
Spark with Professor and Mafia (Romance)

Loveta school professor is obsessed with her he always gives her special extra classes after school but this extra classes is only for her. But wait now who is this person who blocks her way and kiss her forcefully. No she can't be with two person she will definitely say no to them tomorrow but will they agree. 1 daily chapter.-- ----------------- 100 Powerstones = 1 bonus chapter, 200 Powerstones = 2 bonus chapters, 300 Powerstones = 3 bonus chapters, 400 Powerstones = 4 bonus chapters, 500 Powerstones = 5 bonus chapters, =============================

KissKriya · 奇幻言情
23 Chs

Spanking II

"Princess hurry you only have five minutes left if you don't give the right answer you will get punished, and you the punishment" Alexander again whispered in Loveta's ear, Loveta was already very nervous, and these words were like a bomb that makes her heart lost the beat. Alexander had a smirk looking at her princess's reaction he knew she couldn't solve this question because this question was not of her standard. 

As Loevta was still thinking ten minutes had already passed. Alexander directly turns Loveta onto his lap now her stomach is on Alexander's lap and her bottom is in the air facing Alexander directly. "Professor" Loveta tries to say something but the voice that comes out of her mouth is like a mosquito. "Yes Princess" Alexander replies but without waiting for her answer he continues. "I suggest you relax princess and continue to take regular breaths this will help you." After saying that he didn't waste any breath and lifted the Loveta skirt to her waist and down her cartoon-printed underwear to her knees. Loveta was dumbfounded by the things which are happening to her.

"Princess I want you to count the number of hits, so you will remember your punishment and do your best time"  Alexander whispers in Loveta's ears. Loveta who was still dumbfounded nodded in daze. 

"Good Princess now let's start then" With saying that he started spanking, first he spanked Loveta in the middle and waited for her to count but Loveta's face was red she felt Alexander's palm contact her bottom and it was exactly in the middle she feel light pain on her bottom but most she felt was the embracement and shyness which causes her face to turn red even more like blood will drop if you squeeze a little, and her heartbeat is also increased. 

When Alexander didn't get any response he spanked her again but this time with a little more force "Princess these two spank will not be counted as you are not paying attention." When Alexander spanked her again with force this time a little moan escaped from her mouth. She hurriedly covered her mouth and hearing Alexander's next words she knew if she didn't count she really couldn't escape the punishment so she finally submitted to her faith and nodded. 

Alexander started spanking them like the last two times this was also hit exactly in the middle of her bottom. Loveta starts counting in the mosquito voice "One".

The next three hits were also bearable and Loveta also counted as she was asked but before the fifth spank Alexander rubbed her bottom "Bear this Princess" As he finished speaking a loud voice of hit could be heard in the entire office, this was her fifth spank and instead of shouting a loud moan escapes from her mouth, and two tear drop escape from her eyes.

For the first three minutes, Loveta was silent because she really didn't know how to react she didn't hate or feel disgusted because of Professor Alexander's touch. But she really can't accept herself reacting like this when she leave her clan she was damn sure she will never be soft-hearted for anyone and her heart will always close for everyone but why is she responding to Professor Touch like this she really doesn't know how to face this situation she is a wolf and on her eighteen birthday which was three months later she will gain her powers and moon-goddess is also give them the power to sense her mate and her mate can also sense her presence because of her unique smell but now she was lying on a human lap and she really can't even resist his what happening with her. As she was still immersed in her thoughts Alexander spanked her once more with the same strength and a moan again escaped from her mouth.