
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · 漫画同人
175 Chs


"Are you sure that you want this to be your final decision." A man with white hair and a phantom of opera style mask asked me as he inspected the sheet I just gave him.

Quick recap, I died. And then my soul ended up before this guy who introduced himself as the 'Recruiter'. He was here to offer me a new life in a new world as a client of a omniversal slavery company that is better known as, Waifu Catalog.

If I was a better person, I would have been horrified at the knowledge of such an organization existing and asking me to be a part of their immoral acts. Fortunately, I wasn't. I happen to be a very 'pro me' kind of a person instead and the fact that I would not be staying dead made me happy.

"You know what they say, always be yourself; unless you can be a dragon. Then always be a dragon." I said with a nod. The dragon heritage was awesome, especially if you were to live in a world that didn't have magic; therefore anti dragon concept weapons or magic.

"Guess the customer is always right. Been a long time since I saw a guy who took possession of a demigod and then made himself a dragon." Recruiter shrugged, looking rather bored.

"Oh well, off you go." And then the darkness claimed me.


"Hey, wake up. Wake up." I could feel light slaps hitting my cheek repeatedly as I started to regain my consciousness. Which should be a happy occurrence since it meant that I was alive but unfortunately, I felt real comfortable and didn't want to wake up.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled as I tried to swat the hand slapping me away from my face.

"Yeah, no." And then I felt a hand on my crotch, making me awaken instantly as I leaped away with the grace of a toad.

"Well well, you don't seem to need those five minutes after all." The woman who, I assume, had copped a feel of me said with a smirk with another girl standing beside her with red cheeks.

They were... beautiful. There was no other way to describe it.

The one who had copped a feel had crimson pink hair, blue eyes and a scar on her face that somehow made her look even more mesmerizing. In a wild way. Though only looking at her face was bit of a challenge since the red captain vest she was wearing had its front open in a way that showed her breasts. Something that she seemed to have no problem with as she crossed her arms under her bust, making it perk up.

"See something you like?" I decided to ignore her question in order to look at the other girl.

She was just as beautiful, but in a more regal way. She was rather short, maybe around five foot one, wearing a black kimono with a dark gray hakama. Her hair was black, almost like a night sky with no stars, and done in a braid.

"Good morning." She said as she gave a bow, her right hand on the katana strapped on her waist.

Yami Ichika and Francis Drake, the two waifus I had bought.

"Good morning." I said as I walked to her and realized, thanks to the creak I heard with my step, that we were on a ship.

"So, any idea where we are?" Francis asked with a smile.

...a ship that was in the middle of nowhere.


"Damn, sounds like some shit." Francis said while she rested her head on her fist, somehow looking between bored and intrigued.

"I just told you that I was reincarnated into this world by a multiversal slavery company and that's your reaction?"

"Bah, people are asshole and so are the gods. It ain't much of a surprise to hear there are multiversal assholes as well." The famous captain waved her hand in a 'like I care' manner.

"And the fact that I 'bought' you two?" I asked them, they seemed rather too calm about it.

"Bah, I was a slaver once. It might as well call it karma and be happy that it is in a fun way." Francis scoffed but her smile was still on her face.

"I believe it is because of the mental adjustments. While I am aware that my position is something I should be enraged about, I can't bring myself to be angry or see you as anything other than my Shogun." Ichika said with her hands on her knees. Looking as cool as a cucumber, even with her glare that was more or less her face.

"Well, I am happy that neither of you wants to kill me." Together they actually might have succeeded after all, unlikely while we were in the middle of the sea though.

"Yeah, I think figuring out a way to get this ship to some land is far more important than stuff like that. We can't have adventure if Golden Hind just stays like this." Francis said as she laid on her back with her eyes closed.

"I must agree with Francis-dono. We have no crew, no map or any equipment to show us a way. We need to do something about that." Ichika said with her hand gripping her chin in thought.

"There is no need to fear that." I said with a smile that radiated with my smugness, making the two ladies look at me with confusion.

"And why is that?"

"Before I answer that, Francis Drake, do you allow me to take control of this ship?" I asked with a smile and Drake glared at me for a moment before sighing.

"Sure, if it will allow us to get to the land." She said with her eyes closed.

I could feel my smile growing wider. I may have been able to do what I was about to do without permission but considering the nature of a heroic spirit, I did not want to risk it.

I held my arm out towards the sea and before their eyes, the water from the sea rose to my hand and took the shape of a trident before freezing. Giving me a trident made out of ice.

"Then let's go!" I yelled with glee as I thrusted my new weapon forward and the sails came to life, blowing with strong winds that weren't there a moment before and the ropes around the sip started to move around in order to tie themselves up. We were going towards west, faster than any ship had any right to be.

Truly, it is nice to be Percy Jackson in the sea!