
The Mountain Crumbles

The words uttered by Destiny were few in number, yet immensely impactful to all those who heard them.

As surprisingly sharp and painful as papercuts, these words slashed through the very existence of the aspect of Fate, whose youthful face was stricken by a deep sense of anger, confusion and self doubt. 

His knowledge and nature.. His very existence had been challenged by these few words. Words so powerful that they chipped away at the undefeatable power of the universe's fate, which, although in an almost inconsequential amount, began to slip out of its aspect's fingers.

The meaning of these words, of course, had nothing to do with the game of chess the young boy and the old man had been playing. A game Destiny had no doubt he would have lost, had his opponent's focus not been taken away by more pressing matters. 

What the old man was referring to, was the everlasting clash between the concept of destiny and the concept of fate.
