

編輯: Simple MTL

Her golden eyes looked at the location of the seal with supreme dignity, completely ignoring Lei Luo. She looked at everyone present with contempt as if she was looking at an ant.

The black dragon armor covered the surface of the original heavy armor. The heavy armor that was originally human-like was now completely gone, leaving only a huge black dragon overlooking the world.

It did not stay still. The huge black dragon breath condensed in its beak-like mouth. Lei Luo endured the intense pain on his body and forced himself to stand up. He knew in his heart that the probability of him withstanding this spell was not high, but there was no other way. If he could not block it, he would not have to go to the demon world.

The conflict between him and the demon world could no longer be reconciled. Even if he wanted to seize the empire, the demon world was everyone's bottom line because no imperial force could block the iron hooves of the demon world alone.