

Being forced to give up your dreams and hopes just to get married is the worst thing that could happen to a woman, especially Emma Xavier, who was forced to drop out of school at the age of 16 after her family's company went bankrupt, her parents forced her get married to one of the most successful and ruthless businessman in the world for money. This is a story of how Emma's life changed drastically after she married Maynard and how she develops feelings for him knowing full well that she shouldn't because that would be against the contract. But unknown to her the marriage contract isn't the only thing that is not letting him allow her to fall in love with there is something else.

Kaulifla42699 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 34

Third person POV

Maynard sat outside in the garden listening to the swaying trees and singing birds. He knew that he had gone too far, locking her up in the basement was not something that he thought he would do to her, but for her to her to hate him he was willing to do anything, even if it meant locking her up in the basement. He did not want to do it, but he just didn't want to risk it, the last thing that he wanted was her falling in love with him. His life was just too complicated and he did not want to involve her in it. "Maynard what is the matter with you, how can you lock her up in that place?!" Lucius shouted as he stood in front of Maynard.

"If I remember correctly I told you to mind your own business, so please leave me alone." He said.

"Are you crazy?! You even took her wheel chair, and you made her seat on the cold floor. That place it dark, cold and dirty. Maynard what has gotten into you?" He asked.

"Lucius you are being like this right now because you don't understand. I told you I just want her to hate me, I can't let her fall in love with me. That is what I don't want so please don't judge me." He said.

"Do judge you? You know there are other ways to make a person hate you, but this... This is just too much. She is still a kid you can't keep hurting her like this, she deserves better Maynard, she deserves someone better." He said. Maynard looked up at him.

"And does that someone happen to be you?" Maynard asked standing up. Lucius looked at him with disbelief.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well look my dear lucius I am not blind okay, and don't think that I don't know that you have feelings for her." He said.

"So me caring for her means that I have feelings for her, is that what you think?, Maynard, I just don't like to see people suffer that's why I am helping her and doing the job that you should have been doing as her husband. You should be taking care of her not torturing her. There are other ways to Mahe her hate you what you are doing now is just too much for a 16 year old child."He said.

"Are you done?"


"If you are done then get the hell out of my sight." Maynard said. Maynard looked at him shaking his head. He knew that talking to Maynard was just useless, Maynard has always been stubborn and he didn't like to be told what to do.

"Fine, be that way bully." Lucius said and he walked away. Maynard sat down on the chair, he massaged his temples. He sighed in frustration, he didn't know for how long he would have to keep this up because he just didn't like hurting her the way he was but he felt like he had no choice at all. He just had to do it to avoid trouble in the future.

Lucius opened the door that led to the basement. The basement was dark and lonely, it had a metal floor and metal walls, there were no windows. Lucius switched on his torch and he walked to where Emma was. He found her sitting on the metal floor, she was shivering and her eyes were red from all the crying. She was locked up in a small cell, and lucius didn't have the keys. "Emma, I brought you food and water." He said and he slid the tray that had food on it from under the small space the was under the bars. Emma looked up, she really admired the efforts that lucius was putting in just to make her feel happy and safe, things that Maynard should have been doing. Sometimes she just wished that she would have been sold to lucius instead of Maynard.

She reached out fir the tray of food and she started eating. She had been locked up in the basement fir four hours and she could feel herself getting sick every second. "Thank you lucius." She said. Her voice was faint.

"I am sorry I couldn't find the keys, I am really sorry I wish I could do more than give you food, I wish that I could help you to get out of this place away from him." He said.

"Lucius... It's okay, I'll be fine." She said, tears were falling down of her eyes.

"You... Emma can I ask you a question?" He asked. She nodded her head while picking up the glass of water and drinking it. "If Maynard were to change one day would you forgive him?"He asked. Emma looked down at the glass of water tightening her grip.

"No, I don't think so. Expecting him to change is expecting the sun to rise from the west and set in the east. It's impassable for something like him to change." She said.

"I just hope that you can be happy one day, finish up so that I can take the tray back before Maynard notices." He said and Amara nodded her head.

After eating her food she pushed the tray back to lucius from the space from under the bars. "I'll come and bring you food again later tonight." He said.

"Okay, thanks again." She said and lucius nodded his head and then he walked out of the basement. Emma sighed, trying to fight back the tears and the thoughts that were started to occur in her mind at the moment. She really wished that she had married lucius instead of Maynard maybe her life would have been better, maybe she wouldn't have to suffer, maybe she would be living a peaceful and great life with him. She shook her head, she told herself that that would never happen, she would just have to wait and see what the future holds for her.