
Star Wars: Blurred Lines

A Star Wars SI story. A Scottish man wakes up in a foreign body after blacking out with the boys, then sets off to be the best damn space wizard there is. Posting on Royal Road. Support me on - pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW The picture isn't mine, tell me if it's yours and I'll take it down.

DodgyWriter · 电影同人
64 Chs

Battle of Geonosis 6

Approaching the clones with Barris, the clones were idling around the hanger awaiting further instructions. Spotting us they quickly stopped what they were doing and lined up in a basic standing formation, right arm raised above their head as the shout in tandem "Clone medic platoon 34 reporting for duty commanders!".

Taking a step forward Barris addresses the group with an amicable smile "I am padawan Barris Offee, I have been assigned to lead this platoon along with my partner".

Giving me room to speak I tell the troopers "Padawan Lycan, pleasure to work with you all" letting Barris continue on as she begins to tell the clones about their current mission. Holding a holoprojector in her hand, "Our mission is the search sector 507-513 for any surviving men." pointing her finger at the two squares on the hologram.

"We shall be taking an LAAT holding two bacta tanks for any survivors that need immediate medical attention, The rest of us will be travelling on standards issue BARC speeder bikes. Any further questions?" She said looking towards the stoic medics.

In unison the clones reply "No commander".

With that the clones split up between the LAAT and the speeders, turning to face Barris I ask "Do you want to fly in the ship or travel on the speeders?". Taking a moment to think she replies "I'll go with the clones on the gunship. What about you?".

"I'll head over with the guys on the speeders. Make sure you give me a shout if you see anything from above" I told Barris getting a nob in return.

With that settled I strode over to the troopers that were pairing up on the speeders, picking one and starting it up. Revving my engine I looked to see if the rest of the clones were ready before giving them the signal to move out.

Driving the speeders down the massive landing ramp the group started heading over to the aforementioned sector.

On the way over we travelled through the remains on the battle. The lands all around us was scarred, the craters littered with pieces of machinery and body part, really not a sight for the faint hearted. At least I'm not part of the group that's going to be recycling the clone parts.

You heard me, during the discussion with the council I found out what happens too all the clones that die in the field. A specific force of clones are tasked with collecting whatever's left from the fallen clones, what they take back then gets used for skin grafts, organ transplants, you name it. Since all the clones are, well clones there's no rejection from any organs that are transplanted between them, which saves a lot of hassle when one of them in need off new body parts.

Don't get me wrong I think it's a great idea, probably saves tens of thousands of soldiers, but fuck being part of the collection team. Some of the corpses you see lying about are in horrifying states, the geonosian weaponry all but assures it. If you get hit by one of their sonic canons your body basically implodes on itself, scattering whatever's left of your across the sand, and having to look through thousands of remains like that, count me out.

Pulling up at a downed LAAT that was pinging a distress signal, me and some of the troops made our way to the gunship, while the rest fanned out and scanned the perimeter for survivors and any battle droids that were still operational.

With the clones at my back I use the force to rip open the smashed side doors of the LAAT, safely placing the rubble to the side me and the boys walk in checking the vital signs of any clones we passed by.

In the cockpit I checked the pilots but sadly they seemed to have died on impact, both their helmets caved in at the front. Sighing I turn round to walk back through the ship when one of the clones exclaimed.

"We have vital signs on this trooper!" analysing the man injuries, "He's got a 2 broken femurs, a dislocated shoulder and possibly a cracked skull."

Approaching the clone that found him "Go and call the gunship down, tell them to have a tank read for this man. I'll keep him stable." I said.

I sensed the wounded mans injuries with the force and determined that along with what the medic said. The clone had countless smaller fractures on bones across the body.

Placing my hand on the clones head I aim to heal the most problematic wound before placing him in bacta.

Channeling the force into the mam skull I could feel it repairing at a rapid rate. All the while directing the blood back to it's natural pathways effectively cleaning the internal sight of the wound. Less than a minutes later I finished the treatment and used the force to gently carry the wounded clone over to the landing gunship.

With the clones making way it didn't take long to travel to the LAAT as the ships doors slid open revealing Barris and a clone medic preparing a bacta tank for use.

Getting the all clear I lower the clone down into the strange liquid as a mask and several vital sensors attached onto him inside. Crazy thing that bacta, I stuck my hand in a tub of it once and felt great. It was like have properly soft blankets wrapped round my hand, you could sleep in that shit I'm telling you.

After the medics double checked that his vitals were stable and he was on the road to recovery, we started scanned the rest of the sectors for any survivors. By the the end of the day we were heading back to HQ with the medics and four survivors from the battle, sadly that was all we could find during our search, everyone else was already dead.

Driving up the big ass ramp me and the rest of the team parked our speeders before waiting for the LAAT get here, while we were waiting I asked the clones a few questions.

"So, were you boys out during the battle?".

One of the clones sitting on a cargo container across from me spoke up "I can't speak for the rest of the soldiers here, but I was stationed in the field before this mission".

With slight confusion on my face a clone told me "We were a hastily put together squad of medics, usually it's just one medic per squad instead of an entire platoon of us."

Understanding now I look back at the first clone "Were you under a jedi while you were out or was it just a clone force." I questioned.

"Just clones sir... it was quite an experience. Nothing like the simulations back on Kamino, it opened my eyes to what war was like" He said.

"It was an eye opener, there that was some pretty hardcore shit today" pulling my trusty flask out I say "Need a good wash, I feel disgusting" before swallowing a big swig of alcohol.

Fuck that's the good stuff.

"What's that sir?" asked a clone.

"This my friend, is the glue that holds everything together, the thing that keeps me moving forward" With my words catching the clones attention I take another swig of jet juice.

"Here try some" and threw the flask at the curious trooper.

Catching the drink the clone takes the first swig of his life under the watchful eyes of the others. Swallowing the the booze the clone gives a throaty cough before smacking his lips with a strange expression on his face.

"What is this stuff? It feels as if it's burning my throat".

"That's the best bit you know, come on pass it around, there's plenty to share" I told him

And so the rest of the medic crew got a taste of the holy substance. They all had similar reactions while drinking it, don't know what I was expecting from clones.

"Trust me. You'll understand the joys of alcohol soon enough" I said placing the flask back in my robe. The looks on their faces begged to differ but I know they'll come around.

"So any of you got names yet?" I asked.

"Yes I'm CT-2-"

"I mean a proper name, one without numbers taking up 2/3's of it" I cut in before he could finish. The troopers looked at each other, waiting to see if anyone has a name that isn't their CT number.

"I'll take it that means none of you have one" I spoke up after a few moments.

"No sir" they responded.

"Well all the better then, why don't you start thinking of one for yourself. It's awkward referring to you all with a CT number" I told them.

"How do we choose a name for ourselves sir" a clone asked. A fair point I'm shit at coming up with names, I mean my droid called Wires for fucks sake.

"Who knows just copy a name from somewhere or just pick one that sounds cool, it's all up to you" I said.

The situation quickly devolved into brainstorming session, the clones seemed overwhelmed at the thought of picking a name, so they didn't get anywhere on that front till I walked over to the clone that took the first drink of alcohol.

"Here mate, what about Jet for a name." I probed.

"Jet, Jet... it has a nice ring to it, sounds good to me. Thanks commander" with a wide grin on his face he spoke loudly so the other clones could hear him.

"Boys, from now on the name's Jet" raising his blaster in the air, and the clones went mad. All cheering at the first brother to get a name, man I underestimated how happy they'd get from this.

After the first name, the other came soon after the platoon was elated by the time the LAAT landed.

When the crew of the gun ship came over they naming quickly spread to them aswell, while Barris told me that we'd have to report to the council now that we completed our task.

Before I left I gave the clones my holo number in case they wanted to speak or needed help with something. Can't wait for the day when the clones are allowed free time, it's going be some party. I better get my club bought and prepared for them.

1,000,000 views on this, quite mad if I do say so myself. I just blasted this chapter out with the spare time I had on hand apologies if it's not up to standard. That's the geonosis arc finished, back to more debauchery next chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Drop so power stones for the drunk clones.

DodgyWritercreators' thoughts