
Spirit Realm Walker

Legends of the Spirit Realm had been passed down since ancient times. It was a world that was hidden from normal people. Although no one had entered the Spirit Realm in modern times, its legend still remained. Zhang Yuanqing was a normal university student until he suddenly received a mysterious black character card. [Character Card rebooted…] [Name: To be named (Please name it immediately)] [Race: Human] [Class: Night Wanderer] [Moral Value: 60 (Initial Value)] "Is this the Spirit Realm? It looks kind of dangerous. What is moral value? Why can’t it go lower than 60?" A few years later, everyone was shocked to see the almost infinite moral value points that Zhang Yuanqing had. "Why does someone like you have so many moral value points?" "Maybe it's because I’ve been respecting the elderly and taking care of the children?" replied Zhang Yuanqing, the greatest enemy of the Spirit Realm.

Paperboy · 科幻
40 Chs


編輯: Atlas Studios

Right. We almost forgot about the kid.

Li Dongze's words reminded the Spirit Realm team captains in the Kangyang District. They had already recruited a Night Wanderer and did not need to borrow anyone from the Supreme Solitary Sect.

Big Muscle looked delighted and immediately said, "Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and contact that kid. Therefore, we still have to nurture our own Night Wanderer. Our own people are the most reliable at critical moments."

The other captains' brows relaxed.

Big Muscle's words made sense. Although the Night Wanderers of the Supreme Solitary Sect had always been cooperative when it came to serious matters, they were still outsiders. They were definitely not as convenient to use as their own people.

Li Dongze glanced at Fu Qingyang and saw him nod slightly. He immediately took out his phone and walked out of the conference room.

"I'll contact him."

After finishing the morning class, Zhang Yuanqing picked up his bag and left the classroom. He planned to skip the afternoon class and go to the office of the second team of the Spirit Realm in the Kangyang District.

In the future, the focus of interpersonal relationships would be shifted to the Spirit Realm team.

Zhang Yuanqing did not like school very much and was not very interested in learning. The young people of Songhai were inherently lazy. They were not hungry enough for success and lacked the desire to go further.

There were only two types of people in this world who would fight. One was those who had developed positive habits since they were young, and the other was those who were forced by life.

After becoming a Spirit Realm Walker, Zhang Yuanqing finally regained his long-lost fighting spirit.

Firstly, his life was in danger. Secondly, he could fulfill the dream of a young man challenging the world with a sword.

The Spirit Realm was filled with danger and strangeness, but once one tasted the sweetness, they would never be willing to be a mortal again.

When he arrived downstairs, he was about to unlock a shared bike when his phone rang in his pocket.

It was Li Dongze.

"Captain?" Zhang Yuanqing answered.

"Where are you now?" Li Dongze spoke quickly and without preamble.

"At school."

"Songhai University, right? I'll get Guan Ya to pick you up now."

Pick me up? Zhang Yuanqing could hear the urgency in Li Dongze's voice. He probed, "What is it?"

"A colleague was killed. We need the Night Wanderer to devour the spirit body and obtain the other party's memories. Hmm, are you okay with this?" Li Dongze asked worriedly.

Uh, it should be possible…? Zhang Yuanqing said, "Let me try?"

Devouring a spirit body was not difficult. This was the talent of the Night Wanderer. His brain told him that he could, but he had never really devoured a spirit body in terms of reading memories. He had no experience, so he could not guarantee it.

"That's it, then." Without another word, Li Dongze hung up.

Zhang Yuanqing put away his phone and walked to the school gate.

A few minutes later, he stopped at the school gate and waited silently for Guan Ya to pick him up. At the same time, Zhang Yuanqing noticed a girl in a pleated dress standing by the roadside not far away. She was carrying a designer bag and seemed to be waiting for someone.

Xu Yingying?

Zhang Yuanqing examined the "class belle" a few times. She was very well dressed. Her bracelet, necklace, earrings, bag… They all looked expensive. She was different from most of the female students in school.

Girls from ordinary families couldn't wear something like this.

Sensing Zhang Yuanqing's gaze, Xu Yingying smiled faintly. As she straightened her hair and assumed her most moving posture, she felt a little superior to the rest.

This boy was quite good-looking, so she subconsciously displayed her beauty.

However, she was no longer in the same world as ordinary university students, so she was filled with a sense of superiority.

Her outfit was worth an ordinary university student's living expenses for a year.

At this moment, Xu Yingying saw a blue sports car driving over and slowly stopping at the school gate.

The woman behind the wheel was dressed in a formal white shirt and sunglasses. It was hard to see her face, but she had a fair, sharp jaw and seductive lips. It wasn't hard to see that she was a beautiful woman.

Xu Yingying pursed her lips, shifted, and turned the logo of her designer bag toward the sports car.

At the same time, she saw Zhang Yuanqing jogging closer to the sports car. He opened the door and got in.

The rich woman hit the gas and left with the cute boy.

Xu Yingying's mouth opened in surprise.

For a moment, she couldn't tell if the male student was a low-key rich kid or her own counterpart—a gigolo.

Kangyang District Security Bureau, morgue.

Zhang Yuanqing stood beside the mortuary bed and lifted the white cloth. A tragic corpse appeared.

The victim was covered in bruises and blade marks. The flesh of the wound in his chest was open and ghastly.

If it were two days ago, Zhang Yuanqing would definitely be physically uncomfortable to see such a corpse. However, after experiencing the beating of the Mountain Temple, the corpse could no longer cause too much of a stir in his heart.

"You may begin." Li Dongze leaned on his cane and spoke expectantly.

Zhang Yuanqing nodded. He examined Zhao Yingjun's corpse and felt that the remaining spirit in this cold corpse was gradually becoming active and recovering.

The breath of the Night Wanderer had a fatal attraction to spirit bodies and could awaken sleeping spirits.

He silently mobilized the power of Great Yin in his body. The whites of his eyes and pupils were covered in a layer of pure black. He reached out and grabbed Zhao Yingjun's body.

He grabbed an illusory figure.

This figure had Zhao Yingjun's facial features, but his expression was dull and his eyes were empty.

After a person died, 90% of their consciousness would dissipate, and their spirit body would become so sluggish. If their consciousness dissipated, their memories would naturally be incomplete, leaving only some deep memories.

The memories before death were often impressive and close enough to be preserved.

After grabbing the spirit body, Zhang Yuanqing suddenly had the desire to "eat". He naturally opened his mouth and sucked gently.

Zhao Yingjun's spirit body turned into smoke and floated into his mouth.

There was a throbbing pain between his eyebrows, and his consciousness seemed to swell. Many things that did not belong to him flowed in.


Zhang Yuanqing heard the low sobbing, the wailing, and the fierce, dark voice in his ear: "I don't have much patience. You'd better answer obediently."

He knew that he was reading the last memories of the spirit body. Slowly, he "opened" his eyes. The scene around him became clear. He was in a large, beautifully decorated suite.

He fell naked onto the big soft bed. Clothes and women's underwear were strewn all over the floor.

Not far from him, a young woman was curled up at the head of the bed. She was also naked. She had long, fair legs, a slim tummy, and a tall and straight chest, revealing her young and proud curves.

The sobs were coming from her.

A woman? Naked? Such a scene stunned Zhang Yuanqing. He thought to himself, 'Why didn't the chief explain the situation at the crime scene clearly? How can he let me see scenes that are inappropriate for children? I'm still a child…'

As he followed the victim's point of view, he looked at the man beside the bed. He was a fierce-looking man with a scar half a finger long on the left cheek. His eyebrows were sparse, and his eyes were fierce and dark.

He was holding a shiny willow blade.

The murderer… Zhang Yuanqing stared at this face and firmly memorized it.

At this point, he was halfway through his mission.

The man pointed the tip of the blade at 'Zhang Yuanqing's' chest and said fiercely: "Where is the Holy Grail and the register?"

He seemed to have asked this question many times. His expression was filled with impatience, and his eyes were murderous.

"I don't know, I really don't know… Please let me go." Zhang Yuanqing heard 'himself' begging for mercy.

The man squatted on the side of the bed, completely losing his patience. He rubbed his face in exhaustion and murmured: "I gave you a chance, but you're useless. I gave you a chance, but you're useless…"

With that, he thrust the tip of the willow blade into 'Zhang Yuanqing's' chest.

The pain came, and his consciousness instantly blurred. As Zhang Yuanqing collapsed to the ground, he saw the man unbuckle his belt, grab the beautiful woman's ankle, and pull her towards him.

The image stopped abruptly with the woman's scream.