returned and formed his new temple of the Jedi and took on his first class of students. There were twelve in total that volunteered to be trained. Among them was Luke's own nephew Ben Solo.

The group had been willing and able to submit to his training techniques. The temple was secluded, and no one visited the temple except for droids making deliveries so Luke was free to do as he pleased, and he did. A large part of his training was centered around group sex and honing some force powers to serve a more sexual nature. His favorite being teaching them to use force choke for pleasure and not to kill.

The only one to show any sort of push back was Ben. It wasn't that he didn't through himself mind, body, and soul into his training but it was the fact that he had tried to set up his own haram inside the haram.

Luke had made the fateful decision that family or not Ben had to be taught his place. He and the rest of the students had come to Ben's room late one night with the intent of gang raping him until he was broken and willing to submit.

They had rushed in and held him down. Luke had decided to lead by example and was the first to rape his own nephew. While he was in the throes of passion Ben unleashed a power none of them had seen before. He unleashed a force lighting that instead of coming from the hands was created in the atmosphere.

The initial strike killed all the other students but left Luke and Ben untouched. The second strike annihilated the building and Luke fell backward barely able to keep the collapsing building from crushing him.

When he managed to pull himself from the wreckage, he found that Ben had escaped. Latter he would rebrand himself Kylo Ren and join The First Order. He declared himself a Sith and took control of a group of force sensitives known as The Knights of Ren and by all reports used them as his own haram beating his uncle at his own game.

He had made up a story about Ben being corrupted by the dark side and while his sister had always seemed to question it, she never outright blamed Luke for the loss of her son. She kept faith that he would see reason in the end.

Luke, however decided to find a solitary retreat and continue to study the old texts to see where he might have gone wrong and how he could keep from making that mistake again. He had learned much more and had even been able to cut himself off from the force so he wouldn't risk Kylo Ren or any of his knights finding his hiding place and trying to finish him off and steal his knowledge.

Now, Chewy had hand delivered this force sensitive naïve girl right to his door. He had rejected her right from the start but that was all part of it. He wanted to make her show how much she wanted this. How stubborn she would be to be trained. The more they wanted it the more he could do with them without them doubting his methods.

She had already proven she wouldn't leave and had gone so far as to follow him all day as he did menial tasks and things that even he considered a little disgusting, like drinking the milk he got from the creatures raw instead of boiling it first like he always did.

He was watching her practice with the lightsaber that had first been his. He would find out where she got it from but that was a question for another time. For now he was watching her try and practice her blade work against a stone pillar. Of course, Luke was checking out more than her form and realized she had a lovely tight ass and a perky set of tits.

"I'll train her." He told himself out loud as he adjusted his hardening dick. "And I'll enjoy every second of it." He said as he played with himself watching her swing the blade back and forth.

The next day her training officially began. He took her to a flat rock overlooking the sea. She was dressed in her usual grey outfit and had her hair in her triple back bun style. The outfit was loosely fitting but Luke still caught glances of her amazing form and was already half hard by the time they walked to the rock.

"Sit there." Luke said pointing. She complied and he stood next to her.

"Are you going to teach me to lift rocks with the force?" Rey asked in a sweet but naïve voice.

Luke shook his head. This will be easier than I imagined. Luke thought. "The force is more than lifting rocks, it's life and emotions. Everything that binds the universe together." He told her. "Now close your eyes and reach out."

She did as she was told, literally. She shut her eyes and reached out her hand into the air in front of her.

Time to let her feel the force. Luke thought as he freed his hard cock. It was seven inches long and two inches thick. His students had said how much it felt like their lightsaber handles. She reached out blindly, and he moved his cock right in front of her hand.

She gasped as her finger brushed it. "I feel it. I feel the force." She said with a rush of excitement.

"You should reach out and grasp it lightly." Luke told her taking this to the next step. He wanted to see how she would respond.

She did exactly as she was told. "Like this Master Skywalker?" She asked him as she wrapped her fingers around his cock and even started moving her hand back and forth on the shaft. She was only moving slightly and softly so she wasn't touching the tip or hitting the folds of his robe.

"Yes, just like that." Luke moaned a little as she was giving him a gentle hand job. "And you can just call me Master."

"I'm doing it Master, I'm feeling the force." Rey said, her eyes still closed as she jerked him off a little more.

"Next you'll need to take the force into yourself." Luke told her as he eyed her soft lips.

"What should I do Master?" Rey asked desperate to learn more about the force.

"Let go of the force. Keep your eyes closed and open your mouth." Luke instructed her. He repositioned himself closer to her face as she did what she was told. He grabbed her hair by the top two back buns and thrust his cock into her mouth hard.

She finally opened her eyes but didn't pull away as he started to fuck her face slowly. He was pulling her face down onto his cock so hard her nose was being pressed into his robes and she was gaging. Spit was coming out of the sides of her mouth as she tried desperately to do as he wanted.

He wasn't even trying to be gentle anymore. She was responding just the way he wanted. She was eager to please and believed him completely because of his position of power. "You're doing an amazing job." He told her as he held his cock in her throat until she was struggling to breath. He backed out and she was gasping and drooling.

"That training is intense Master." She whispered as she caught her breath.

"It's not over yet, but if it's too much for you feel free to give up and leave." Luke told her plainly but with enough of a hint of disappointment at the thought that he knew she would never choose to.

"No Master." She said with a hint of desperation afraid she had offended him. "I wasn't complaining, I was just saying it was intense, but I'll do anything to be a Jedi."

"We'll put that to the test over the next few days but for now open your mouth again." Luke told her pulling her head back into position. This time she simply opened her mouth and closed her eyes. "Perfect." He told her and he saw the hint of a smile cross her lips before he rammed his dick back down her throat.

He felt her throat relax more this time and was able to get into a steady rhythm. She was picking this up quickly and her briefly wondered what she had done to survive alone on that back water planet she came from. Not that he cared or felt any pity for her, but he wondered how gentle he really needed to be with her other fuckable holes.

For now he was content with her skill in sucking dick. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer but her training was just beginning so he wasn't worried about how quickly he came. He picked up speed and force as he started using not just her head but his hips as well. Not long now.

He felt it welling up inside him and he looked down at her. "You've done well, now here is your reward." He moaned as he pushed as far down her throat as he could and held himself there as spurt after spurt of his hot cum shot into her throat.

She swallowed it all down greedily. She would obviously take anything as a meal after living the way she lived on Jakku. After she swallowed the last of it, Luke pulled out his cock and looked her over. She would make a great new toy.

For now though it was time for a real lesson. "Now that you have expertly taken the force inside you let's work on controlling your abilities." Luke said as he put his softening cock into his robes. "Lesson one." He said as he bent down and picked up a small stone. "Lifting rocks with the power of the force."


He had woken Rey early the next morning and began her on a rigorous regime of physical endurance training. He had her run up and down the steps with an increasingly heavy pack. Then had her run a mile to retrieve a rock he had hidden during the night. Just before lunch he let her rest a bit by standing on one leg and using the force to keep her balance as he occasionally tossed small stones at her.

"You need to be able to ignore minor inconveniences or you'll never be a Jedi," he told her as one of the stones hit her right in the nipple.

"Yes Master." Rey continued to try and concentrate as three more stones flew at her, each landing in a sensitive area.

Rey wouldn't be deterred. She had already come so far and endured so much to get here. She would be a Jedi and she didn't care what she had to do to attain that goal. No matter how strange some of the training methods seemed she was too in awe of both the legend of the Jedi and getting to join that legend.

Luke tossed a few more stones. He began to wonder if there was any limit to what this girl would endure at his command. She could be exactly what he had been searching for before Kylo had ruined it all.

He felt a twinge of anger at the thought and aimed a stone to hit Rey right in the clit. She winced but didn't quit. Luke smiled.

"You can stop now," Luke told her as he stood. "It's time to go catch our lunch."

Rey sighed and followed after her new master. She wasn't worried about the oddness of the training regimes so far. Everything seemed to make a strange sort of sense after he would explain it. Besides, she really had no frame of reference. The Jedi were mere legends, and no one ever talked about what it took to become one.

She was determined. She would endure anything, no matter how strange she thought it might be. Considering all she had had to endure so far in her life she was sure she could handle anything.

Luke collected a spear from his hut and the two of them made their way down to the edge of the ocean in total silence. They arrived at the rocky outcrop and Rey noticed the ocean seemed calmer here. Luke walked up to the edge and put down the spear.

"Strip," Luke commanded as he turned to look at Rey.

He smiled as she didn't hesitate. She pulled off every stitch of clothing without a second thought and stood before him naked. Her nipple hardened instantly as the cool air caressed her naked flesh. Luke considered taking her here and now or at least having her suck him off again, but he had a different form of discomfort in mind for her.

"Now take the spear and get us some fish." Luke pointed to the spear and Rey moved to comply.

She picked it up and took a throwing stance. Her legs apart and her shoulders squared she scanned the water looking for a fish to throw the spear at. Luke admired her form as well as her firm ass and perky tits. He almost hated to interrupt.

"No, not like that." Luke shook his head and Rey turned to face him giving him a perfect look at her naked form and the confused look in her face. "Take the spear, jump in the ocean, and use the force to find the fish."

He saw her shiver and knew she was anticipating how cold the ocean would be. Jakku was a desert planet after all, and she probably had no experience with the cold. That thought made him enjoy the idea more than just for its original purpose. He knew the cold water would sap her strength and prepare her for more rigorous training.

Rey dove in as instructed and immediately felt the cold pierce through her straight to the core. She focused her mind and tried to block out the cold so she could use the force and get out of the brutally cold water.

She reached out with the force although she wasn't sure what she was searching for. Suddenly she could feel them, the fish, and other more dangerous creatures lurking deeper in the depths. She focused on the fish and used her will to call them to her. Several swam her way as she surfaced to catch her breath briefly.

Luke watched her surface and reached out with the force. She was freezing but not in danger of permanent damage yet. If she reached that point, he would get her out. He wanted her weakened, not dead.

Rey noticed her Master looking at her and doubled her efforts. She was as determined to impress him as she was desperate to get out of this cold ocean. She took a deep breath and went back under. She felt the two large fish before she saw them and already had her spear ready. With one strong thrust she speared both fish right through their centers. These would have to impress her Master.

He watched as the spear came back up from the ocean with two massive fish impaled on it. The spear and the fish landed on the rocky outcropping first, then Rey used both her hand to pull her shivering naked body from the ocean. Luke smiled at her success and also that she had spent enough time in the ocean that her strength was severely drained.

She pulled herself up and forced herself to stand before her Master. She didn't want to show any sign of weakness in front of him. Her body was shaking, and her teeth were chattering but she couldn't stop that natural reaction.

"Very good." Luke gave her genuine praise as he inspected first the fish on the spear and then her body. "These should feed us for days, now collect your clothes and follow me back to the village. We need a fire to cook these and to warm you again."

"Shouldn't I put my clothes back on so I can start to get warm again?" She immediately regretted asking the question when she saw the look in his eyes.

Luke stormed over to her and struck her hard with a back handed blow to the face. The look on his face one of pure anger.

She fell to the cold stone even though the blow was not that hard. She felt weak from her time in the water.

"Never question my instructions. What if you are caught in a sudden battle while you are naked? Will you ask your opponent to wait while you put on your clothes just because you are uncomfortable or embarrassed?" Luke raged at her.

"I'm sorry Master," she quietly apologized.

Luke picked up the spear with the fish and stormed off towards the path without acknowledging her apology or even glancing back at her. Rey got up slowly on shaky legs and collected her clothing before following after him.

They had eaten and Rey had warmed herself by the fire. As further punishment for her insolence Luke made her train all evening on sword work completely naked. The resident creatures of the island had stared and whispered to each other, but none had approached her. They too knew the penalty for interference.

Chewie had briefly visited and seemed to admire Rey's naked body before taking some of the cooked fish and heading back to the Falcon. Even though she wasn't one of his species he could appreciate how sexy her body truly was.

The sun had gone down before Luke had called a halt to her training for the day. He had allowed her to dress, and they had eaten their dinner in silence. Rey didn't have the strength for conversation anyway and just wanted to eat and sleep.

Luke had eaten quickly and gone to his hut to meditate. Rey had also finished as fast as she could and then gone to her own hut. She had simply flopped down onto her mattress and in seconds she was sound asleep.

She had only been asleep for a few hours when she was suddenly and rudely awoken. Her eyes shot open as she felt a weight pressing down on her and strong hands roughly yanking down her pants. Her vision began to adjust to the dark and she recognized her Master on top of her. He was naked from the waist down already and his cock was rock hard.

Rey thought this might be some type of hand-to-hand combat training and attempted to struggle but she was too weak from the days training. Luke pushed her down harder into her mattress after getting her pants down to her knees.

"This exercise will test your ability to control your emotions," Luke hissed in her ear. "I'm going to violate you and you must keep your emotions from forcing you to recklessly use the force to stop me."

That was all the warning she got before she felt him press the head of his cock into the entrance to her pussy. He had spit on his hand and used his saliva to slicken his dick slightly before she had awoken. It wasn't enough to keep the violation from hurting her but enough to let him slip in without hurting himself.

He wasn't gentle as he forced himself deeper and deeper into her an inch at a time. He could feel her emotions welling up at the violation, but she fought hard to keep them from overwhelming her. He was quietly impressed but he was going to push her until either she succumbed to her feelings, or she was broken and submitted to him utterly.

Rey opened her mouth in a silent scream as he finished pushing every inch of himself into her. She felt her emotions rising and fought with everything she had not to let them overwhelm her control.

Luke began pumping in and out of her, slowly at first but then faster and with greater force as he felt her start to get used to it. He reached out with the force and used it to pull and pinch her nipples as he continued to use his hands to hold her down.

He wanted to find her breaking point before he came. He reached into her mind and found a memory that held the rawest emotion attached to it. The death of his friend Han Solo at the hands of his former pupil Ben Solo, now Kylo Ren.

That was it, he thought. He continued to pound away with every ounce of his strength and really yanked on her nipples, so she was in greater pain. He used the force to pull the memory from the depths to the surface before he played his last card.

"Only one person I've ever trained let their emotions defeat them," he hissed into her ear and felt the horror well up in her. "He turned to the Dark Side. He turned on me. He destroyed the order I was trying to rebuild. He even killed his own father."

Luke punctuated each statement with a rougher thrust and tighter force pull on her nipples. He felt her mind twist with the revelation and finally he felt her break.

"You mean Kylo Ren." She spat his name as if it was a curse. It was her worst fear that she could ever stoop as low as him. "I'll never fall to the Dark Side."

Luke felt her push her hips back driving him deeper and smiled wickedly. She was his now. She would do anything to never be associated with the failure of Kylo Ren. This is what he had hoped for and the sick pride he felt at breaking her was all he needed.

He thrust once more, deep into her and felt his balls tighten as he came. Spurt after spurt of hot cum flooded her body and Luke collapsed on top of her.

Rey let out a long moan at the feeling. She was his now, mind, body, and soul.

"Did I do good Master?" Her voice was soft and submissive.

"Yes," Luke panted, "but you have a lot more training to go before you're a Jedi."


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