
Leia's Royal Performance: Chapter 7 - A Change

Leia had spent just over a standard month sneaking away to The Den whenever she had the opportunity, only becoming more and more willing to do whatever her desire dictated to her. The thrill of living a double life only served to draw her deeper into the lifestyle that once seemed beyond her co conceivable reach. She convinced both Too-Vee and Sabé that she was simply exploring the various boutiques and cultural centres that Coruscant had to offer, even going as far as falsifying identities for a security detail, just to reassure them that she wasn't out on the streets of the decedent planet by herself.

She had managed to successfully compartmentalize the two roles she played, ensuring that 'Regalia' was kept locked away when she wasn't on duty. Despite her excursions to the Uscru Entertainment District, Leia never faltered in her commitment to her duties both as an ambassador of her home world and a junior member of the Galactic Senate. There were unavoidable occasions that required her to travel off world, either to return to Alderaan to perform the necessary royal duties expected of her or to travel to neighbouring systems on a diplomatic envoy, a method of keeping the appearance of Alderaan being firmly loyal to the regime.

Time spent away from Coruscant was time spent away from her form of escapism. During her dignitary assignments Leia would try to find some way of fulfilling the thrill she received during her time at The Den, but memories and dressing up in the garb of a Coruscanti street walker could only take her so far, especially when she had to contend with the fear of Sabé walking in on her. She was sure the sight of her nubile body in plastex heels and outfits that revealed far more than they covered would cause Too-Vee's prim and proper programming to overload.

Since the night she first sunk herself down on Kev'as's cock her actions at the club only grew bolder and riskier, resulting in her giving a similar 'personal' experience to a variety of different species, the most memorable being her thorough rutting at the hands of a Toydarian. Her performances on the centre stage regularly drew in record breaking crowd attendance, her alter ego soon became almost legendary within the Uscru district and beyond. Kev'as -- during what had become a semi-regular tryst in his office -- had admitted to going as far as streaming her performances live on the shadier parts of the holonet, quickly amassing a list of clients willing to pay for a private encounter in their own clubs, though Leia wasn't naive enough to not know what such a request would truly entail. It was superbly risky to have her somewhat disguised face and persona becoming a recognisable image within the Coruscant red light districts, but Leia couldn't stop herself from becoming wet whenever she came across advertisements for The Spacer's Den whilst she was in the Uppercity.

She knew that the streaming and distribution of her stage shows -- along with holo-recordings of her in the private booths, something she was initially mortified to discover were being sold -- were all part of Kev'as's war of attrition against her. The unkempt Twi'lek had become increasingly overt in his attempts at getting 'Regalia' to transition into holo-porn in some capacity. He attempted to convince her that such a transition would boost her profile far beyond anything she could have achieved as an exotic dancer, that she would be famed and recognised across the galaxy, but Leia always found an excuse to turn him down.

As much as the idea intrigued her, to take such a dangerous turn that went far beyond using the club itself as her vice was a little too risky for her. It was one thing to skim the thin line between dancing girl and prostitute, something she could easily separate from her true life, but to risk being recognised by even a single being could bring everything crashing down, potentially ruining the reputation of both her family and her planet in the process. But the allure of the risk could never quite escape her mind, no matter how hard she tried to keep it bottled up.

But being away from Coruscant for so long only caused her need to rid herself of the pent up need to bubble to the surface, her desperation became so pronounced that she even considered slipping away in disguise to whatever form of seedy underbelly existed on the planets she visited, though too many eyes watching her intently made such an endeavour far too difficult to pull of. No amount of fantasizing or imagining could alleviate the desire, every time she tried to view a holo-porn video as a means of pleasuring herself, she couldn't stop putting herself in the place of whichever star was in the process of being used. Much to her surprise, she had even discovered numerous videos featuring the two Twi'lek twins she had seen in the backroom of The Spacer's Den.

With the more time spent away from the place that had almost become like a sanctuary for her, the more she craved her need to express her insatiable sexuality. Without any real means of satiating the burning need, the further her fantasies began to spiral, quickly reaching a point where her ability to think rationally and ensure that the potential ramifications of her actions didn't go beyond her reach no longer factored in. She wanted to be viewed in terms of her femininity, to be lusted after by the men of the galaxy. Offers to appear at venues and clubs far beyond Coruscant had become plentiful since the day her registry with the Guild of Sex Traders became official, with Tegikk being the most persistent of the bunch. Over time, her excuses for turning down such offers started to have less conviction in them, Leia soon went from actively avoiding such propositions to allowing them to slowly become a fantasy of hers.

By the time her royal tour was complete, she returned to Coruscant possessed by an unflinching conflict deep within her very being. Whether she was aware of what had slowly taken place or not, the line between Princess and 'Regalia' had started to become far less clear than it had once been. She endured her time in the Senate, almost shaking with excitement with every hour that ticked by, bringing her just that one step closer to the escape that had become almost like an addiction to her.

By the time night had fallen and the evening life of Coruscant breathed openly once more, Leia returned to the debauched Undercity with her mind resolute. She entered a small adult entertainment store that specialised in the selling of a multitude of sex related items, from remote vibrators that could be triggered from a range of an entire parsec to aphrodisiacs squeezed from the most obscure fauna that only Felucia could produce. As Leia became more comfortable with her appearances within The Spacer's Den, she had used the backroom of the store to get herself changed into character, the result of an 'understanding' between the Aqualish proprietor and herself. She slid her enviable body into a bright pink synth-leather dress that had a duo of circular cut outs to reveal both her navel and cleavage, then strapped her dainty feet into a pair of transparent wedge heels typically worn by Coruscanti street walkers. Her nails were painted a matching pink and her make-up was once again applied in a manner to disguise her, though Leia took some delight in knowing that no being would ever connect 'Regalia' with the virginal Alderaanian Princess, the idea would be too ludicrous even if the being was sure it was her.

Once she was ready, she strutted across the street in the direction of the main audience entrance, preening as she was met with a wall of catcalls from the group lining up in hopes of making it inside. She crossed the entryway and straight into the audience section, winking as she passed by the familiar faces. As she made it to the changing room, she placed her purse and bag stuffed with her civilian wear into her allotted locker. She scanned the room until her eyes came to a rest on Ishira, Leia walked over to her and swept her into a friendly hug, blushing as Ishira kissed her on the cheek.

"Regalia?" Ishira exclaimed with delight. "You're back, I'm really glad. The bossban has been getting a lot of messages on his holonet account demanding to know when you would be back."

"Best to keep them wanting more," Leia teased, quickly changing the topic so something more personal, "by the way, do you know if the bossban is free? I have a pressing matter I need to discuss with him."

Ishira pointed towards the hall that led down to Kev'as's office. "He's a little preoccupied with a certain Togruta at the moment, but I think they should be finished soon. Are you going to get ready for tonight?"

Leia gave her friend an ambiguous smile. "Not just yet."

She set off towards the rust coated door of Kev'as's office and waited. After a few minutes, it hissed open to reveal a dishevelled Shiaan, who narrowed her eyes at the Alderaanian as she tugged he synth-leather skirt back down. Stepping inside, Leia was met by a worn looking Kev'as, still in the process of zipping his fly back up as he tossed a used condom into a nearby waste unit.

"Regalia! My star returns from her well deserved break," Kev'as bared his sharpened teeth, "if it's a quickie you're looking for then I'm afraid the delectable Shiaan has beaten you to the punch."

Leia shook her head and closed the door, making your it was sealed enough to prevent any unwanted ears from listening in. "As much as I crave having my bossban bending me over his desk, I'm here for something else."

"Oh?" Kev'as perked up, pushing a stack of credits to the side as he leaned in with interest.

"It's about your proposal," Leia said , taking a step towards the desk, "I'd like to accept your offer."