
Somnolence on a cloudy day

"Librarian-turned-roadkill." They should have written that on my obituary; I was hit by a car after all. Although, I suppose I shouldn't really worry about that right now, seeing as I've been shoved inside the body of a baby. By the way I have a twin. He has purple hair. So do I and it's natural too. See where I'm going with this? A KHR fanfic [M] for cussing, sex, and incest (later)

Night_Ink · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Shady clinic just got shadier (who just walks in a nursery and stares at babies)


Eyelids open and shut blearily because of the disturbance in his sleep. After a couple of seconds to reorient himself, he could think clearly, albeit a bit annoyed at the fact that he woke up from his precious cuddle time.

What the fuck?

The sound of the—old as fuck, why don't they ever fix it—door echoes throughout the nursery as it closes shut. Honestly, you were surprised that the others haven't woken up yet, that noise is so obnoxiously loud.

Footsteps echo in the room and grow louder as they come closer to our crib. Seeing the light outside from a glance at the window made me infer that it was the afternoon so the nurses shouldn't be coming in yet. The steps are heavier than the regular nurses who take care of us. Is it a kidnapper? Curious, I feign sleep and resume hugging Squishy as usual. I couldn't resist squeezing him a bit more after he babbled in his sleep.

"Mnnnn," Squishy moaned happily "oogoo". He unconsciously (and doesn't that say a lot about our relationship) accepted my hug and returned my squeezes. Goofy grin on his face and drool slipping out of his mouth.

My god, this baby will be the death of me.

Speaking of death, this situation is screaming out stalker vibes. When the intruder finally stops at my crib they peer down at us. I could feel their shadow fall on us and immediately think of cuddling time with my brother.

Remembering my precious memories I go into a state of pure bliss. In the peripheral of my mind, I note the fact that there was a scratching noise being made by the stranger. He must be writing something.


Interesting I suppose—I should probably be worried right now but I'm too tired to care

"Hm," a low voice murmured "they really are her sons, aren't they. And to have such powerful aspects but still be inactive." A disturbing giggle echoed throughout the room "Simply, fascinating. "

I knew it. This is just great . We've got a mad scientist on the loose.

"Oh," he gasped in awe "they've already bonded." The scribbling of the pen furiously quickens. "I must have them, twin flames are incredibly rare as is. Although," he paused and huffed with annoyance "I suppose I'll give them three years before I pick them up. It's a pity I can't just take them right now."

Feeling a bit uncomfortable with his gaze on my twin, I tightened my grip on Squishy. Instantly, as if sensing my discomfort, he started to wake up. Feeling his head turn and disregard the shadow to look at me, he immediately could tell something was wrong. Trying to pinpoint my source of distress as if by instinct, he looked at the man. Not wanting Squishy to gain his attention, I did the only thing I could do in this kind of situation (bizarre as it is).

I cried.

Listen, when you're a baby you can't do anything and the only defense mechanism you have is your voice. Add in the fact that babies are extremely sensitive? We're practically ticking time bombs. So the combination of a sudden wail and a room full of sleeping newborns would be fatal to the eardrums.


On cue, babies woke up one by one and echoed my cries. Squishy joined in my crusade to vanquish the Baby-Snatcher and wailed the loudest. I feel so proud.

Anyways, back the Baby-Snatcher.

Now that I was "awake" I could see what he looked like. He was a tall man with a wiry frame and had thin greying brown hair. His sickly pale skin made his eyebags more prominent and his green eyes were dulled like a dead fish. However, behind that dull sheen was a mad spark that had me on guard.

He was startled out of his note-taking at my first wail and his face scrunched up as I continued crying. His annoyed eyes quickly turned panicked as he realized what was happening and by the time he concluded that he should go, almost three-fourths of the room was filled with crying babies.

With disappointment, he cursed as he finished writing on his clipboard. A pause (I'm guessing he observed us one more time) and then he hurriedly strode away. Guess it was a good thing to watch those acting videos when I was bored in the Before. Feeling my brother's worried hand clutch mine, I turned to assure him I was fine.

However, as I turned I noticed he was staring at the door the man had walked through with something akin to a glare. His eyes were like ice and broken glass. Huh. I'm pretty sure that babies weren't supposed to be able to emote that well at this stage in life.

Then again, babies weren't supposed to have purple hair.

After a moment to muse at that thought, I tugged at Squishy's hair to gain his attention. Shaken out of his glare towards the wacko he looks at me worriedly, observing to see if I was still upset. I bit back a coo at how cool he was and how easily he was fitting into his role as the older brother and scooted a bit closer to him. After debating a bit I leaned towards his face.



When I leaned back, he seemed confused for a moment: brows furrowed and lips pursed in thought, trying to figure out what I did to his cheek. I had read in a book that you were supposed to give small children affection such as a kiss or hug to calm them down if agitated—I hope I did it correctly—albeit a bit wet. I've never done anything like this so I'm nervous at how he would react.

After a moment he looked at his nervous twin and smoothed out his brows. Thinking for a moment, he decided that he liked the kiss and gave a gummy smile at me. Surprised, I froze for a second when he leaned in.

Soft lips (wet with spit but I'm going to ignore that), press against my cheeks. Pulling away for a bit, he shot a beam of pure sugar straight at me and took my hand in a firm grip.

Realizing what he had done, a whirlwind of emotions went through me: relief that Squishy had accepted it; surprise that he had returned it; and shyness because I don't know what to do next.

A pull from him had me moving closer.

For a baby, he's surprisingly strong.

Shyly, I pressed my forehead to his, gazed into his amethyst orbs, and breathed. Squishy giggled and pushed his forehead against mine and kissed me on the cheek again.

I don't mind if it becomes a habit. After all, I only have one brother to love and take care of. Cuddling into my twin, I only had one exasperated thought for all of the shit happening to me.

God I need my nap


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