
Spartan In Star Wars (Dropped)

Spartan-016 Diesel was fighting for his life against the onslaught of covenant on Reach as the evacuation orders arrived. Diesel and his fellow Soldiers boarded the last remaining ship. As they attempted to escape, the ship came under fire making the ship malfunction, throwing it into hyperdive............. Please understand I'm very a amateur writer, I will make mistakes! By no means will my FF be perfect. I do 90% of my writing at work, so things will need to be fixed! I own no Characters/Object or story related material from the Halo/Star War Universe. Spartan-016 Diesel/Spartan-017 Dominick are two Spartans that are currently not registered as "known" Spartans in the Halo Universe and as such I will borrow the tags Spartan-016/Spartan-017 as my own until otherwise notified. Also, I would like to know things you would like to see in the story, Characters/Allies etc... and maybe I'll introduce such things into the story.

ObsidianRain · 游戏衍生
129 Chs


Diesel walks into the room with Sophie and Ruray in front of all of her technology staff. "Okay, taking the last battle on Geonosis as an example we are gonna need to expand our military land based vehicles and ships. This is how we are gonna do it." Diesel takes out a couple blueprints placing them on the table.


Warthog - Has a couple Variants, Blaster, Gauss, and Rocket

Modified to be faster (similar to a speeder bike hovering just not as quick.), it would also be heavier armored able to take blaster fire.


Cobra - Anti-Vehicle/Fortification Artillery

Modified with two different firing modes blaster and projectile, projectile to attack through shields, while the blaster can be used on face to face confrontations.


Mantis - Bi-pedal Walker

Modified to be quicker with more armor. Would be used for infantry and light to medium equipment.

Kodiak - Long Range Siege Tank

Kodiak and the Rhino are upgraded versions of the Cobra, much stronger in firepower and range.

Rhino - Long Range Plasma Cannon

Refer to the Kodiak.

Space -

Sabre - Space Fighter

Our bread and butter, much starter then the Republic fighters in all term armor, firepower, maneuverability. Added a scatter rocket that's able to hit multiple enemy signatures. These will be our core fighter planes.

(If your curious about any of these, just reference Halopedia - Vehicles)

The technology department looked over the blueprint up and down, trying to find flaws and or improvements. Many were in awe of these designs especially the warthog, it was a highly versatile vehicle that could be changed depending on the situation. The team split into multiple teams and began working on mass producing this war machine as quickly as possible. In order to keep up with the demands of the war. Diesel would involve all the planets under his command and hire those private contractors. In a month they would finally be able to produce them for the war.

--Republic Senate/Clones--

Things were starting to get heated in the Senate. Many still opposed the creation of the clone army and wanted to go with the diplomatic route. While the chancellors' supporters heavily supported the clone army. Stating things like the Separatists and Mandalorians as emerging threats, while the other insisted that the Mandalorians were allies that helped with the Geonosians. It would soon pass electing the Jedi as the generals because they were the Republic's peacekeepers.

The news would soon spill over to the clones, angering some. They did not wish to be commanded by the Jedi as they were view incompetent during the Battle of Geonosis. Many wished for the Mandalorians to be the leaders of the army. When they heard that the Mandalorians could even possibly be enemies this greatly upset some especially those who worked close to them during the battle.

The only clones that weren't affected by this piece of news were the four Captains of the 300th Battalion. Everything played out exactly how Diesel predicted. As the only clones who have already had their chips removed. They were already forewarned about the details of the chip. Diesel admitted he wasn't sure who exactly was involved but it somehow tied the Jedi and the Republic together.

The four clones felt lied to about the entire thing they were growing up, Betrayed they felt the so-called "cause" was just a fabrication. The four of them had one goal and one goal alone, and that was to save as many brothers as they can from the Republic. It's just right now they are powerless to do anything. For now they agreed to work in the 300th as a way to protect their brothers. Sadly, the 300th has already received their first casualty (Riptide) and it would have been worse if it wasn't for the Mandalorians. Soon the entire Battalion would be free and in order to get to the rest they would need to earn soon achievements.

According to Sophia they were able to reset the Order 66 and change it. She supplied them with all the data that she found as proof of the accusation. They still felt a little insulted that the Spartan changed it without saying anything. But they did appreciate the truth being told and being helped at a chance of true freedom. Even if they were able to get to everyone at least no one will make the mistake of killing someone who truly didn't deserve it. Overall, the four agreed this would be the best course of action and they wanted to play their parts.

With the goals being set the clones went to free the rest of their brothers in the 300th. They all stamped a Logo on their chest TF.

(The Spartan were able to reprogram the clones but didn't have access to the actual implantation of them. Just to make sure everyone is clear.)