
Special Blue

In the year of 2100 after the 3rd big war in Earth's history mankind has to leave the planet in search of a new one. Marcus being born before the war is apparently already marked for death because of a mutation on his brain and heart only allowing him to live for 16 years. Will he sucumb to his so called fate? Or will the search of a new planet for mankind be what saves him? Want to find out then please continue on to read this story. Hopefully you all will enjoy it. Oh and a quick heads up..yes i'm a novice writer so don't be to harsh with the criticism. Thank you and enjoy. And sorry I don't have a cover yet.

kingtrill117 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Searching For A New World

Inside the largest ship of the UAF Marcus is sitting by the window looking at the passing stars while getting random flashes of his life. "M..Ma....Marcus!" A loud yet soothing voice calls out to him bringing him out of his daze. He looks at the girl that called his name. "Yes?" He asks. "Doc. Steph is looking for you. He wants to talk bout your mutation." She says. "Alright I'll go see him. Thanks Iesha." He gets up and heads to the medical section of the ship.

'Don't know why we have to do this so often. Nothing has really changed.' He thinks to himself. He walks around the Med Center looking for Stephon while thinking of the memory flashes he gets. As he is thinking he bumps into a nurse since he isn't really paying attention to his surroundings. She drops her Halo Pad as she falls over but before she is completely on the floor Marcus catches her by the hand and pulls her up and bringing her a bit close to him. "Sorry that was my fault I should've been watching my surroundings. Are you ok?" He says looking her in her eyes making her blush a bit. "I..its ok don't worry bout it and yes I'm ok. Thanks for catching me." She answers turning her head slightly embarrased.

He picks up her pad and gives it to her. "Do you know where Steph is right now?" he asks. "Yes. He is in his office waiting for you." she answers. "Ok thanks." He starts heading to Steph's office leaving the nurse in the hall who watches him with a solem face. 'Its so sad to know that he was born with that mutation. He only has a week left now' she sighs and continues on with her work.

Stephon sits behind his desk looking through reports. thunk thunk thunk. He hears the knock on his door an stops reading reports. "Come in."

Marcus walks in and closes the door behind him. "You wanted to see me?" "Yes come have a seat." Steph pushes out the seat for Marcus. He sits down and looks over to Steph's Halo-Top. "You got a lot of reports to go through, this could've waited Steph." he says as he looks to Steph. "You know your health is just as important as anyone elses. So have there been any changes that you have noticed at all to your mutations?" Steph asks him. "Other than the flashes i get not really. Why should we still worry about this? There is no way to recreate the progress my mom got into figuring out a cure so why don't yall stop studying it? I'm the only one left with a mutation so its just a matter of time before I'm like the others."

Stephon sighs and looks at Marcus with a defeated look. "Still we can't give up on you Marcus. Your mom and dad never wanted to give up on making a cure for the mutation so how can i do that and still call them my friends?" Stephon and Marcus sit in silence for a few minutes before Marcus says, "My mom and dad taught me most of what they knew before they died and they wanted me to take over for them. Seeing as im the only person left with any form of mutation and im supposed to be the new chief of science I'm ordering you to forget about this matter Stephon."

Since he is the son of Sienna, the previous Chief of science, and he agreed to take over for her once she passed he is the new chief scientist. So if he makes an official order to anyone in the scientific department they have to listen to it. Steph sighs and asks, "Is this your first official order to me?" Marcus looks straight into his eyes and and answers, "This is an official order. Stop research on the cure for the mutation." Stephon nods and says, "Yes sir. We will stop our research on the cure."

Stephon is upset that he hasnt been able to figure the cure out before this situation. He feels that he has failed Sienna and Mark but with how the situation is now he can't go against the order, unless he doesn't mind the consequences. If he does go against the order he will lose his position as head doctor and be banished from the group. At the moment he can't be banished but once they find a suitable planet that can sustain human life he will be on his own.

"Since we are done with this matter i shall take my leave." Marcus gets up and heads to the door. Stopping after opening the door he says, "I know how you feel Steph but trust me when I say that I know they won't say you failed because you have done your best. That is what they wanted you to do and you have so its ok." Marcus looks back at Stephon giving a slight smile before leaving. Stephon feels his heart throb in a painful way because hes seen that exact smile from Mark and Sienna right before they died and asking him to take care of Marcus. He knows that Marcus has accepted that he will die on his sixteenth birthday and it hurts him to think about it.

As Marcus walks back to his room an announcement is made on the ships p.a systems. "Attention everyone. Another planet is in view again another planet is in view. Going closer to run scans." 'Well I guess I will sleep later.' He thinks as he heads to the command bridge of the ship.

He walks to the observation room to see the planet. 'It looks beautiful.' he says internally looking at the giant planet in front of him. The planet had an aura around it that looked like a thin veil of purple flames, the ocean was a shimmering pinkish purple and the vegetation was in a rainbow of colors. As Marcus stares at the planet unknown to him his mutation reacts to the presence of the planet making him feel as though this is the planet they should stay on from now on.

While he is seemingly in a daze the workers in the observation room all have smiles on their faces because this planet is able to sustain human life. As if answering Marcus' thoughts one of the workers reads the scan report. "This planet has better conditions than Earth did. It is filled sixtey percent with oxeygen! There are other gases like nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon and more. The water seems to be fine to use also but we should still conduct personal tests."

Hearing this and coming out of his daze Marcus gives his first command as Head Commander. "Land us on the planet in a clearing, I don't wanna destroy the vegetation. Thats an order." "Yes sir!" the crew immediately do as he says and start their approach to the surface. "We will land in five minutes sir." the captain of the ship says to Marcus. He nods his head watching everything with excitement in his eyes and the mutation on his heart glowing a faint blue not noticable by anyone in the room.