

WARNING MATURED CONTENTS R18 kamlyn yang a 17 years old beauty adored by her family and friends. Living a peaceful and carefree life, pampered by her parents. what happens when tragedy strikes and her walls of happiness crumbles. Not being able to take the misfortune kamlyn falls into depression. Legally adopted by the Lu's her parents business partner and best friends.kamlyn is set to live a new life,but what happens when she meets Ethan Lu , A cold and aloof yet devilishly handsome man legally being her brother by adoption. What happens when a depressed kamlyn finds herself in a family situation in contrast to hers? what does life have in plan for them? read to find out how she will overcome challanges and fight for love ******************************* please this is my first book.please forgive my incorrect spellings and other mistakes if any. kindly support me if you find my work worthy of your liking . I'll appreciate. It will encourage me. If there is any problem kindly notify me in the comments. I'll have to rely on your reviews to improve my work . THANK YOU.

Author_Bright · 现代言情
62 Chs


The sound of the car making an entrance was heard from inside the mansion. Louis and Elina who were worried sick, rushed out pronto because they knew they were back already.

Though what they saw was not what they expected, they pushed it aside to ponder about later,

They strode forward, seeing Axel opening up the door to the back seat, they were ready to welcome kamlyn, Thinking she was the one about to come down.

But unexpectedly, Ethan came down with an unconscious kamlyn in his arms, holding her so securely. It was surprising though but they quickly masked their stunned expression as they made their way toward them.

"How is she? what happened?" Elina queried instantly blocking their way.

"She is okay mom, she is just unconscious," Axel responded candidly.

"Is she going to be okay? When does the doctor say she would be awake?" Elina asked again more worried than the last.

"In an hour which is going to be less than thirty minutes now, she needs rest," Axel replied again.

Ethan just stood still holding her, His mother was standing on his way into the mansion. He waited patiently as Axel answered all her questions which he knew he didn't have the time to answer. All this while he kept distracting himself from looking down at her, he concentrated straight on his mother and Axel, waiting for them to be done so he could pass and get this over with.

"She will be alright soon, let's just give it some time." Louis said while rubbing Elina's back soothingly.

"Mom you are in the way." Axel reminded her as it seemed she didn't notice that yet.

Elina shifted from the path to let them pass.

They all sauntered behind Ethan who was heading straight to kamlyn's bedroom.

When he arrived, Elina quickly assisted him with opening the door.

Immediately the door was open he strode in with her in the direction of the huge mattress placed for her.

He lowered her gently with his hands holding her head in securing manner, he tucked her in carefully. He suddenly felt the urge to wipe off the hair from her face, but he remembered they were still in the presence of everyone.

Rapidly, his expression went back to usual, stern and cold. He didn't even get a last look at her, his insides were screaming to take a glance but without hesitation, he left the room after laying her down.

The moment he left, Elina didn't even wait for a second, she immediately rushed over to kamlyn's side, Taking a look at her pitiful daughter. She felt really bad, so bad at the moment.

"I think we should let her rest." Axel said seeing that Elina won't leave any time soon.

"He is right, she needs some rest." Louis seconded.

"Mmmm, let's get going." Elina finally agreed as she slowly nods her head in understanding

They all made their way out with axel behind them as he shut the noiselessly.

They each went their separate paths leading to their different rooms.

"Let's go grab a drink, see you at the usual spot," Ethan said as he immediately ended the call leaving no room for an excuse from the person on the other line.

He crouched back on the chair he sat, rubbing the space in between his brows slowly. He sighed tiredly, he was really exhausted but he needed someone to talk to at this moment, and his best friend, Morris Zhang is the right person for that.

He picked up his keys and headed out. He felt so.....! the feeling was unknown to him. For sure strange is not the word, if he could describe it then foreign would be the perfect word for it.

He drove out hurriedly to where he was going.

Morris Zhang, The only son, and successor of the Zhang medical institution. Their major in the business industry is based on medicine. They are the top leading medical firm in the country. They are compatible with the Lu's and yangs in terms of wealth and reputation.

Morris sat patiently waiting for Ethan to arrive, he received a call from him earlier requesting to meet at their usual spot. Not requesting though but ordering.

What can he do? he already got used to this long ago, he knew his best friend was born that way, imperturbable and immotile.

Not long after a black spots car drove in distracting him from his thought, he knew already who it was, though they haven't seen each other for a while now he was glad they got the chance today.

Ethan strode in with steady strides looking around to get sight of Morris.

Morris waved his hands for Ethan to find him.

Ethan walked over to morris once he saw his gesture, he took a seat when he reached.

"Hey man! how are you doing?" Morris asked as they shook hands and bumped shoulders.

"Good, you?" Ethan replied and reciprocated the concern.

"Cool man." Morris replied.

He knew for Ethan to call him out for a drink something must be bothering him. Which he was yet to find out, he instantly made a move to ask.

"What's wrong? you called me out without even caring if I was busy. You must be bothered about something, spill it." Morris went straight to the point because just like Ethan he doesn't like beating about the bush.

"Can't I call you without something bothering me, is that what you are saying?" Ethan replied with a smirk.

"Your words, not mine, besides it evident in your face that you are bothered, man! so spill what's up?" Morris asked with a smile.

"I don't know either, that's why I am here," Ethan replied helplessly.

Morris could not utter a single word, he was immediately tongued tied. Of course he can't believe it. A whole Ethan Lu could not understand his own problem. Wow, he could not wait to find out what this so-called issue is.

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