
Special Blue

In the year of 2100 after the 3rd big war in Earth's history mankind has to leave the planet in search of a new one. Marcus being born before the war is apparently already marked for death because of a mutation on his brain and heart only allowing him to live for 16 years. Will he sucumb to his so called fate? Or will the search of a new planet for mankind be what saves him? Want to find out then please continue on to read this story. Hopefully you all will enjoy it. Oh and a quick heads up..yes i'm a novice writer so don't be to harsh with the criticism. Thank you and enjoy. And sorry I don't have a cover yet.

kingtrill117 · 奇幻
9 Chs

Special Blue

After the third war on Earth mankind has to leave in search of a habital planet since the planet is not as luciously green an beautiful as it once was. Every continent is becoming barren an the atmosphere is rapidly deteriorating due to radiation. This war has happened late into the year of 2099 an it has resulted in a lot of deaths, as with any other war. Among the people who have died are Marcus' parents.

Marcus is 15 and is somewhat of a prodigy because of his parents. His mom was the chief scientist of Earth as she helped build most of the new technologies that they used and his father was head commander of the United Alien Front. He was a masterful tacticion an battle strategist who gained most of his skills on his own before joining the military. Marcus was born a special child having some of the knowledge that both his parents had as he is just a baby.

When he was born he didnt cry like a normal baby would instead he looked around the hospital room for his parents which shocked everyone present. The nurse helps the doctor cut the umbilical cord an starts to hand Marcus to his mother and as she holds him she looks into his eyes smiling with love. As for his father he is watching with wonder thinking how has his son developed a level of intelligence not yet seen in a new born baby before.

His father asks the doctor to bring a Halo-Scan so that he may check his sons body for any abnormalities. The doctor leaves an is back within five minutes with the Halo-Scan. He aims it at Marcus an presses the first button on the left of the screen starting the scan. beep. Hearing the sound Marcus stops staring at his mother to look over at his father, the doctor and the device they have. Noticing Marcus's gaze his father smiles and says, "Dont't worry son, it won't hurt."

And to everyones surprise yet again Marcus gives a slight nod showing how much he already understands. His mother smiles thinking at how her son will be a genius that will surpass her one day while his father cant begin to think of how much wonderous things his son will achieve. beep beep. Signaling the end of the scan his father looks down an starts reading the data and after a few moments he raises his brow in a questioning manner.

The doctor comes over and asks, "Is it broken?" To which Marcus father replies, "Its not broken but..this is a bit concerning." The doctor takes the Halo-Scan to read the data and a moment later he is shocked. 'Just a bit concerning? This says he has an identical mutation on his brain and heart how is it just a bit concerning!?' He thought inwardly. They both look at Marcus with pitiful eyes as tho he is destined to die which in truth, he is.

His mother sees how her husband looks an she already knows what is going on as she feels her happiness wash away a bit. Feeling his mother's sadness Marcus lays on her chest in a way to comfort her while his father leaves with the doctor to inspect the scan more closely. beep. Pressing the middle button of the scanner a 3D model of Marcus' inner body structure comes up an the brain an heart are highlighted.

Looking at the heart first they are both confused at what they see. The mutation on his heart is in a small form of an ocean wave and seeing as mutations usually didn't depict anything and would usually look like tumors, it confused the two to no end. "What do u think this means Doc. Steph?" Marcus' father asked doctor Stephon. "Well...usually the mutation would mean he'd only live to 16 but with the uniqueness of his mutation and the way he acts now...i'm not certain." Stephon answered truthfully.

"Well i guess we will know if a war doesn't break out during that time." Marcus' father sighed in reply. He kept staring at the 3D model thinking, 'A blue ocean wave mark as a mutation. Something tells me this is a very special case.' After they thouroughly checked the scan they enter back into the room. "So how bad is the mutation Mark?" Marcus' mother asks her husband in a hushed voice as Marcus is asleep.

Mark sighs as he stares at his son deep in thought before answering, "Honestly I'm not sure. This is a special case but Stephon and I think the same age limit will apply just as it has to the others who have gotten identical mutations...so you should know what this means Sienna." Her facial expression turned even sadder upon hearing Mark's words. "So we will only have him for sixteen years." Sienna said as she stares at the sleeping Marcus.

"Sixteen years is a lot of time so im sure you will figure out what is causing the mutations and be able to fix it." Mark said trying to hopefully get her to cheer up a bit even when he knows it won't work. She just nods her head. "Well you should get some rest sweetheart, you have a couple bags you could get rid of." Mark said in a joking manner before leaving the room with Steph and the nurse. "He always tries his best to comfort me." Sienna smiles as she lays down in the bed to rest after staring at Marcus for a few more seconds.

Around midnight that night the nurse comes back to the room checking up on Marcus and Sienna. "Chief Sienna?" she asks in a whisper to see if she is sleep. No response. She walks in the room and silently closes the door. She looks at the peacefully sleep Marcus and a bit of killing intent can be seen in her eyes. "They must not find out that he has the 'Special Blue.' She scoffs shaking her head at how paranoid the higher ups are. She takes out a tube with a black substance and then takes out a syringe filling it with the substance.

" If he really was born with the Special Blue he should have noticed me but he is still sleeping like the baby he is." The nurse says to herself as she slowly walks closer towards baby Marcus. Just as she gets by the bed she raises her hand ready to plunge the syringe into him when the unexpected happened. The mutation on Marcus's brain and heart react to her killing intent an the mark on his heart glows a faint blue. The nurse stops and stares at the light thinking one thought, 'Beautiful.'

Just as the light stops Marcus wakes up crying as if he has just been born. 'Sh*t,' thought the nurse as she knew that she would be found out sooner. She hurriedly tries to stab Marcus but her hand is caught and a loud voice shouts, "THE F**K ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO MY SON!!"