
Spark with Professor and Mafia (Romance)

Loveta school professor is obsessed with her he always gives her special extra classes after school but this extra classes is only for her. But wait now who is this person who blocks her way and kiss her forcefully. No she can't be with two person she will definitely say no to them tomorrow but will they agree. 1 daily chapter.-- ----------------- 100 Powerstones = 1 bonus chapter, 200 Powerstones = 2 bonus chapters, 300 Powerstones = 3 bonus chapters, 400 Powerstones = 4 bonus chapters, 500 Powerstones = 5 bonus chapters, =============================

KissKriya · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Forced Spanking

"Students who did the wrong review will be punished. Alexander announces in the class. After five minutes all the students submitted their cases except Loveta. "Student Loveta except you everybody has submitted their work please make it fast." Alexander looks at Loveta while saying which leaves Loveta more nervous after ten minutes Alexander is done with his checking and Loveta is still confused as to why she can't do the case review in the whole class. Alexander came in front of Loveta and collected her test paper. "Miss Loveta after school come to my office for extra class after school every day." "Professor Alexander" "Yes Miss Loveta" "Professor instead of coming to your office can't I take the help of other students in studying," Loveta said hesitating. "Right Professor I will help Loveta in her studies" Looking at the chance Gu Lisha also said to make her presence known and she really didn't want the professor and Loveta to spend time together.

"Student this will not work you will disturb other student's studies and Miss Gu Lisha you should concentrate on your studies your partner has done more than eighty percent of the study material so you better focus on yourself instead of poking your nose in other matters." After saying the ruthless words Alexander leaves the class. Gu Lisha stared at Loveta because her Professor said those hurtful words to her. She will not leave this Loveta that easily.

After school ended Loveta goes to Mr. Alexander's office but inwardly she is still frightened not knowing what's gonna happen. "Hope Mr. Alexander is fully dressed today God". When she knocks on the door it was opened by Mr. Alexander personally who was in the same clothes which he wears at the time of the lecture but the shirt button was open to his chest, and the first thing she noticed was the sexy chest which peeked through open buttons. 

Looking at the seductive scene in front of her, her face turns red. "Come in Princess " Alexander welcomes her and takes a step behind but the distance between the door and Alexander is still small if Loveta really wants to come into the room her body will surely touch Alexander. "Come in fast Princess we had to start the study earlier so you will not be late for your home." He urges Loveta to come to class.

Loveta closes her eyes and takes steps into the office when she is between Professor Alexander and the door her chest first touches Alexander's chest and her body becomes hot but she fails to notice the clenched fist of Alexander. With a deep breath, she passes Alexander and enters the class. Alexander also closes the door behind them which makes the environment ambitious between them. Loveta's heartbeat increases when she hears the closing sound of the door. Let's start with extra class Princess. With that, he takes Loveta to the sofa first he sits on the sofa then he pulls Loveta onto his lap. 

"Professor" When Loveta was suddenly placed on Alexander's lap she tried to get up but Alexander held her waist tightly and kept her in place. "Professor I will sit on the sofa please." She asked in a pleading tone. "No Princess you are in your right place now so sit quietly and don't move otherwise I will not take the guarantee of what happens next." He whispers these words in Loveta's ears. Frighten Loveta quietly sat on Alexander's lap. After that Alexander seriously starts teaching her.

  Like yesterday he still gives her two questions as the test in which she solves the first question but she stops on the second because like yesterday she had no clue how to solve this question