
Leia's Royal Performance: Chapter 5 - A Meeting

Leia slowly drifted down the durasteel pole using only the friction of her thighs, basking in the outburst of applause that accompanied the end of her performance. Her sparkling dress lay in a heap on the surface of the circular platform, leaving the Princess almost entirely nude with he exception of her eye catching thigh highs. Landing deftly on her heels, Leia approached the very edge of the stage and crossed her legs at the ankle, blowing a kiss to the wild audience as she spun on the spot to return to the changing room. Surreptitiously, she spied the admiral still being in his seat, tugging on his collar as the enchanting beauty departed the iniquity that was the main audience area. Now, she had her chance.

Entering the dressing room, she made her way over to the wardrobe and removed her boots, exchanging them for the pair of pink plastex platforms she had worn during her first visit, something she felt would be more comfortable to wear on the club floor. Not feeling in the least bit worn out from the mesmerising routine she had performed to absolute perfection, she wandered over to a small drinking area located just close to the very end of the changing room. It was a far more basic bar compared to the one in the restaurant section, manned by a multitasking Ardennian, whose name badge read 'Sáo Depech', preparing multiple drinks at once for the various girls looking for a brief respite before making their way back to the audience area to entice potential clients into purchasing a private 'lapdance'.

Leia questioned if she could even do such a thing with any amount of success. Communicating to a euphoric audience just using the graceful movement of her lithe body was one thing, being alone with just a single man, with no barriers between them was an entirely different thing. But Leia Organa was no coward, when rebels across the galaxy were giving their lives for the cause, sex quickly became a very short hurdle to leap over.

"What'll it be, love?" the Ardennian asked Leia, sliding a small glass of Telosian vodka over to a Theelin dancer, her pale face framed by her vibrant mane of red hair.

"Hmm? Just anything light, please," Leia smiled charmingly, folding her hands on the surface of the bar top, "I still have a while left of my shift to go, I can't fail to impress on my first official night here. Have to remain entirely alert, if you catch my meaning."

"Oh, believe me, I do," Sáo nodded understandingly, diving beneath the bar to retrieve a set of glass bottles and poured a modest amount of their liquid contents into a small tumbler. He pushed it towards Leia with a proud expression. "There, a Depech special. Guaranteed to give you a much needed pep up without causing you to stumble around like a spice-addled womprat."

Leia crossed her legs and took an adventurous sip, grinning as the odd taste seemed to perk her up immediately. "This is incredible!"

Sáo didn't seem surprised, leading Leia to believe he had been an employee of the club for some time. "That stuff will get even the most lethargic of Wookies up and running within seconds. Believe me, I've seen it happen. Gotta say, you've caused quite a stir here in the last week, not many new girls can pack out an audience only on their second appearance."

"Just wanted to make a good first impression," Leia replied lightly, feeling her back straighten as she took another sip, "you wouldn't happen to know where Ishira is, would you?"

Sáo flicked his eyes towards a door that led towards the private rooms, used by the bouncers and Kev'as to check on each individual room, ensuring the girls were doing exactly what was expected of them. "Currently booked. Say, Regalia, you don't seem to be like the other girls that come through here. Most of 'em usually just grit their teeth and reluctantly get on with it. You actually seem to like being here."

  leia drained the last few drops of the concoction. "Why not? With the taint of the Empire spreading out further and further we have to find just the smallest forms of escape from reality."

Sáo shrugged. "I suppose you're right. All I'm asking is whether you really realise what you're getting yourself into. You're an incredibly attractive woman, if you don't mind me saying, that makes you a hot commodity in the Undercity. Lots of species out there have developed a perverse craving for beautiful human females, probably due to them wanting some way of sticking their fingers up at the Empire. Stripping and sex are usually just the beginning for women like you, it's what comes next that you need to be prepared for."

"Don't worry, I'm very adaptable," Leia heard her name being called out and spotted half a dozen girls walking over to black door that would bring them to the club floor. She stood and joined them, following them out as the door swished open. A cacophony of cheers met the girls as they each went in search of big spenders, which turned into explosive clamouring as they witnessed the club's newest star passing through the threshold.

Leia felt a series of strokes and gropes across her body, winking salaciously to the more forward members of the crowd. Navigating her way around the maze of tables and booths, Leia headed directly towards the VIP area, skipping up the neon coloured stairs. She ambled past a group of particularly rowdy humans, her eyes just managing to catch sight of the admiral at the furthest end of the upper floor.

Just as she attempted to make a beeline to him, a thick arm wound its way around her toned stomach and pulled her close. As Leia's turned to see the culprit, she came face to face with Tegikk the Hutt, along with his other associates. Not too long ago, the very idea of being in such close proximity to a Hutt would have repulsed her, they stood in favour of everything Leia and her parents opposed righteously. But it created such a taboo for the Princess. A woman who fought against the illicit and immoral activities of the galaxy, having her near naked body pressed against the very alien whose species perpetuated such acts. Combined with Ishira's wistful recollection of her former master and Leia's own research during the week that had passed since their first encounter, Leia almost felt a compulsion drawing her to the Hutt.

Leia smiled sexily and used her heels to raise herself upwards, planting a kiss at the base of the Hutt's tail, the highest form of subservient respect a woman could offer to a Hutt. "Gi shataa sasha, Grandio Tegikk du Hutt. Kava might jee shulu of service uba?" Leia asked, feeling herself becoming wet as the coarse language of the Hutts left her glossy lips.

Tegikk's slitted eyes widened in surprise as he gazed down at Leia, drawing her closer until she was sat upon his rounded waist. "Oom-galia, uba speak bu nal tongue of huttese?"

Leia shook her head. "I'm afraid I'm still a beginner with the language, I'm afraid. Was there something you wished me to do for you, Lord Tegikk? Perhaps a more...private performance?"

The Hutt shook his mighty head as he replied in the booming voice typical of his species, which his protocol droid translated dutifully. "His Exuberance does not yet require services in such a manner, but simply wishes to introduce his associates to the dancer whose name is quickly becoming well known amongst certain groups."

The Hutt placed his oil coated fingers on Leia's milky thigh and immediately brought his massive fingers to the incredibly thin slip of material covering her womanhood. He conversed with his associates -- gang lords and mercenaries, if Leia's memory of their crests was correct -- giving Leia time to quickly glance at the Chiss slave girl. Whoever she was, Leia knew that she must have cost an incredibly large sum considering the Ascendancy's reluctance to associate with the galaxy at large.  The azure skinned girl was an exemplary example of the beauty the Chiss were known for, her long midnight black hair draped over her narrow shoulders, just touching the gold brasserie that covered her large breasts, a matching set of Lashaa skirts allowed her to keep her modesty, though it was widely rumoured that the purpose of the skirts was for their 'ease of access'. The Chiss girl's blood red eyes looked around curiously, finally meeting Leia's.

"My master sees you are intrigued by Lish'thors," the droid translated, resulting in the Hutt gently tugging the chain leading to the Chiss girl's durasteel collar, "one of the most expensive purchases he has ever made. Entirely worth it, isn't that right, Lish-sul?"

Lish'thors flashed her immaculate white teeth in a wide smile, stroking her hand over Tegikk's quivering tail. "Of course, my beloved master. This slave has never gone a single day without craving the embrace of such a benevolent Hutt."

Tegikk rumbled with laughter, narrowing his eyes as he felt he Chiss stroking him. "My master won't keep you any longer, Regalia. He is aware you have business to tend to, but hopes the two of you can have a far more substantial relationship in the coming future?"

Leia stood up and pressed herself against the Hutt, running her pink painted nails along his chin. "Thank you, Lord Tegikk. I'm counting the days until then," Leia whispered in a throaty voice. She turned away and exited the secluded booth, unimpeded as she walked towards the booth that housed the admiral. With a roll of her shoulders, she introduced herself. 

"Good evening, gentlemen, would any of you care for further 'entertainment'? Leia asked, standing with her arms folded.

Admiral Maklin looked at Leia up and down, smiling viciously as he set his drink down. He was dressed in civilian clothing, though his clothes were clearly purchased from one of the more expensive clothing chains in the Uppercity. The men sat with him were clearly men of status, likely high ranking members of the Imperial Navy, though none travelled in the same social circles as Leia.

Maklin reached out and spun Leia around by her hips, bringing her to rest on his lap, much to his guests and his own amusement. "Now isn't that a tempting offer, boys? Finally, a human girl working in this club. I was starting to get sick of just seeing Zeltrons and head-tails. What kind of offer are we talking about here, girl?"

Leia could feel herself becoming more and more repulsed by the man with every word that left him, but she was too close to success. She grinded herself against Maklin and gave him a flirtatious smile. "Well, for the right number of credits you'll get to find out. I'll be in room one of the premium section, hopefully you'll be there to meet me."

Leia eased herself free of his grasp and strolled back down the stairs and towards the area of The Den set aside for the bigger spenders who made up a large chunk of the strip clubs 'official' revenue. Before she could access the door, Kev'as stopped her, holding out a string of synthex condom packets.

"Don't forget to use these," Kev'as leered, handing the packets over to Leia, "last thing we need is for anything to spread around. Can't have my new star out of action for too long, I have high hopes for my little Uppercity rose."

Stepping foot inside for the first time Leia was granted with her first look at the club's premium area. A long corridor, decorated in red carpeting, with silhouettes of various species running across the walls, housed at least ten separate rooms. Each room had a set of lights just above their respective doors, indicating whether or not they were currently in use. Leia stood before room one, a flickering plaque labelled 'Regalia' sat close to the centre of the door. lon

She steeled herself and entered the room, realising how well it was fitted out for various purposes, with a small stage off to the corner accompanied by a music player for her to select whatever song she wanted. A long, velvet quilted bench seat ran across the length of the end wall, where the admiral would soon be seated. Leia mentally prepared herself, realising just how close she was to selling her body for credits, but also how close she was to saving the lives of thousands of rebels. As far as the Princess was concerned, it was worth it.