
Ahsoka: Trials of the Heart

The lovely Ahsoka Tano is faced with many hard choices after the fall of the Jedi order. One of those choices will change her life forever when it brings her into contact with a smuggler named Zeek.

This is the story of that choice and the changes that come with it.

M/F, Plot, Soft, Consensual, Oral, Vaginal


The casinos and cantinas of Ord Mantell's prime settlement of Worlport sang and beeped, their patrons drank and danced in the bright lights of holo-projectors. They placed bets on rancor battles and swoop races; on huttese gladiator battles and shock-boxing matches. There seemed to be no halt in their celebrations and decadence. In spite of the people's merriment there was a tension in the air, like a muscle being clenched for too long. The entire population had a collective aura of anticipation, of breaths being held in expectation of something horrible...and that something coming in the form of several wedge-shaped silhouettes hovering in high atmosphere.

The Empire had come to Ord Mantell in full force, with four Star Destroyers hovering in orbit. The casino and port world of the Mid Rim had been bound to draw the jackboot of Emperor Palpatine eventually, with its full coffers and well constructed ports, but something else had drawn them to this rich world...they had potentially sniffed out a Jedi. A series of curious events and rebellious actions had drawn the eye of one of the dreaded Inquisitors and the Emperor's lacky had used all the power native to it's rank to bring the full might of the Empire down on the Mid Rim's trading post. The Imperial High Command jumped on the excuse to gain access to the riches that flowed through Ord Mantell at a daily basis and quickly approved a blockade of the world in the name of so-called security.

They tied up the planet quickly, the kilometer long warships in orbit easily outgunning anything on the world, short of Hutt Caravels, and even the Hutts would not dare to confront the Empire in open conflict outside of their own territory. They politely withdrew in the face of the Imperial blockade, afraid of sparking a war between the two largest stellar empires in the galaxy, a war that even the Hutts, with all their wealth and entire species as their vassals...would not win in the long run.

So, the Empire had neatly tied up control of Ord Mantell's stellar traffic, locking down trade and movement, preventing any and all travel without prior approval by Imperial officers. Only the very wealthy or very lucky could get a pass to leave the planet, but like most societies...money talked. The influential residents who ingratiate themselves with the empire could still get their goods and services out, while the less wealthy sat in steadily increasing squalor. Imperial patrols dotted the streets, subjecting citizens to random searches and detaining them, sometimes for hours on end. There was no right to due process, no courts and no consideration for people's lives. Many 'criminals' were either subjected to public execution on the spot or disappeared into black bags, never to be seen again. The only thing the Empire didn't take away from the people were their vices...and if they had tried that, there would have been a riot. So they drank and danced, fucked and gambled, all the while the shadow of The Empire hung over them like a funeral shroud... the woman who had caused all this feeling nothing but shame at the pain her presence had brought to the common people.

Ahsoka Tano moved through the streets, her hood pulled up over her montrals, but coming nowhere near concealing who she was. As a Togruta, she was one of the most eye catching species in the galaxy, her orange skin, large horns and lekku marking her out from a great distance. It did not help that she had a body toned by years of training within the Jedi Order, thousands of hours of combat practice combined with hundreds of battles fought in the clone wars had combined to turn her into a lean and curvy fighting machine, making it even harder for the former Padawan to hide herself. This was compounded by the fact that she had developed fully into a woman in the four years since order 66. She was already considered "busty" by many standards during the later days of the clone wars, but now she was downright voluptuous...and it was not always the advantage that it was made out to be. So she took to wearing fully concealing clothing, great hoods and long cloaks, with a full veil to hide her facial features, but there was nothing she could do could hide the twin bulges of her horns pressing through her hood. She was not ashamed of her species, her ability to detect movement with her montrals had been an amazing asset over the years, but now they were a hindrance. She had lost count of how many patrols had stopped her, drawn by her stark orange skin and the swell of her horns through her hood. She at first was able to dodge them, but more and more she was forced to rely on her Jedi abilities to get through the checkpoints.

Ahsoka knew her time was running out and the Inquisitor's noose was tightening, as she could feel It's senses sweeping the planet periodically for the former Padawan. As if a dark shroud would make its way across the world every few hours. With her continued use of the force to get clear of the checkpoints...it was only a matter of time before she messed up and the Inquisitor was able to track her down. She did not fear Palpatine's Jedi hunters. Having easily bested every Inquisitor who had come close to tracking her down, but it was not a matter of beating one or two darksiders, but facing the combined might of the Empire itself was nothing less than idiotic...and then there was Palpatine's new enforcer: Vader. She had seen holo-casts of his actions against surviving Jedi and he was truly a force of nature, crushing any and all opposition that dared to stand before him. Even through the holo she could sense his power, the fury that motivated him, and she knew that she could not stand against him. So she had to get out, preferably before she was discovered. She had found a smuggler who could get her off planet, but it had taken the majority of her already sparse credits. All she could do was hope that he was either cheap...or was weak-minded enough for her to manipulate through the force.

She moved through the streets, her cloak flapping in the hot and dry wind that gusted down between the towering casinos and cantinas. She was moving into the seedier parts of town, where the streets were cracked and the casinos offered special...services. Some were glorified brothels, with members of species from all over the galaxy putting themselves on display through large glass windows, like cattle being shown off at a farmers' market. She shook her head, her lekku falling down around her shoulders as they came free of her admittedly loose binding. She had never understood the desire to put oneself on display and offer sexual gratification for credits, but she had been raised in the seclusion of the Jedi Temple. After her self-imposed exile, she had found out that the universe was far broader, and more perverse, than her old teachers had let on.

She shook her head and continued, offering a polite denial to many of the offered up "products", male and female both. She had only one instance where she was sorely tempted to take up the offer, when a barely clothed Zeltron female had practically draped herself over the young Togruta, her head pheromones making Ahsoka's cheeks flush and her heart beat rapidly. The feel of that red skinned woman pressing her voluptuous body against the long frustrated former Padawan combined with the Zeltron's natural pheromone lure had almost drawn her into the bubbly beauty's arms. Ahsoka had seriously considered it, but her long ingrained discipline forced the desire out. Ahsoka politely rebuffed the scarlet skinned beauty's attentions and left her standing there, disappointment written across her features as the togruta walked away.

Ahsoka shook her head, clearing her mind of the Zeltron's pheromone lure, wondering how anyone could stand to be around those bastions of carnality for any extended period of time without losing their minds to the constant sensory onslaught those hyper-sexual beings put their partners through. She sighed and pressed on, the tingling after-effects of the Zeltron's influence slowly fading away as she approached her destination. It was a small landing bay, no more than one or two ships able to occupy the bay at any given time. The doors were wide open and a she could see that a battered but well maintained Jumpmaster-style freighter was its only occupant. It fit the description of the ship she was sent to find...now she just had to find its pilot.

Ahsoka stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room in an instant, years of combat training and live battles, causing her to assess the bay. All entrances and exits, evaluate available cover, find potential ambush points and unconventional points of entry. She shook her head, trying to overcome her ingrained instincts, but they had saved her life so many times that she had no hope of ever fully shaking them--and given the current state of the galaxy and her role as the Fulcrum of the growing rebellion--maybe it was not something she should try to rid herself of.

"Hello?" She called out, her voice echoing in the confined landing bay, "I was told that someone here had a way off world?" She put on her best 'damsel in distress' voice, sounding like a desperate woman at her wit's end had helped her more times than not in the grand scheme of her long running war against the Empire. Most men, especially the human ones, flocked to a woman's side when she seemed vulnerable, eagerly coming to their aid in an almost compulsory manner. She did not know if that was an instinctual trait of their species or a learned behavior, but she had used it more than once to get out of tight spots...and it also helped that her species was considered attractive by humans. When the dominant species of the dominant faction in the galaxy finds you pretty...they are far less likely to try and stamp you out.

Ahsoka heard a muffled voice utter something illegible from the other side of the jumpmaster and she could hear someone moving about. She zeroed in on it, her montrals vibrating as they sought out the movement, and what she found was...interesting. Standing just on the other side of the curve of the Jumpmaster's hull was the most heavily muscled human she had ever seen...and also the shortest.

This strange individual stood at 1.5 meters in height, his diminutive stature dwarfed by her own 1.8 meter frame, but he probably was three times her weight. He was built like a gundark, squat with massive shoulders, a broad chest, and a narrow waist. He had short, fiery red hair and his eyes were a strange mixed color, one of them a sea-green and the other a deep, almost sapphire blue. He was clean shaven with a strong, lantern jaw and with the set of his eyes, it made him look as if he devoured live Acklay for breakfast. He was dressed in a deep red coat that hung down to his knee over a simple white shirt and brown trousers, the bulge of a blaster visible on his right hip.

She actually blinked a few times as she took that in, she was tall for a female of her species, but most human men were taller than her, at least by a little bit...not counting her montrals of course. If this man was full blooded human...he had to be one of the strangest human she had ever met in her life---and she had been to the Red Light District on Nar Shadaa. She shuddered at the thought of seeing the Hutt's genetically engineered 'custom made' human and alien toys again.

"Well...you gonna say anything, tall, dark, and orange?" His deep and thickly accented voice rolled across her senses, her montrals picking up the exact pitch and tone, identifying him as an outer rim native, possibly Hutt Space due to the roll at the end of his sentences, indicated a habit of speaking Huttese more than Galactic Basic. Ahsoka tilted her head, a heavily muscled dwarf was not the mental image she had built in her mind of a smuggler. She was not some starry eyed fangirl who thought smugglers were swashbuckling freedom fighters, but this was as about as far outside of her expectations that it took her aback. She shook her head, a small smile crossing her face as she chided herself for being shocked over something so minor as his appearance...though she had to admit that he was handsome in his own unique way. If he was half a meter taller, he could be a star in holo-dramas or the like, but that was not what fate had laid out for him. As she studied him, she noticed irritation crossing his features, he was getting annoyed with the former padawan's silence and for some reason that made her want to smile. Just something about this strange dwarf made her want to giggle...which might be a bad sign of her deteriorating mental state.

"Yeah, yeah...I am short, get it out of your system now," He growled, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "You grow up on a high gravity world and see how tall you are," He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he let out an annoyed breath, "My name is Zeek...Zeek Felgrand and I hope you are here for business or pleasure, otherwise...will you politely frak off?" He exhaled, his eyes locked on the Togruta's, his foot tapping in annoyance as he waited for her answer.

Ahsoka let out a small giggle, his annoyance strangely charming to the former Jedi. He was a hard man to read, just surface thoughts and even they were muddled at best. They consisted of the things she was used to and a few she wasn't. 'Well, she is attractive, wonder if she likes it low to the ground?' but that was followed with 'If she doesn't say anything shortly, I assume she is crazy and kindly toss her mad ass out of my hangar...no matter how nice that ass is.' She was used to such lewd thoughts around her, it was part and parcel of being what she was. Behind Zeltrons and Twilek, Togruta were the most fetishized race in the galaxy and she had long ago gotten used to the lewd thoughts and looks she received on a daily basis. She took a deep breath and pushed her thoughts aside, putting her damsel act back on full force, she finally answered him.

"Hello Zeek, my name is Ashla and...I have nowhere else to go," She let her genuine grief at the way the Empire was treating the people because of her seep into her voice, knowing that genuine emotion sold a deception far better than just an outright lie. She mused on that for a moment, how she had gone from a decorated clone wars veteran to someone who could lie with the best of them. 'How the mighty have fallen...'  She sighed internally, pushing aside her shame at the need for deception. Palpatine's thugs were relentless and she had no choice but to deceive those around her to protect them, "I need to get off world, my husband wants to sell me to the Hutts...please...you're my only hope!"

She sensed his heart rate spike in response, his mind instantly shifting to a protective and receptive setting and for a moment she thought she had him, but then she felt his mind calm down again and she saw his eyes narrow in response. "Okay, you seem like a nice lady and all, but do not try and pull one over on me," He smirked, his twin colored eyes twinkling with amusement, "Because, when you spend your life shoveling poodoo, you learn to smell it a mile away. So, either tell me why you want off world or I toss you out and get on with my day!" He crossed his arms, his jaw set and eyes hard.

Ahsoka knew at that moment that she had no other choice, but to use the Force as her final option. She knew exerting herself too much would bring Palpatine's pets down on her like a ton of bricks, but she had little choice. She reached within the force, pushing herself into his mind, sweeping her hand in front of his face...an admittedly comical focusing gesture. It always took effort to manipulate a mind and the thought of anyone being able to do so without such a gesture was laughable. It tooks years of practice and concentration to manipulate someone's thoughts and Ahsoka had developed something of a knack for it.

For a moment she saw Zeek's eyes cross, his focus fading as she pushed into his mind, but then he shook his head, throwing off the mental manipulations as if they were nothing more than a cheap parlor trick. He glared at her, anger crossed his face as his skin flushed scarlet. At that moment, she realized the gravity of her situation, not only was he able to shake off the mind-trick, but he knew enough about Jedi to recognize the effects.

"Damn Jedi!" He growled, his gaze thunderous as he stared at the Jedi exile, "Alright, cunt, I know why you want off world now." He shook his head, throwing off the after affects of her failed attempt to manipulate his mind. "I want nothing to do with the Jedi...and I sure as hell want nothing to do with you!" He snarled, pulling open his coat and his hand snapping to holstered blaster. Almost on instinct, she evaluated the weapon, recognizing it as a long barreled Nova-Viper. She internally cursed, a blaster like that could drop a herglic with one shot and if handled correctly, was a Jedi killer. "So you can go back where you came," Zeek continued, "I want nothing you have, I will not report you out of respect for what you are...but get the HELL out of my hangar!"

Ahsoka thought quickly, the first thing crossing her mind was to draw her sabers, gut him and make for the ship, but she quickly quashed it. She knew that this was the dark side calling for her, trying to call her to give in to temptation. She considered knocking him unconscious with the force, but considering that he was able to throw off her mental manipulations so easily, putting him to sleep with her powers was unlikely unless it was in a violent manner. She also couldn't afford to get violent because it might draw attention and call Palpatine's hound down on her. For a moment she nearly panicked, but then calm overtook her, training and discipline kicking in after a moment of panic, a sudden and surprising clarity overtaking her thoughts.

She didn't know what caused her to make the decision she did and even a decade later she couldn't answer that. Maybe it was the aftershocks of the Zeltron's pheromones, desperation, the will of the Living Force, or even the near soul crushing sense of loneliness she had felt since leaving the order. She didn't know why, but to the day she died, she would say that it was the right choice.

"Wait...I can offer...other things..." She said, her eyes locking on his, a smile she didn't really feel crossing her face as she parted her robe, showing off her curvy frame to the heavily muscled dwarf. She could feel his surprise and even downright shock, but then she sensed his eyes roaming across her tight body. His eyes went to her bust first, as she knew most men would and honestly, she couldn't blame them. Even under the armored breastplate she wore, the swell of her ample breasts were apparent, full and perky, even restricted as they were. She sensed his eyes travel down her body, following the flow of her trim belly down to the supple wide curves of her hips. She had a body that would drive most men (and even some women) wild, compounded by her exotic features, it made for a deadly combination. She was banking on her looks and at first that scared her, but as Zeek's eyes drank her in, she felt the first curls of excitement working their way into her mind. The forbidden thrill of the entire situation sent a pulse through her, like a slow moving electrical shock traveling from the top of her montrals to the soles of her feet.

Zeek stood there for a moment, his eyes roaming up and down the former Jedi's body, caution warring with desire at the sight of such an exotic creature offering herself to him in exchange for a ride off world. He bit his lip, a part of his mind screaming to 'Toss her out!' and 'It is not worth it, you idiot!', but his nature shouted it down. He was a habitual philanderer, women were always his weakness and was part of the reason he had become a smuggler in the first place. They were also why his ass was saved by Vorka the Hutt after he had decided to make off with another Hutt's dancing girls (all six of them). Vorka was a fair boss, as a member of the Qunaalac Warrior clan, he actually had a sense of honor and fair play (As much as it was, he was still a Hutt after all, but he would at least keep his word). He took care of Zeek, but it took a while to pay him back and he had just earned his freedom back. Now...now he was staring down the barrel of a situation that could be far worse---helping a Jedi just because the sight of her tickled his fancy.

Zeek gritted his teeth, that voice in his head calling him a moron as he made his choice. "Alright...get the hell on board before I change my damn mind!" He huffed and turned away, cursing his lack of proper decision making skills as he made his way towards the boarding ramp. "When will I stop thinking with my dick?" He muttered, as his books thudded against the metal ramp, doing his best to ignore the growing tightness in his pants and the gorgeous Jedi who followed him up.

Ahsoka's heart thudded in her chest as she followed her dwarf savior onto his ship, the Jumpmaster humming lightly around her as they headed up, to clear her head she looked around, taking in the structure of the ship. It was a well maintained, if a bit scuffed example of corellian engineering. The corridors were clean and tidy, but definitely had a "Lived in" feel, with scuff marks and poorly buffed out blaster bolt craters pockmarking the walls in certain places.  She shook her head, trying to figure out why she had offered herself to him. She was far from sexually experienced, hell she barely understood how to masturbate properly, much less perform full sexual intercourse. With a sigh, she felt her stomach plummet as Zeek opened one of the side doors on the way to the cockpit, revealing a simple, spartan bedroom. She felt sick, wanting to run, but she had no choice but to see this through. So she took a deep breath and stepped inside, her heart hammering in her chest.

"So...how do you want to do this?" She asked, turning to face him as her hands went to the straps on her breastplate. She was terrified and...strangely thrilled at the same time at how he hungrily looked at her, the eagerness in his face sending a chill down her spine and a spike of unfamiliar desire into her belly, but what happened next shocked her. Zeek shook his head.

"Nah lass," He smiled at her, showing bright white teeth, "Not until the job is done and I get you off planet. I might be a bastard, but I always fulfill my obligations before sitting down to my pleasures," He turned from her and made to walk away, but stopped in the door frame, "That is not to say that I will not get paid lassy, but maybe you should get ta know me a bit first before throwing yourself on my cock," He snickered and winked at her, "As nice as that would be. Make yourself comfortable, we leave as soon as supplies and fuel are brought aboard...oh and welcome aboard the Angry Dwarf," Another grin crossing his face at her confused expression. "I was gonna call the 'The Serenity', but I got a feeling that name was taken. Besides, I think it fits me better." He gave her one last parting wink and closed the door behind him.

Ahsoka stood there for a moment, dumbfounded at the strange Dwarf's behavior, her knees shaking for a moment before she steadied herself. "What have I gotten myself into," She sighed and sad down on the edge of the bed, it was a familiar one, an old Clone Wars era cot with additional pillows and a thicker blanket, but that same old, rock hard feel. She smiled at the thought, how she could barely sleep on them when she was just starting as Anakin's padawan...and now she could barely stand to sleep on the soft beds everyone else did. "What would Rex or Anakin say to you...selling your body for a ride off planet," She scolded herself, anger and self pity trying to worm its way into her heart, but her master trained her well and she pushed those thoughts aside, "It doesn't matter...Rex is gone and Anakin is..." She stopped herself, forcing back the tears that threatened to spill out as she sat in that strange yet familiar room, contemplating just how low she had fallen. She again, forced it back, she couldn't afford to break down now...she did for a bit after Order 66 and she was a wreck for weeks afterwards. She shook her head and focused on the present, not the past or the future, she cleared her mind and took a deep breath before smiling. "Well...nothing to do but wait I guess."

After a moment she looked up and saw a secondary door marked with the symbol of a refresher and a wide grin crossed her face, "Thank the force...after spending months dealing with sand and bathing in filthy casino hotels." She stood up and made a beeline for it. "I hate sand," She said with a smile, dropping her clothes as fast as she could, revealing her toned and tight body without a moment's hesitation, even though a few minutes earlier she was ashamed at the thought of taking her boots off in front of Zeek, "It gets...everywhere."

The refresher was clean and tidy, but she didn't take a moment to look as she practically launched herself at the shower, turning the water flow to the hottest she could stand and sighing in pleasure as the warm wetness hit her skin. She had dined with queens and senators, taken part in Hutt banquets and Wookie grand feasts, had seen the grandeur of the Jedi temple, but at that moment, the feeling of clean and warm water on her skin was the greatest experience of her life. She sighed and scrubbed herself down, savoring the feeling of a proper shower for the first time in months, the warm water cascading across her supple orange flesh as she just stood there under the constant flow.

Even as Ahsoka savored her near divine bathing experience, she felt the ship lift off and the kick of the engines engaging. She turned her mind's eye away from the physical world, letting her body operate on autopilot as she gazed through the force, watching the surface of that wretched dustball recede behind her. She watched the ship pass through the clouds and the sparking halo of fire that formed around the hull of the ship as it made escape velocity. She felt the approaching darkness of the Star Destroyers and for a moment, fear seized her as she felt the Inquisitor's senses sweep over the ship, but luckily for her, she had mastered hiding herself through years of practice, and that thing's baleful gaze swept past without noticing its quarry escaping right under its nose.

Ahsoka felt the ship pass the blockade and then the sudden jerk of hyperspace entry sent her senses spinning for a moment, but she quickly threw off the momentary confusion...and smiled.  A surge of relief blossomed in her chest, she had escaped yet again and she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. As soon as she was certain they were in the clear, she let go of her expanded sight and returned her attention to the fleshy senses that nature had bestowed upon her. Ahsoka shook her head as she opened her eyes, droplets of water flying from her montrails and lekku as she smiled. "Not today, Palpatine...not today." She reached up and turned off the water. She could have stood there under that warm cascade for the rest of eternity, but she was anything but wasteful. She stepped out and pulled a towel from the rack and dabbed herself dry, smirking a bit as she worked the towl across her lekku, thankful that she didn't have hair like other species. 'That must be a nightmare to clean and dry,' She mused, smiling at the thought as she dried herself before wrapping the towel around herself and tapping the open tab of the refresher door to step out...only to find Zeek waiting on her, seated on the bed and his coat doffed.

The damp togruta came up short, flushing as she realized that she was nearly naked before her host. She blinked a few times as the short human leered at her, his eyes drinking in her towel covered form. She could feel his eyes roaming up and down her body, taking in the sight of her long legs and pleasantly thick thighs, the white markings on their insides standing out starkly against her orange skin. She felt his gaze follow the curves of her hips and up to the swell of her ample breasts, drinking in every inch of the nubile former Jedi's beauty. Ahsoka coughed, her previous happiness disappearing and getting replaced by a sinking feeling in her stomach, as if a stone had been dropped into her belly, dragging down all sense of happiness and contentment she had built up through her shower and perceived escape. She knew why he was here and though he had made a comment about "Getting to know her", he seemed to be unable to resist the idea of bedding the tight bodied togruta any longer.

The vertically challenged human grinned as she squirmed under his gaze, showing his pearly white teeth, "Alright there Lass...it is time ta pay what you owe." His words caused a chill to run down Ahsoka's spine, but it also lit a fire in her belly. She felt heat spreading through her body as she stood there, squirming under Zeek's lecherous gaze. It was as if her insides were on fire, as if all of her dormant desires surged to the forefront of her mind. Years of suppressed desires and rejected needs pounding in her head as she stood there trembling, her eyes wide at the idea of actually going through with the deal. She was terrified and excited all at the same time, sexual interactions of any sort were forbidden by the Jedi order and often said to be a path to the dark side, but her instincts were roaring at her to experience new things, to feel the touch of a man in ways she would never have considered up to that point. Frozen by indecision and fear, she stood there, her lekku trembling and her eyes wide.

Zeek's smile slowly faded as he noticed the Jedi's discomfort, a surge of guilt pushing up through his desire. "Hey, what is wrong?" He asked, concern warring with lust as he realized just how uncomfortable he had made her. He might have been a scoundrel, but he was no scumbag and guilt surged to the forefront of his mind, "You do not have to do anything you do not want to...I am no creep and I would not force anything on you" He rubbed the back of his head, worry and anger warring on his face, but then something dawned on him, his mouth dropping open. "You...have never done anything like this before...have you?"

The embarrassed togruta looked away, ashamed of both her inexperience and her fear, she was a decorated clone war veteran, a former Jedi, and had outwitted any and all attempts made by the empire to capture her and yet, the idea of going through with this terrified her. Ahsoka normally would have said she feared nothing, but that was a lie and she knew it. She let out a shuddering breath and slowly nodded, not able to look him in the eye, "I...am sorry...I..." She trailed off, unsure of what to do or say.

The smuggler stared at her for a moment, his mouth agape, but then sighed and rubbed his temples. "Dammit...been taken for a ride again." Zeek let out a long breath and shook his head. "Always happens and always happens when the person doing it has a pretty face." He looked up at her chuckles an expression of weary resignation on his face. "You do not have to do anything...I understand...you were desperate to get off world and you were willing to go to any length to survive. I cannot blame you for that, but as soon as we get to the nearest port...your ass is off my ship."

Zeek made to stand and the look of betrayal on his features made Ahsoka's stomach drop to her feet, the realization that she had used and teased him making her feel like she was the worst kind of person. She had made a deal in desperation and now was reneging on that deal once she had gotten what she wanted. It went against everything she had been taught and believed in and it twisted her guts thinking that she had resorted to such a base form of deception. His absolute acceptance of it and lack of argument made it worse, showing that he was a good man in spite of his profession. So, she made choice, a choice that would change her life forever.

"Don't go," She squeaked out, her gaze locked on the floor in front of her. "I...will live up to my end of the bargain." She felt herself flush a that, the guttering fire in her belly exploding into a roaring inferno as her desires surged back to the forefront. "I am no con artist...I live up to my promises." She tried to put steel in her voice, but she came off as bashful and embarrassed. "I am...just going to need some help with it."

The smuggler froze at that, his eyes narrowing at her statement, as if he was suspicious of her motivations, but what happened next blew any and all of his reservations.  Ahsoka, in the hopes of showing her dedication to living up to the deal, stepped up in front of the smuggler and dropped the towel, revealing her supple form to Zeek's shocked gaze. Ahsoka's body was one composed of toned muscle covered by a thin pleasing layer of padding fat that had developed due to her need for subtlety and conflict avoidance, giving her curves a pleasing roundness to them. Her full breasts were a nice teardrop shape and capped with large darker colored nipples and her trim belly was toned and fit. Her womanhood was full and puffy with the splash of white contrasting the darker orange of her flesh just above the start of her vaginal mound. Her legs were long and her thighs were nice and full, with more of her natural white stripes across the insides of them. Her butt was heart shaped and full, with white stripes tracing down her back and framing the glorious globes of her generous glutes.

Zeek's breath caught in his throat at the sight of her, so alien and exotic, yet familiar and erotic. She was incredible, her toned body combined with her otherworldly appearance driving his mind wild at the thought of sharing a bed with her, but something niggling in the back of his mind wouldn't stay quiet...the guilt of her trading her first time to him for safety.

"Look...Ashla...do not feel like you have to do this," He licked his lips as he spoke, salivating at the sight of her, but his conscious preventing him from acting, "I understand if you want to stop right now." The naked Ahsoka seemed to consider his words and for a moment he thought she would actually take him up on it, but with heartbreaking grace, she knelt before the seated smuggling, her hands tentatively sliding across his clothed crotch, drawing a surprised moan from the stunned smuggler. "Well...guess that answers that." He said with a chuckle, reaching down to run a hand across her sensitive montrals, surprised at how soft the horn like protrusions were.

Ahsoka let out a sigh at that, her lekku shivering as the smuggler caressed her montrals. She had been told that human ears were erogenous zones and had found that a her montrals and lekku were much the same...and apparently Zeek had at least had relations with other species that had lekku and knew that they were quite sensitive. She slowly unbuckled his belt and opened his pants, shivering as Zeek moved both of his hands to her montrals and lekku, slowly caressing them even as she freed him from the tight confines of his pants. What popped free of those bulging trousers as she slide them down shocked her and at the very least scared her a little. It was at least 0.3 meters in length and as thick as her wrist, capped with a mushroom like head that was already drooling long strands of thick precoital fluid. She was no expert in reproductive organs, but it seemed this dwarf had a cock that put most others she had seen to shame...though admittedly she had never really looked either. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and he snickered in response, a grin crossing his face. "Not everything about me is short, lass." He gave her a wink, but his chuckle turned into a groan as she wrapped her fingers around the base of that pulsing shaft, her fingers not able to close fully around that prodigious penile pike.

"So...should I...lick it?" She asked, looking up at Zeek, her blue eyes shining with desire as she asked her question. The question caused Zeek's cock to jump, a jet of precum spurting from the pulsing head and he just dumbly nodded in response. Ahsoka blinked up at him and nodded, before leaning forward and running her tongue across the drooling head of his cock, causing him to groan in response. She stopped for a moment, tasting his musky flavor on her tongue. It was heady and strong, sending a shiver of desire through her body as she realized how perverse her masters at the temple would think she was being, kneeling naked in front of a human smuggler and licking his cock in order to pay for transport...and that only made her desire to do so increase. The raw erotic nature of everything sending shivers through her as she leaned forward to run her tongue languidly across Zeek's pulsing shaft again, not stopping at once. She began to enthusiastically lap at his pulsing cock, her hot tongue tracing trails of saliva across his shaft and drawing groans of pleasure from the flabbergasted smuggler.

Zeek couldn't believe this was happening, not only was he getting serviced by one of the most attractive women he had ever met...but he was going to be her first lover. He wondered if he should pinch himself to see if he was dreaming, but he just continued to pay attention to her montrals and lekku, caressing and rubbing the fleshy horns and drawing happy sighs from the eager togruta. "Damn...you are an eager one, aren't you?" He said as a grin crossed his face, as she ran her tongue across his drooling cockhead. "You will not catch me complaining though."

Ahsoka flushed at that, the idea that she was getting praise causing a surge of self consciousness and pleasure to surge through her, but she didn't stop. She decided to go further, opened her mouth wide and engulfed his throbbing cockhead, drawing a surprised gasp from the panting smuggler. She felt his cock jump in her mouth, sending a short spurt of precum across her tongue, saturating her taste buds with his musky flavor. She moaned around his shaft, the erotic nature of the act and the heady flavor sending surges of pleasure through her body. She gave a large suck, hollowing her cheeks and giveing a great SLURP on Zeek's powerfully pulsing prick, lightly bobbing her head as she savored his flavor.

Zeek let out a MOAN, his cock jerking as "Ashla" suckled on his cockhead, the feeling of her fangs razoring across the sides of his cock sending a cold thrill through him, adding to the excitement of the event. "Hey...Ashla...could you...watch the teeth?" He said, wincing as she got too enthusiastic and scraped the sides of his cock with her fangs. It didn't do any damage, but it certainly made him fear for his manhood. His statement caused her to freeze, worry crossing her features as she pulled back, his cockhead popping from her lips as she looked up at him with concern. "I am sorry! Did I hurt you!?" She seemed on the verge of panic, but he shook his head in response. "Nonono," He laughed, "Just...if we do this again...please remember that you have really sharp teeth."

Ahsoka flushed at that, embarrassed at the whole situation, but her body didn't lose any of its fire. Her thighs were soaked with her own desire and she trembled in need. Without comment, she made to take his cockhead into her mouth once again, but Zeek stopped her with a smile, "I think that is enough foreplay..." He reached down and gripped her shoulders, pulling her up and into a deep a passionate kiss, causing her eyes to go wide in response. At first Ahsoka was shocked by the sudden kiss, but instinct took over and she leaned into it, she closed her eyes and pressed herself against, him, her soft breasts pressing against his chest as their tongues battled for dominance. She found her hands moving of their own accord, pulling his shirt up and breaking the kiss just long enough to remove it fully, revealing his toned and heavily muscled chest to the eager former Jedi.

She threw herself back onto him, her lips crashing into his as her hand explored his body. Zeek's hands were not idle either, sliding across her soft orange flesh to cup her full breasts and grip her tight butt. She nipped at his lips, her fangs catching his lower lip and pulling on it playfully before letting go, causing him to chuckle in response. Ahsoka had never even considered doing anything like this before, but it seemed like it was the most natural thing ever. Zeek shifted around, turning her in his grip like she weighed nothing more than a child and laying her out on her side, sliding up behind her to kiss and nibble at her lekku, one of his hands lifting her leg up to allow his cock to slide up against her puffy and swollen womanhood. The feeling of Zeek's shaft pressing against her needy folds drove her wild, sending an electrical charge through her as she pressed herself back against him, grinding her butt against his lower belly and groin in an attempt to get him to sink that pulsing shaft into her quivering quim.

Zeek felt her eagerness and desire, but he knew that a inexperienced woman like "Ashla" needed to be worked up to it, eased into her first time. So he kissed and licked at her neck and lekku, slowly grinding his cock across her soaked vaginal mound, the head flicking across the hard nub of her clit with each pass, drawing groans of pleasure from the panting Togruta. He was driving her wild, causing her to moan and writhe in his grasp like a fish in a net.

"Please...Zeek...do it...please." She breathed, panting for breath as he teased her, slowly working her up to the main event. "You...you are driving me...crazy." He snickered in response, and kept right on doing it, teasing and licking, nipping and grinding. Each pass of his cock, tongue, and lips causing the former jedi and soon to be former virgin to let out a needy MOAN, her body shuddering in pent up desire. "By the Force, just FUCK ME already!" She screamed, her entire frame wracked with the need to feel that thick human shaft sink into her.

Zeek grinned at that and decided to fulfill the lust maddened togruta's request and pressed himself into her, his cockhead parting her pussylips and sinking into her silken folds, drawing a moan of pleasure from the panting Ahsoka and a groan from the smuggler as he felt her untouched pussy rippling around his cock. He didn't feel a hymen, but that didn't mean much...most mammals didn't have them and there was no reason to suspect she was lying to him, so he just savored the rippling tightness of her silken insides.

Ahsoka MOANED, shuddering as she felt his cock fill her, taking her virginity and introducing her to the broader universe of carnal desire. She felt so full, small spikes of pain surging through her at the slow stretching of her dramatically underused reproductive tract, but it was quickly overwhelmed by the raw erotic feeling of Zeek's shaft filling her to the absolute limit.

Zeek groaned in pleasure, his eyes squeezing shut as he felt her velvety insides ripple up and down his throbbing shaft. He blinked a few times, the raw sensation of the event sending sparks of pleasure up and down his spine, but he was not going to let her first time be a short and pointless thing...he was going to show her a good time, no matter what. He snaked one arm under the writhing Togruta to grab her soft breast, gently pinching and twisting her proud nipple  with the utmost care. He shifted his hips, slowly pulling back until his cock almost popped free of her eager folds, before thrusting back in, drawing a moan of pleasure from her, but he didn't stop at that...slowly building up pace until he had established a rhythmic tempo, thrusting in and out of her soaked pussy at a steady and smooth pace, causing the entire room to be filled with the wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh. He didn't just fuck her, he paid attention to her fully, his hand toying with her breast, his lips and tongue nibbling and licking at her trailing lekku. He made sure to show her his full attention...this was not just for him after all.

Ahsoka was in heaven, each thrust into her sent a shockwave of pleasure through her, like the impacts of a paced artillery bombardment. She had never felt like this before, as if her entire universe had shrunken down to nothing but this moment in time. For a moment she thought it was the dark side creeping up on her, but it was too primal, too natural, and FAR too pleasurable for it to have anything to do with the corrupting side of the cosmic balance. She bucked back against him, her instincts telling her to throw herself into it, but her short lover maintained a steady pace, thrusting into her at an even tempo that drove the panting jedi wild with need. She felt a pressure build in her belly, a coiling knot that formed in her stomach with each passing thrust, reaching a point that she thought she might explode...and then she did.

She threw back her head and howled her release to the stars, her body going stiff and her montrals blaring an ultrasonic shriek that echoed around the room. Spots exploded in her vision as she jerked in release. Ahsoka Tano, veteran of the clone wars, former Jedi and padawan to one of the most powerful force users in history, experienced her first orgasm in a spare room on a smugglers ship. If she was in any form of coherent mental state, she probably would have laughed until she turned purple at the ridiculous nature of it all, but all she could think about was the absolutely soul searing pleasure of her release.

Zeek tensed, her orgasm drawing him to the brink, his body jerking as the pressure that had built up at the base of his spine suddenly snapped, his cock jerking as he joined her in release. His body going rigid as her joined her in climax, both of them howling together in a mutual climax that shook both of them to their core.

They remained locked together in climax, their bodies spasming in release as they both came near to blacking out from the force of their mutual orgasm, but all good things must come to an end...and what an end it was. Zeek groaned as he blinked the spots from his eyes, trying to make sense of the world around him as his senses returned. He had never cum that hard in his life without some form of chemical "Marital Aid" and his heart was still hammering in his chest as he came down from his release.

"D...damn." Was all he could say, prompting the drowsy "Ashla" to look up at him, her eyes half lidded and happy. "Y-yeah...that was...amazing," She panted, snuggling back against him as she did so, barely able to keep her eyes open. "Maybe...we can do that again sometime?" She asked, her voice exhausted as she pressed herself back against him.

Zeek just grinned, just as tired as her. "Yeah...that sounds great, but now...let's get some sleep," He said with a smile, pulling her tight against him as they snuggled together.

They fell asleep like that, wrapped in each other's arms. A rebellious former Jedi and a two-bit smuggler joined in a moment of peace in a galaxy torn by pain and oppression. It was an unlikely pair if there was ever was one, but would it survive the trials that are laid out before them?

Who knows? But for that moment, all was right in the universe.