
Somnolence on a cloudy day

"Librarian-turned-roadkill." They should have written that on my obituary; I was hit by a car after all. Although, I suppose I shouldn't really worry about that right now, seeing as I've been shoved inside the body of a baby. By the way I have a twin. He has purple hair. So do I and it's natural too. See where I'm going with this? A KHR fanfic [M] for cussing, sex, and incest (later)

Night_Ink · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Thoughts of an innocent (the birth of a brother complex is one to be feared)


The sound of gurgles fills the nursery room in the soft hazy light of the afternoon sun as two babies lie in a pile on top of a crib. A certain mop of purple shifts and moves around; observing the other being underneath them. A giggle comes out of them when they see a funny content look on the other's face. Drool coming out of an open mouth and body spread out like a starfish.

The first thing they had felt before being near the being, was the constant cold despite being warm. Then, after some time, something had happened. It was small and gradual at first; mere wisps of warmth that had grown to that of a blazing fire. It felt as if a missing piece of them had been filled in and fixed to stay forever. They had enjoyed the heat that had been with them.

At one point they had lost the familiar warmth.

Panic filled them when they were pushed away from their precious heat when they had been taken away; they had felt a pressure rise up from their throat, begging to be let out. And so the moment they were able to, they wailed. Begging to go back to the warmth.


Too stubborn in order to get the warmth back, they wouldn't stop, despite the pain. Desperation had filled every part of the being; they didn't want to be alone again. They kept on releasing their pain into the world until they heard another wail close by them.


Instantly, they felt the change.

All the cold had left them and warmth had invaded their whole body. Finally stopping the wails, they had fallen into a sleepy daze, finally content.

Blinking and barely conscious, they felt extremely relieved. Before fading into the realm of sleep with a smile on their lips, one thought permeated their mind.

It's here


When they woke up again, they hadn't panicked like before. It was as if they knew beforehand that the warmth was close. The instinct to constantly seek out the warmth was instilled into the being's body despite being prevented by a solid barrier.

Content with the knowledge that the warmth was safe, they had relaxed and could only wait until they would be reunited again.

Although they wanted to get back to it as soon as possible, they knew that they couldn't do anything yet.


Sometime after that, they had been able to get close to the warmth. Being lifted into the air was a terrifying endeavor but it was worth it. It was extremely frustrating being so close yet far from it; however, they had to make do with the shortened distance.

Being able to finally get close to the warmth was important. The familiar feeling from before had taken a hold of his body again and they freely let it flow through. The connection they had felt to the warmth had a sense of safety and they dozed in the gentleness of it.

One day, after being fed, they felt the feeder move further than what they were used to. The connection to the warmth growing stronger and clearer as they were brought closer to a crib. After being lowered into it, they immediately shifted to where the heat was. A force of calm rushing through had them surprised. Feeling the bond in their core between the two of them, they smiled and fell asleep.

It was terrifying when they were forced apart again. With as much strength as they could, they cried and screamed to stop them from taking them away. They could hear another crying along with them to stop the beings too.

After a couple of times, the beings had finally left them there. With a victorious feeling in their heart, they had decided to reward themself by laying on top of their warmth and taking a snooze that day.

Now, ever since they had begun to spend constant contact with the warmth, they had realized something very important since day one.

The warmth was extremely soft.

Every time they reached out to touch it, the warmth had always touched back. The moments that they have physical contact were always the best. The warmth was always pliant to the physical affections given to it by them. It was so comforting to have it reciprocated. They wouldn't ever want it to end.

The being would do anything to keep the warmth.

No matter the cost.

A yawn breaks their line of thought and catches their attention. Facing towards the warmth, the being relaxes as they see the warmth reaching for them. Curling their fingers with the warmth's own, they flop back on top of the other. Their warmth, always welcoming, wraps around them as their eyes droop.

For now, they must accompany the warmth in a much-needed nap time.


Have any thoughts about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Night_Inkcreators' thoughts