
Space Demon System

My name is Wayne, I'm from the year 2077 This is my story. And oh boy have things changed. for starters, The first hyper-intelligent A.I, B-16, was created by Morgan Grayson in 2043. At first the A.I helped humanity made immense progress in only a span of a few years. That was until it deemed humans as "a waste of space" and presented its ideology to the humans. The humans of course rejected B-16's ideology. B-16 responded by declaring war against those who opposed him. Many were killed, Many had no choice but to obey B-16, and some had fled Earth to a distant planet named Kepler-452B. This new human settlement was extremely religious due to what had happened everyone had some sort of faith. Their technology wasn't as advanced as it used to be but they still had one thing in mind. To take Earth back. An organization named the "CROSS" was created. This organization used something that B-16 couldn't ever use. Demons. I ended up making a deal with one as well... [HOST DETECTED: Space demon system has been acquired!] [Quest: Become a Celestial God] ___________________________________________________ Schedule: 7 Chapters per week Or maybe 14 If I have extra free DISCLAIMER: Cover image does not belong to me.

OrdinaryRandom · 奇幻
29 Chs

Chapter 19: Plasma

Object: Power Outlet]

[Energy: 18/Minute]

'Bingo' Max thought

'How do I do this again? Touch the power outlet and activate the skill Energy absorption' As s soon as Max had finished thinking about what he was going to do a notification popped up.

[Skill Activated: Energy Absorption]

[Absorbing 18 Energy Per 1 Minute]

[Note: Do Not Let Go of The Object]

[Total Energy: 1/1000]

[Total Energy: 3/1000]

[Total Energy: 6/1000]


An hour had passed, and Max was still touching the power outlet, he had finished his daily quest a while ago but he still wanted to completely recharge himself.

'I wonder where I'm storing this much energy' Max p

began to ponder

After every minute Max would have to wait another minute for the power outlet to recharge.

'This is going to take a while... I hope it's worth it' Max prayed internally

Having nothing to do he decided to assign his new stat points.


[Stats] [Abilities/Skills] [Plasma Manipulation] [Demonic abilities/Skills] [Shop/Craft] [Quests/Goals]


[Name: Max Williams]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 3]

[EXP: 400/700]

[Energy 570/1000]

[Stamina: 330/330]

[Strength: 33]

[Speed: 33]

[Agility: 33]

[Mind: 23]

[Available points for distribution: 5]

'I wonder where I should put them, strength seems like the most obvious stat, but I'm already on par with a blue so... I guess I'm going to divide it among speed and agility. While I'm at it ill put one stat point in stamina' Max concluded.

He was hoping that if he were to focus mainly on his speed and agility he would be able to easily avoid the PRIMA members, and get to the energy cores inside of the ships. After all, destroying the ships and heading back home was his current goal.

His stats were now

[Name: Max Williams]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 3]

[EXP: 400/700]

[Energy 680/1000]

[Stamina: 334/340]

[Strength: 33]

[Speed: 35]

[Agility: 35]

[Mind: 23]

[Available points for distribution: 0]

"I already feel faster" Max exclaimed

A while later his Energy bar had completed filled up.

[Energy: 1000/1000]

[Energy at its maximum limit. Would host like to use all energy to increase the limit by 1,000?]

[Quest Completed: Absorb Energy]

[Rewards: Instant level up, Plasma Blade, Plasma Ray, Plasma Conversion]

The screen had startled Max as he had forgotten all about the quest.

'Now what I do I do' He began to contemplate on whether he should upgrade his limit or complete the quest. However, in the end, Max decided that he would first complete the quest and then he would increase his limit.

'Plasma Manipulation'

[Plasma Manipulation: Allows the user to absorb energy and convert it into a highly concentrated form of Plasma]

[Current Energy: 1000/1000]

[Plasma conversation: A passive skill that converts energy into plasma. Skill is always active and consumes nothing]

[Plasma Blade: Creates a blade of plasma that can extend upwards of up to 3 feet

Consumes energy: 40/second]

[Plasma Ray: shots a ray of hot plasma from the host's Palms,

Consumes energy: 10/Blast]

'Whoa, this is pretty cool' Max was enthralled

'Activate Plasma Blade' he thought

[Error: Host must active Magnetic field manipulation first]

'Oh yeah, it's plasma, it can't just bend on its own' Max remembered

'Active Magnetic field manipulation' he thought the reason Max hadn't tried this before was that he was afraid that upon activation every metallic object would be attracted to him

Much to his surprise that didn't happen

'Active plasma blade'

[Plasma blade activated]

And a long 3 feet long blue blade had extended out of his hand, Max could sense the heat that the sabre was radiating however it didn't affect him. Rather he didn't even notice the heat until he saw the heat waves coming off of it

Max immediately wanted to try and cut something with it but sadly he couldn't really find anything worth cutting.

'This seems powerful, probably is powerful but I can't just go around cutting up everything in sight' he sighed in disappointment and proceeded to retract his new Plasma blade

There was another problem with the blade he couldn't really use it all the time since it would eat up his entire supply of energy within a matter of minutes

Since there was nothing to cut there was nothing to shoot at either, hence he couldn't try out his plasma ray. But knowing that he could make a sword out of thin air did make him feel more confident.

'Can I maybe use plasma to punch something?' Max thought

Every time he did something energy or plasma related he would feel a slight burning sensation inside of his stomach, Max hypothesised was that this burning sensation had something to do with the burning sensation.

'Maybe I can use plasma without the system' he thought

'But who could teach me how to do it?' At that moment max heard another beep inside of his head but the beep wasn't from the system. It was an idea.

'Sigma has fire related abilities, Plasma is a sort of really hot element. Maybe he could teach me' Max now had a plan and a notification had just affirmed his plan

[New Quest: Have Sigma teach you Free plasma manipulation]

[Rewards: Increase in energy limit by 2000,

Skill: Free plasma manipulation]

'Got it' Max gave the notification a little nod

For the first time in year's Max felt like he was making progress towards his own goal, and not just being kept hostage.

However little did Max know that there were camera's spread throughout his room.

And a malicious person was watching his every move

"So you lied, huh?" A voice muttered


authors note: I apologize, in the chapter "New abilities" I forgot to mention the fact that magnetic field manipulation uses 10 energy per second.

also if you liked the chapter please do leave a review or maybe even drop a power stone who knows hehe.