




The Jedi Order is no more. Once the keepers of peace and justice in the galaxy, they have now been reduced to only a few handfuls of survivors, all in hiding and being hunted by the Empire's ruthless Inquisitors and their master, DARTH VADER.

After being rescued from Order 66, Jedi Master SHIN YANG and his youngling apprentice, TAY BARTEL, are now in hiding on the planet Lothal as Tay continues his training in the hopes of becoming the next generation of guardians to rise up and save the galaxy…

The plains of Lothal were one of the most peaceful locations in the galaxy; the wind softly blowing through the grass and the open spaces as far as the eye could see made great resting spots, as well as the perfect hiding place for Jedi Master Shin Yang and his apprentice, Tay Bartel. Tay was currently sitting cross-legged on a rock, meditating as he tried to levitate a group of different sized rocks with the Force.

"Concentrate," Shin said as he paced around Tay, "Clear your mind, and focus on only the Force."

Tay's eyes remained closed as he concentrated, but his mind kept flashing back to the memories; first, his parents being murdered by a droid wielding four lightsabers, then his being teased in the Temple by other younglings for being half human, half zabrak, and most vivid, what started as simple training with his master, when a group of clones entered the room, with their guns raised at him. Overwhelmed with the fear from the memories, Tay dropped the rocks and cried out in fear, clutching his head.

"I can't!" he cried. Shin sighed in disappointment, but he knew full well Tay's mind was scarred with the events that made up his past. Order 66 only made it worse for him. Shin walked up to the young boy, who was still clutching his head in an attempt to clear his mind, and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Tay," he said, "I know you're afraid. I can sense it in you, but you must not let it consume you. I have learned to do this, and so can you."

"But you're never afraid." Tay argued.

"I was before, actually. When those clones came to kill us, I feared you would die. I promised your parents I would keep you safe, and at that moment, I feared I would not be able to keep that promise, and if it weren't for that clone that helped us escape, I might have failed. You want to know how I overcame that fear?"

Tay looked up at his master: "How?"

"I faced it head on. I wasn't going to let it consume me, so I used it to fuel my drive to protect you. Fear is a powerful enemy, but it can be made into a valuable tool if used to fuel our drive to protect those we care about. Do you understand?"

Tay sniffled a bit, but then nodded. Shin nodded.

"Good," he said, "Now let's…" he began to say, but then stopped as a dark expression crossed his face.

"What is it, master?" Tay asked. Shin didn't answer, but looked up as a dark ship could be seen flying overhead.

"Back inside the cave," he quickly said, nudging Tay inside the cave they lived in, "Now!"

The two quickly ran inside, and Shin ran immediately to a communication device in one of the corners. As he typed a few of the buttons, the screen quickly flickered to reveal a clone trooper's face.

"Patriot," Shin said, "They're here. It's happening."

"Stick with the plan," Patriot said over the other end, "I'll be there as soon as I can."

Shin nodded as the screen cut out, then he went over to Tay. Kneeling down to the youngling's level, he tried to speak as softly yet as quickly as he could.

"Tay, I need you to run." He said.

"What?" Tay asked.

"Someone is here that wants to kill you. There's no time to explain. I need you to run as far away as you can."

"Not without you."

"No! I need to stay here to distract them. You need to run."

Then, reaching behind him, he grabbed an object from a nearby shelf and handed it to Tay. As Tay looked at it, he realized it was a lightsaber hilt.

"This is your mother's saber," Shin explained, "I was going to give it to you when you were ready, but now that has changed. You must keep this weapon safe; it just may save you one day."

Tay began tearing up as he attached the hilt to his belt; he knew his master was not going to make it. He quickly hugged Shin.

"I'll miss you." He said. Shin slowly hugged back and said: "As will I. Remember, trust in the Force; it will guide you. Now go, and hurry!"

Tay grabbed his pack and ran down the tunnels toward the back exit. Meanwhile, Shin turned back toward the entrance to the cave, and, igniting his lightsaber, walked out to face the approaching enemy as they exited the ship that landed nearby. It was an approaching squad of deathtroopers led by two figures in black armor, one wearing a black helmet with a red visor, the other a Pau'an with red tattoos on his head. The Pau'an smirked as he saw Shin walk up to then with his saber raised.

"You Jedi are predictable," he said, "hiding in places like this. A bit of a pain in the neck to find, if I'm being honest, but still predictable. I must say I'm a bit disappointed."

"Whoever you are," Shin said, "I want no trouble."

"Then it'll be easier for us to get rid of you. AND your little apprentice."

Shin's heart froze; he realized the dark figure was force sensitive, and he was strong with the Dark Side.

"So," the Pau'an said, "Where is the boy hiding?"

Shin raised his lightsaber: "You'll never find him. He's run off."

"We shall see," the Pau'an replied, then turning to the one in the helmet: "Find him, Secons Sister."

"With pleasure, Grand Inquisitor." Second Sister said, walking towards the cave, only to be driven back as Shin swung his lightsaber in his direction.

"NO!" he shouted, but then he was Force pushed to the ground by the Grand Inquisitor, who then ignited his lightsaber.

"I'm afraid you will have to deal with me, Jedi." He taunted, spinning his saber around. Shin got back up, charging the Inquisitor with his saber raised, and the two locked in a duel.

Meanwhile, Tay was running through the tunnels as fast as he could, but then he suddenly came to a dead end. Beginning to panic, he turned around to retrace his steps, only to see a red glow in the distance. Sensing something dark approaching, he frantically looked around, diving behind a boulder to hide just as the Second Sister walked in.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." The Inquisitor mockingly cooed in a singsong voice, "There's no need to be afraid, yet I sense much fear in you."

Tay made no sound as he pressed his back to the rock. The Second Sister looked around, waving her saber to get a better look.

"I know you're in here. You can come out. I won't hurt you…much." She said, chuckling to herself. Tay closed his eyes and pressed his hands to the sides of his head in an attempt to make it all stop, but was startled when he heard the sound of the Inquisitor's lightsaber next to his head. Opening his eyes, he looked to see the Second Sister standing over him.

"There you are, little one." She said.

Tay scrambled back in fright.

"Don't worry. I am here to give you a choice. You can come with me; your master will not be able to join, but YOU can have a better future with us. I can be your new teacher."

Tay actually considered it; he wanted the nightmares to be over, whatever the cost.

"Do not join her," a woman's voice suddenly said in Tay's head. The voice surprised him, but it also seemed to somehow fill the youngling with comfort.

"Trust the Force. Don't let your feelings blind you." The voice also said. Though he had no idea who the voice belonged to, he felt as if he should trust it more than the woman with the red lightsaber; he quickly shook his head and said, "No. I can't."

"Suit yourself," the Second Sister said, raising her saber to strike. However, as she brought it down, another flash suddenly appeared as the red saber was intercepted by a yellow blade. Confused and shocked, the Inquisitor turned to see the glowing, ghostly image of a young woman in a Jedi's outfit, her brown hair tied back in a ponytail. She carried a yellow double-bladed lightsaber.

As the Inquisitor looked in shock, the woman twisted her weapon, sending the Inquisitor's saber flying out of her hands just before sending the Inquisitor herself flying backwards with a massive Force push.

"Leave now," she said, Tay recognizing her voice as the one that had spoken in his head just moments ago, "His time has not yet come."

"You think I care?" The Inqusitor growled, summoning her lightsaber back and igniting it, "I don't take orders from ghosts." And she charged at the figure. Sighing, the woman lifter her hand, using the Force to bring the tunnel ceiling crashing down on top of the Inquisitor. She then turned to Tay, helping him stand up.

"Hurry," she said, "That will not hold her for long. You must leave."

"But the tunnel's blocked." Tay said. The woman looked at the dead end.

"Oh, you're right." She said, facepalming, "Dang farrek! Hang on, Tay."

She looked toward the wall and then, raising her hand again, used the Force to create a new tunnel.

"That tunnel will lead you out," she said, "Now go! I'll hold the others off. We'll meet again soon, though."

Tay didn't bother asking questions, and he turned and ran down the tunnel, and a few moments later, he reached the exit, stumbling out into the light and into the squad of deathtroopers that had gone around the cave and waited at the tunnel exit.

Tay stopped as the troopers raised their guns, but before anyone got a shot off, another gunman fired from above, dispatching them quickly. Tay turned around to see a clone with red markings on his armor appear from the ledge above and drop down next to him.

"You okay, kid," the clone, Patriot asked. Tay simply nodded.

"My master?" he asked. Patriot sadly shook his head: "I'm sorry kid. I tried to help, but they got him. We need to get you out of here before they get you too."

Tay began to tear up, but he slowly nodded his head and followed Patriot to the nearby Republic gunship. Once Tay climbed on board, Patriot closed the doors, then got into the pilot seat and took off, flying away from the area, and as Tay watched his former home grow smaller behind him, he thought of all that had just happened and wondered one thing to himself; will these nightmares ever end?