
Chapter 35

"I see you gave her food even when I said that nobody was allowed to." Maynard said entering Lucius' bedroom. Lucius looked up from the book that he was reading, he took of his glasses and he put them on the side of the bed as he watched Maynard sit on his bed.

" I didn't say that you could sit. "Lucius said. Maynard smiled looking at lucius.

"My house, my rules." He said.

"OH, I didn't know that, but I thought that I had a little bit of freedom and rights too." He said.

"You the right to stick your nose into my business? Is that the kind of rights you are talking about?" Maynard asked.

"Well, I can stick my nose wherever I want." He said. "So what do you want?" Lucius asked.

"I want you out of my house first thing tomorrow morning." Maynard said.

"Sorry but I am not going anywhere, I'll only leave when I feel like it." Lucius said.

"If you don't want to leave willingly then I won't mind dragging you out." He said.

"I am not Emma and if you think that everyone will let you mistreat them and then keep quiet about it, then you are wrong. I don't live by any body's rules, I live by my own rules." Lucius said.

"It's sister to you, I the only one who can call her by her name. If I hear you call her by her name ever again..." Before Maynard could finish his sentence he was cut off by butler X, who ran into the room. He had a worried look on his face.

"Master this is bad, Miss Emma is bleeding heavily on her head, and she is not waking up." He said. Maynard stood up quickly from the bed.

"Bring her into my bedroom and call the doctor...this girl." He said. Butler X nodded his head and he did as told.

"What? Are you worried about her now?" Lucius asked.

"I'll deal with you later." Maynard said rushing out of lucius' room. Lucius shook his head smiling.

After some time the doctor came out of Maynard's room. Maynard was standing outside waiting impatiently, he didn't know how much time had passed but to him it felt like he had waited for centuries. The doctor took of his glasses wiping off the swaet that was on his eyes. "Buddy, you really have to keep an eye on her. She did this to herself. I don't want to ask you why because I have already guessed why." He said.

"Just tell me how she's doing and stop wasting my time, Lorenzo." He said.

"I have managed to treat her external wounds, but you have to bring her to the hospital for more check ups tomorrow I have to check if there are no severe internal injuries that might affect her brain. She should in the hospital by 7am, don't come in late. "Lorenzo said." If anything happens then you can contact me, have a nice day. "He said and then he left. Maynard sighed. This was not something he expected would happen, but just like they always say expect the unexpected. He entered the room and he saw Emma lying on the bed with her body facing up, her eyes were open so she was not sleeping. She Wal staring up at the ceiling. He walked closer and he sat on the side of the bed. He could see the bandage that was wrapped around her head.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to finish me off then if you are just hurry up and do it." Emma said.

"No I am not. If I wanted you to die then I wouldn't have called a doctor to come and save you." He said.

"Why did you save me?"She asked.

" Why did you you try to kill yourself? "He asked.

"I would rather die than stay in that basement." She said.

"Well you are in luck, your punishment Is over." He said Emma looked at him raising her eyebrow. She was still not well enough to move her head freely.

"Don't move around you need to rest. I have to take you to see the doctor tomorrow for some more check ups or whatever." He said.

"Did the sun rise from the west today?" Emma asked.

"What, am I not allowed to take you to the doctor?" He asked.

"I prefer lucius over you." Emma said with a smile on her face, and she knew that she had struck a nerve. Maynard clenched his jar. "I mean it's normal fir me to do so. He has been caring and nice to me so yeah, I would rather go with someone who treats me like a human than someone who treats me like an inanimate object." She said.

"He is not your husband I am, so I'll be taking you to the doctor tomorrow and that's final. And if I hear lucius' name come out of your mouth the I will cut off your tongue, do I make myself clear?" He said.

"What's the point of arguing with you, arguing with you is like begging the sun to stop rising." She said.

"Rest well, I will see you later." He said standing up leaving Emma alone in the room. She looked around the room with her eyes. If only she could just get rid of this man.

A few minutes after Maynard walked out, lucius walked in with a smile on his face."Hey" he said walking in.

"Hey." She replied.

"How are you feeling?" He asked seating down next to her.

"Worse." She said.

"And your knees?" He asked.

"They got worse too." She said.

"Why did you do that?"He asked.

" I don't, I just felt like doing it. "She said.

" I just hope that you didn't suffer a severe contusion . "He said.

" What's a contusion ? "She asked.

" A contusion contusion is a bruise to the brain itself. A contusion causes bleeding and swelling inside of the brain around the area where the head was struck, it may occur along with a fracture or other blood clots, so you wouldn't want that would you.+? "He said.

"You are only saying that to scare me right?" She asked.

"No, and trust me you are lucky to even be awake right now. Are you sure you are a human?" Lucius asked laughing.

"Of course you dummy." She said.

"Alright I am going to make you some healthy soup okay, I'll be back in a moment." He said and then he walked out of the room.