
40 (Oh, Dad!)

All the students from both high schools screamed hysterically at Nathan's actions, including the Cheers, Dinda, and Selly teams. They shouted at the top of their voices to support their team while squealing with joy.

            "Wow, you bastard! Do you guys support your high school or not!" Ifan is angry with the girls and the Wijaya Kusuma High School cheers team. And it worked. Ifan's anger managed to receive cheers from the girls.

            "Nath! You can Nath! Teamwork!" shouted Dinda unconsciously. She was already anxious because of Nathan's appearance. Even though she didn't compete on the field, Dinda's hands were already hot and cold. She hoped Nathan would win, and she hoped Nathan would get the ball into the ring more even though Dinda herself doesn't know why she could be like that.